
He's Back: Governator Praises Minuteman Project
Heh, I knew he'd find his own voice.
Schwarzenegger says group's patrols against illegal immigrants have been effective. One critic calls remarks 'nothing short of base racism.'
That's the classic canard to scare off meaningful discussion, debate, and effective enforcement of the law. It's one of the new "Nazi" arguments used to silence critics of the Socialist agenda. (see Godwin's Law)
Calling the nation's borders dangerously porous, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday praised the private "Minuteman" campaign that uses armed volunteers to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S.
Having a presence on the border works.
Schwarzenegger said in a radio interview that the federal government is failing to secure the border with Mexico, and he cast the hundreds of private citizens who have been patrolling the Arizona-Mexico border since April 1 as a popular response to government inaction.
Calling a spade a spade. Unique in CA politics.
"I think they've done a terrific job," Schwarzenegger said of the "Minuteman" volunteers, who plan to expand to California in June. "They've cut down the crossing of illegal immigrants a huge percentage. So it just shows that it works when you go and make an effort and when you work hard. It's a doable thing."
The governor added that, "It's just that our federal government is not doing their job. It's a shame that the private citizen has to go in there and start patrolling our borders."
And taking shit from the Civil Service weenies for it.
President Bush has denounced the Minuteman volunteers as vigilantes.
Major fuckup. Bit you in the ass, didn't it George. Paying attention, now?
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) expressed surprise that Schwarzenegger would be "praising efforts by untrained volunteers to patrol the borders. The best course 
 would be to add an additional 2,000 border patrol agents."
Not so sure, Madame Finger-In-The-Wind. I now trust nothing that reports to the likes of you.
The leader of a Mexican American group called the governor's comments "shameful" and "nothing short of base racism. I think we're seeing the real Arnold Schwarzenegger. The mask has now fallen," said Nativo V. Lopez, state national president of the Mexican American Political Assn. "Those of immigrant stock should have no illusions about what his real sentiments and feelings are toward them."
Lol! The New Jesse Jackson - whose power exists in speaking for the illegals. No more of them or making them legal puts you out of business.
Just last week, Schwarzenegger and his aides sought to clarify his statement to a convention of newspaper publishers that the nation should "close the borders." Before his speech was over, an aide told reporters that Schwarzenegger had meant to say that the U.S. should secure its borders — not shut them down.
Should've never let the PR dick start spinning. Nothing to spin, it's the law.
Schwarzenegger has frequently sought advice from former Gov. Pete Wilson, a Republican who used the issue of illegal immigration to fuel his reelection campaign in 1994. Schwarzenegger also has hired several former Wilson staff members, including his chief of staff, Pat Clarey.
Fornicalians know the score on immigration, but so few will stand up that they seldom get to prove it.
An organizer of what is being called the "Minuteman Project," Chris Simcox, said he welcomed Schwarzenegger's endorsement. "It's gratifying to see that elected officials are responding to the will of the people," Simcox said in an interview Thursday.
Your new Best Buddy, heh.
He said there are about 15,000 volunteers who have committed to patrolling the border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The group is also incorporating, assembling a staff and opening a national fundraising campaign, Simcox said. He added that he planned to call Schwarzenegger.
Like the spotlight, eh? S'okay, so does The Governator, heh.
Volunteers may carry firearms if they choose, he said, but they obey all local laws. Their practice is not to apprehend people but to report instances of illegal crossings, he said. "We don't involve ourselves in taking the law into our own hands," he said.
They did it right and it worked. Don't change a thing.
Margita Thompson, the governor's press secretary, said: "At this point, the governor does not oppose" the group coming to California.
Damned PR people. Get them away from the microphones before they screw it up. Speak for yerself, Gov.
As far as the charge of racism against the governor, she said: "It's not racist to ask the federal government to enforce its laws. Everyone should be united in wanting to protect our national security."
Say it like you mean it. Show some spine.
In his interview with KFI-AM (640), the governor said he was deeply troubled by illegal crossings and what he described as an inadequate federal effort to tighten borders. He said he was especially disturbed by footage he had seen recently on Fox News showing "hundreds and hundreds of illegal immigrants coming across the border."
As should every American.
Schwarzenegger said the nation is sending the wrong signal by making water available to migrants as a convenience.
F**kin' Duh.
Humanitarian and religious groups, such as Humane Borders and No More Deaths, provide water for immigrants crossing the border. Federal wildlife officials have provided water stations in the desert for animals but have been criticized for not providing enough for people.
Mebbe they'd be happier if there were a string of convenience stores featuring trail mix.
Said Schwarzenegger, "What we're doing basically is, by not really securing the borders, we're saying: 'Look, here are the various water stations. Here are the places where you can cross the borders. Here is where we're going to help you.' The whole system is set up to really invite people to come in here illegally, and that has to stop."
He "gets it", heh.
Enrique Morones, president of the Border Angels, an immigrant rights group, responded to the governor's comments. "I assure you, nobody is coming here for the water, and the stations we have set up by various organizations is a humanitarian effort. "We don't respond to Arnold Schwarzenegger; we respond to a higher authority. We're a nonpolitical, humanitarian organization."
Uh, huh. Higher Authority. Right. You mean Fox? You're aptly named.
Asked by the hosts of the "John and Ken Show" why Bush called the volunteers vigilantes, Schwarzenegger said: "I really cannot tell you exactly what his thinking is. I'm sure he's trying to solve the problem as well as anyone can. And he maybe has more information than you and I have. Why he has a policy about the border the way he has, I don't know. I've not had that conversation with him. "But the next time I see him, I will have that conversation."
I think it was a brain fart. I'd like to hear him retract it, no ifs ands, or buts.
Schwarzenegger's opponents in the Legislature voiced outrage at the governor's comments.
Fingers in the wind? Check.
Agenda before all else? Check.
Heads up asses? Check.

Aides to Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez (D-Los Angeles) said he was furious and promptly called Schwarzenegger to complain.
"I'm weally weally unhappy!"
Assemblyman Hector De La Torre, a Democrat from South Gate, blasted the governor's comments as "scapegoating and immigrant bashing. To support vigilantism is completely against the oath he took" to uphold the law, De La Torre said. "It goes way beyond normal law enforcement, normal border patrol jurisdiction. It's just off the charts. For him to say this puts him to the right of President Bush. This is completely out of the mainstream in California."
No, it doesn't, moron. It goes directly to the heart of the issue: enforcing the law.
In the same radio interview, the governor also asked a Spanish-language Los Angeles television station, KRCA-TV Channel 62, to remove a billboard it erected with the words "Los Angeles, Mexico." The governor said such sentiments — implying that Los Angeles was now part of Mexico — would encourage illegal immigration.
It's a snark, Gov. We know you get it - don't try to placate the cowards and subversives. Go on the offensive - and stay there.
Some conservatives welcomed Schwarzenegger's comments.
"Obviously, we are very happy the governor is beginning to side more and more with those of us who have been taking the problems with illegal aliens seriously," said Mike Spence, president of the California Republican Assembly, a volunteer group. "The governor gets that illegal aliens are a problem facing California."
Big, he is. Slow, he's not. Time for that conversation with Bush you promised, Gov. And keep whacking the 'tards until all of Sacramento screams in pain and realizes the gig is up.
Posted by: .com 2005-04-30