
Egypt Pro-Reform Movement Spreads Outside Capital
Egypt's pro-reform movement Kefaya (Enough) gained considerable ground when it staged simultaneous rallies across the country in protest at President Hosni Mubarak's unchallenged 24-year-old rule. Defying a ban against street demonstrations, the coalition group of Marxists, Nasserites, liberals and Islamic dissidents from the Muslim Brotherhood coordinated 14 marches Wednesday at the same time under the banner "no constitution without freedom."

Kefaya, which first surfaced in December, has been profiting from a growing wave of dissent recently joined by university students, judges and teachers — all urging overdue democratic changes. Demonstrators have been increasingly bold in their calls to lift the state of emergency imposed after the assassination of Mubarak's predecessor, Anwar Sadat, 24 years ago. Kefaya has even dared to publicly ask Mubarak to step down. "Enough", "No to a fifth mandate", "No to Mubarak, his party and his son", are slogans often heard at Kefaya's rallies.
Posted by: Fred 2005-04-29