
Insurgents Are Us: Death Squad Capitalism In Iraqi
I'm leaving this article from Indymedia up because it gives a clear indication of the way in which the insurgency and its supporters are consciously using the press since the armed insurgency is not achieving their goals.

INSURGENTS ARE US: Death Squad Capitalism


The American staged election in Iraq, which was designed to sub-contract their Death Squads and provide a façade of legitimacy for an otherwise illegitimate phenomenon, is three month old. Yet behind the armored walls of the protected Green Zone, with all the pressures from Rumsfeld, Rice and Khalilzad and even when faced with the possibility of assassination, kidnapping and Mosque burnings the handpicked members have not still succumbed to the American choice of appointees.

This is a strange phenomenon that people go to poles, elect a list of hooded, nameless and faceless representatives, then vote for a slate of candidates that no-one knows or what they really spouse. It become even stranger when the world is seeing that even this sham, behind the fortress of the so-called Green Zone has failed to produce a puppet government to represent the occupiers will. It becomes weirder when you see there is no analysis of this farce in the media.

American occupiers arranged the election so the desired personnel composed of outsiders like allawi and Jaaffari thugs of traitors, murderers and thieves would run Iraq for America. The Corporate Media, pronounced this ploy to the world as the Iraq " historic election" that would send shock waves through the dictatorial Muslim world that would ignite a chain reaction of after shocks to liberate the Middle East from political and cultural oppression. There is no government because they are afraid of us Death Squads. They know it is like joining the Mafia and swearing allegiance to the Godfather. Once you are in it there is no way out of it . They are aware of the fact more that any one else that Insurgents are US.

The US is everywhere. US is everywhere! US control their phones, their security, al aspects of their daily life, and their environment.
Posted by: GADFLY 2005-04-28