
Operation to denazify Ukraine: operational summary March 6 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFrontInfo] 23:35 The Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv released from custody one of the suspects of rape, kidnapping, murder and cruel torture, Daniil Lyashuk from the scandalous battalion "Tornado" * (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation).

22:07 The situation in Kharkov: howitzers, mortars, MLRS, anti-aircraft guns. This is what is now working from Kharkov for departure. Howitzers and mortars in the interior - Kievskaya, the Malyshev plant, and so on; MLRS ride, and anti-aircraft guns on Shishkovka and on the slopes on Shevchenko under the polytechnic. Spring landscape with soundtrack.

22:05 Poland will not send fighters to Ukraine and will not give permission to use its airfields. This was announced by the government in Warsaw.

21:22 Since the beginning of the special operation, thousands of people want to leave Ukraine and go to Russia, but the Kiev authorities refuse to let them out;

21:20 The Ukrainian side categorically rejects cooperation on the evacuation of people from Kharkov and Sumy.

20:30 According to updated information from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled Gorlovka with a rocket fired from the Tochka-U shopping mall.

20:06 Propaganda of the Nazi Reich on TV has subsided: as a result of the shelling, a direct hit on the TV tower happened, due to which the broadcast of some channels in the city was interrupted.

18:43 The facts of the emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of the traces of the military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, have been revealed. Employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories provided documents on the destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague and anthrax on February 24.

Documents obtained in Ukraine indicate that in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

18:41 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: The use of the airfield network of countries for basing combat aviation of Ukraine can be regarded as the involvement of countries in an armed conflict.

18:40 Employees of Ukrainian defense industry enterprises are forced to restore damaged Ukrainian military equipment, the Russian Federation will strike at such objects, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

18:31 Fighter aircraft and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down three more Ukrainian Su-27 fighters and three unmanned aerial vehicles in the air. In total, yesterday and incomplete today, the Ukrainian Air Force lost 11 combat aircraft and 2 helicopters. Almost all combat-ready aviation of the Kiev regime has been destroyed, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

18:27 In Ukraine, there is a mass exodus of men from mobilization. Or maybe it’s worth taking up arms and starting, together with adequate people, to clean the country from the Nazis?

17:55 Adviser to the head of Zelensky's office, Aleksey Arestovich, complained about the panicked mood of Ukrainians who criticize the actions of the authorities in Kyiv.

17:36 "Zakhisniks" are posing with NATO weapons in a kindergarten. I suppose the issue of arrivals to kindergartens is closed? Whom to thank is also clear. They will be kicked out of there, and then the media, which does not care about everyone equally, will talk about vile Russians fighting children. Oil painting.

17:27 A photo showing the aftermath of a missile attack on the Vinnytsia airport. Now Zelensky and the media resources controlled by him complain that it was a civilian infrastructure facility. It is not true. Vinnitsa Airport is not a civil one, but a dual-purpose one. The 456th separate mixed aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is based on it. Or rather, based.

16:56 Kharkiv. Today. Zelensky's militants traditionally hide in residential areas in the immediate vicinity of high-rise buildings behind the backs of women and children.

15:00 Vinnitsa was attacked. Presumably Gavrishovka airport.

13:00 A terrorist attack was prevented in Kherson. The people's militia of the Kherson region detained the major of the territorial defense brigade, who was tasked with blowing up people at the rally. The purpose of the attack is to blame the Russian military for what happened and provoke clashes between the local population and the security forces.

12:20 More than 216,000 Ukrainians have entered Moldova since February 24, 1,429 have asked for asylum.

11:53 War criminals Turchinov and Poroshenko "lit up" in Ivano-Frankivsk.

11:20 In western Ukraine, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, under the leadership of representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the schismatic OCU, churches and parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate are being seized.

11:03 Heavy fighting is underway for Izyum southeast of Kharkov. MANPADS operators and sniper pairs were housed in the residential area of ​​the city.

10:32 The clashes at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant could be related to the fact that documents on work on creation Kiev nuclear weapons - RIA Novosti.

10:31 In total, 2,203 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were hit during the operation. Among them: 76 command posts and communication centers of the Ukrainian armed forces, 111 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as 71 radar stations.

Destroyed: 69 aircraft on the ground and 24 aircraft in the air, 778 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 77 multiple launch rocket systems, 279 field artillery pieces and mortars, 553 units of special military vehicles, as well as 62 unmanned aerial vehicles.

10:30 Over the past day, fighter aircraft and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down four Su-27 and one MiG-29 aircraft in the Zhitomir region, Su-27 and Su-25 in the Radomyshl region, one Su-25 in the Nizhyn region, two Mi- 8 in the Kyiv region, six unmanned aerial vehicles, including Bayraktar TB-2.

10:29 On the morning of March 6, a long-range precision weapon was struck. The airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force in Starokonstantinov was put out of action.

10:30 On the evening of March 5, a massive strike was inflicted, as a result of which 61 objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit, including: 22 units of weapons and military equipment in an underground shelter, a brigade command post, 9 warehouses of ammunition and logistics and 3 radar posts .

10:27 The missile forces in Ukraine destroyed the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

10:15 Subdivisions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during offensive operations took control of the settlements of Priyutnoye, Zavitne-Bazhanne, Staromlynovka, Oktyabrskoye and Novomayskoye. Progress forward was 11 kilometers.

9:50 Good news on the Volnovakha-Mariupol line. Our troops are advancing to the borders of the region.

9:36 At the abandoned base of the neo-Nazi unit "Bears" near Mariupol, improvised explosive devices were made to carry out terrorist attacks.

8:30 Documentation on the nuclear program of Ukraine was found at the Zaporozhye NPP.

7:50 March 6 Ukraine can organize a humanitarian corridor from Kharkov, Ukrainian negotiators with Russia said.

7:34 There was a series of airstrikes in Kharkiv: a military unit in the area of ​​Kholodnaya Gora and a military unit of the National Guard in the village of Zhukovsky were destroyed.

7:17 In the city of Ovruch, Zhytomyr region, an airstrike was carried out on a military unit at the intersection of Taras Shevchenko Street and Heroes of Maidan.

Posted by: badanov 2022-03-07