
Filibuster Fight Extends Beyond Senate
Former presidential candidate Al Gore accused Senate Republicans on Wednesday of carrying out the dirty work of right wing heretics bent on undermining the federal courts by seeking an end to Democratic judicial filibusters.
He's getting better. He used the word "heretics" but what kind of heretics? Religious? Seems to me the Democrats use of the filibuster is boardering on un-constitutional.
Gore said the path to a quasi-Republican dictatorship is paved by an end to judicial filibusters.
More like an end to Democrat obstructionism.
"Their grand design is an all-powerful executive using a weakened legislature to fashion a compliant judiciary in its own image," Gore told members of MoveOnPAC.
Where does he get these ideas?
Gore warned that ending the Democrats' novel use of a 60-vote majority to defeat a handful of conservative court nominees would turn Americans over to merciless corporations and religious zealots.
There it is! Religious Zealots! Merciless Corporations! and Bears, oh my!!
"America would face the twin dangers of an economic blueprint that eliminated most all of the safeguards and protections established for middle-class families throughout the 20th century and a complete revision of the historic insulation of the rule of law from sectarian dogma," Gore said.
There is absolutely no way ending the filibuster on court judge nominations is going to do any damage at all, much less wht Howlin' Al espouses. What it may end is the practice liberal judges ignoring legisatures and de-facto making of laws.
Gore's protests nothwithstanding, former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole set aside earlier misgivings and endorsed a move to abolish judicial filibusters. Dole said he preferred a negotiated settlement but concluded that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist had the right to end what he called unconstitutional Democratic obstructionism.
From Gore we get horror tales and moonbatery and from Dole sensible solutions. If Howlin' Al had his way the Courts would have handed him the election. He just can't get over the fact he's irrelevant. He was irrelevant as Vice-President (except when he cast the deciding vote to give immigrants who had never worked in this country and never paid into Social Security all the benefits of Social Security).
Posted by: Deacon Blues 2005-04-28