
Yemen: 7,000 infiltrators seized over last three months
In cooperation with coastal guards, the Yemeni security apparatuses seized around 6,900 infiltrators since the beginning of 2005, 1,600 of whom are women and children. The Jordanian Dustoor Newspaper quoted Yemeni official sources as saying: "Nearly 2,700 infiltrators and illegal residents were caught in the Yemen lands late this month". The Website of September 26 run by the Ministry of Defense reported that security sources mentioned more than 95% of those caught in the Yemeni coasts, particularly Shabwa Coast to the south of Yemen, were transported by unidentified boats from the Horn of Africa into the Yemeni lands. It said around 2675 infiltrators, caught during last March, hold Somali citizenships, and 565 of whom are women and children, in addition to other seven people with different Arab citizenships and 18 Ethiopians. Infiltrators caught in last March and April numbered up to 4,200 including 1,100 women and children. This brought to over 6 thousand the number of infiltrators and illegal residents seized in the Yemeni lands over the first fourth of 2005. The sources pointed out that over 6060 of the total number of infiltrators caught in the Yemeni lands hold the Somali citizenship.
Posted by: Fred 2005-04-29