
GOP Rep. Lance Gooden: The Federal Government Funds Migrant Smuggling
[Breitbart] If voters give the GOP a House majority in November, then GOP legislators will investigate and expose the migrant smuggling networks funded by President Joe Biden’s administration, said Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX).

“Many of these migrants are being aided, in fact, by [U.S.] nonprofits who are using our tax dollars to do the aiding and helping them across, helping them get on airplanes without documentation, helping them to evade court hearing and helping them to burrow into society and evade any questions from law enforcement,” Gooden told Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

“It is just stunning to me that we are giving money to anybody that’s not a U.S. citizen — much less someone who’s come into this country the wrong way,” added Gooden, who was first elected in 2018 to Texas’s 5th district, east of Dallas.

When the migrants are south of the U.S. border, they are being supported by the United Nations and Mexican-based aid groups, Gooden said:

The United Nations … is receiving support from the US government, among others. And [it is] helping sponsor these caravans [of migrants], they’re giving them debit cards, providing them with financial assistance throughout their journey to the U.S. border.

But the migrants who cross the U.S. border also get support from a U.S -based network of Non-Government Organizations [NGOs], he said:

When the [migrants] get to the border, they try to claim asylum status, which has to be determined through a proper hearing. But during the time that they are waiting for their trial day, they are aided by these NGOs.

You’ve heard me talk about Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Council, [and] the Lutherans [which] are involved. What they do is they go to the border and take these asylum seekers from [the Department of Homeland Security, DHS]. They’re paid by [DHS] to provide aid. So there’s an incentive to bring in more people because the more people that the Catholic Charities [or] the Jewish Family Council bring in, the more money they get from the U.S. government. It is a way that the administration has helped to aid — and in fact fund — the invasion of our nation.

Posted by: Skidmark 2022-02-26