
Mutual shelling continues between government and opposition in the northwest

DLIB, Syria (North Press) – On Saturday, several places in the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria witnessed exchange of shelling between Turkish-backed opposition factions and the government forces.

From Jurin camp, the government targeted the town of al-Ziyara, the village of al-Sarmania and the outskirts of the town of al-Enkawi in the Ghab Plain, west of Hama, with heavy artillery and missiles, opposition military sources told North Press.

The opposition factions’ sites in the villages and towns of Kansafra, al-Fatira, Sufuhn, al-Ruwaiha and outskirts of al-Bara, in the Zawiya Mountain area, south of Idlib, were hit similarly hit by the government forces, the sources said. Meanwhile, al-Fatah al-Mubin Operations Room announced that it had bombed the government forces’ sites in the villages of al-Malajah and al-Dar al-Kabira in Zawiya Mountain, with mortar shells.

The areas of northwest Syria are included in the de-escalation agreement signed between Russia and Turkey in March 2020, but the region witnesses almost daily military escalation and mutual bombing between the two sides of the conflict.

Reporting by Bara’ al-Shami

Posted by: badanov 2022-03-06