
Ritter: U.S. plans massive air strike on Iran (hope he's right, heh)
From Geostrategy-Direct, subscription req'd.
Does Scott Ritter know something that we don't?
Aside from underage chicks....
The controversial ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said President Bush has approved plans to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons installations. The date: June 2005. The method: a massive air attack.
Blinding statement of the obvious.
Scott Ritter: The U.S. minimum goal is to destroy most of the Iranian nuclear facilities and set back Teheran's program at least a decade.
Sounds like a plan.
Ritter, in a February lecture in Olympia, Wash., said the administration had a minimum and maximum goal in the air operation over Iraq. The minimum goal was to destroy most of the Iranian nuclear facilities and set back Teheran's program at least a decade.

The maximum goal was to destroy Iran's cleric regime and set the stage for a pro-democratic takeover. Ritter doubted that either goal would be accomplished.
And why, pray tell does he doubt the US ability? Or is it wishful thinking?
Is Ritter's information accurate? Here's what we know: Over the past year, the Pentagon has been discussing and training for a major air and ground attack on Iran. U.S. satellites and reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles have been scouring everything above ground in Iran in a search for WMD facilities.
As well they should be. Bush Doctrine 101.
In February 2005, Bush quietly approved a State Department recommendation for Washington to endorse the European Union diplomatic campaign to halt Iranian uranium enrichment. But neither Bush nor Vice President Dick Cheney gives the EU effort any chance of success.
The Great Appeasement, Perdiem, and Lunch Festival with the MMs.
Instead, the White House sees the EU effort as a justification for much harsher measures after failure. Would harsh measures include a military attack on Iran in another two months?
It will be time critical to take out Bushehr before it is loaded with fuel. It is also time critical to disable the U235 concentration process, too, before too many critical masses are accumulated.
Regardless, Ritter's goal wasn't to inform the American people as much as warn them of the consequences of a U.S. war against Iran. As he sees it, a U.S. war with Iran would make the 2003 invasion of Iraq a picnic. Stay tuned.
So what does Ritter suggest to keep fissile material out of the hands of the MMs, or does his pathological hate of the US cause him to wish that it were so with the MMs?
Posted by: Alaska Paul 2005-04-30