
Russian perspective: Operation to denazify Ukraine: operational summary March 7 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFrontInfo] 00:48 Residents of the Vinogradar residential area near Kiev said that Ukrainian militants had deployed MLRS in the area of ​​the Retroville shopping center and Varshavsky Plus residential complex. Thus, the Nazis fire, hiding behind the civilian population.

23:56 From 10 am on March 8, Russia announces a “silence regime” so that civilians can leave Kharkov, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Mariupol.

23:55 More than 2 million people have turned to the Russian Armed Forces with a request to evacuate from Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

23:00 Kyiv began to legalize the presence of foreign mercenaries from PMCs in the conflict zone, writes Telegram-channel "Reports of the militia of Novorossiya." The first photos of foreign mercenaries from all over the world appeared from the Ukrainian capital - the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Lithuania, India, and even a few Mexicans. The Ukrainian authorities pass off the new arrivals as volunteers, who, apparently, will also be voluntarily given a payment for participating in the battles against the Russian army.

22:50 The mayor and some deputies of the Berdyansk City Council announced a possible shutdown of mobile communications on Tuesday, March 8,writes"Southern bridgehead". The authors of the Telegram channel note that local residents are beginning to understand that the true culprits of the communal problems that have rained down on the city in the past few days are officials trying to cling to power.

22:34 To the north of Zhytomyr in Chernyakhiv, an oil depot is on fire as a result of two air strikes. There is every reason to believe that gasoline and diesel fuel for the military needs of the Ukrainian Nazis will run out much earlier than they think in Kyiv, writes the Telegram channel "Reports of the militia of Novorossiya".

22:25 Russia has information about an impending provocation against the gas transportation system of Ukraine: it is dangerous and Moscow is not interested in this, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak.

22:13 On the afternoon of March 7, Berdyansk stopped receiving gas to houses and boiler houses, informs "Southern bridgehead." According to unconfirmed reports, gas supply was cut off as a result of the explosion of the gas pipeline between Berdyansk and Mariupol. Due to the cold weather, the apartments and housing construction of the Berdyansk people are cooling down quickly. Tomorrow, the problem of cooking in houses with gas stoves will also become relevant.

22:11 The cruise missile of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Caliber" struck the place of basing of the 79th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the governor of the Nikolaev region Vitaly Kim said.

22:00 Ukraine recruits militants from different countries with the help of a certain resource, reports Telegram-WarGonzo channel. Phone numbers of Ukrainian embassies are given as contacts for feedback. At the same time, in some countries, a struggle is being waged against the Russian media, and fakes of Kyiv are also actively spreading.

21:37 US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered to send another 500 US troops to Europe. It is expected that they will be placed on the eastern borders of NATO.

21:36 Our expectations from the negotiations did not come true, said the head of the Russian delegation at the talks with Ukraine Vladimir Medinsky. The Russian Federation hoped to sign at least a protocol during negotiations with Ukraine, but nothing was signed.

20:55 UN staff and representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry have agreed on ways to exchange information to improve the coordination of humanitarian actions in Ukraine, the office of the UN Secretary General said.

20:54 Negotiations between the delegations of the Russian Federation and Ukraine in Belarus have ended, the Russian embassy said.

20:45 Germany supplied Ukraine with exclusively defensive weapons, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

20:34 An air battle is underway in Kharkiv, reports Telegram-channel "Reports of the militia of Novorossiya".

20:05 There were shots of the shelling of the Ukrainian MLRS from a residential area on the outskirts of Kyiv (Vinogradar residential complex).Video.

19:12 The headquarters of the territorial defense in the city of Izyum, located in the police building in Georgievsky lane, 4, was destroyed by high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces on March 7, 2022.Video.

19:00 "They need their mothers and children. They are expected at home," the Ukrainian soldier called on the Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms.

18:45 Russian troops defeated the 81st separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and took the city of Izyum near Kharkov. The attack is developing rapidly. Residents are advised to stay in their homes.

18:43 The population hardly leaves the settlement. Irpen (Kyiv region) along the remains of the bridge blown up by the Ukronazis.Video.

18:36 In Kharkiv, during the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the location of the Ukronazis, a member of the so-called. "Special Forces" Vostok "Maxim Volovik,informsmilitary commander Yuri Kotenok.

18:14 London will not introduce a simplified visa regime for Ukrainians, said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

18:08 In Sumy, the Ukrainian Nazis actually took foreign students hostage, not letting them out into the corridor towards Russia. In the hostels where they live now there is no water, electricity, food. Students turn, demanding: "Let us out!".

17:55 Negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations have begun in Belarus..

17:47 The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation liquidated a militant deputy of the 8th convocation of the Verkhovna Rada from the Nazi party "Freedom". The death of Alexander Marchenko was announced by the leader of the Nazi organization Oleg Tyagnibok, informs "Southern bridgehead".

17:00 In Ukraine, a network of more than 30 biological laboratories has been formed as part of the military biological programs of the Pentagon, said Igor Kirillov, head of the RCBZ troops of the Russian Federation. According to him, the laboratories in Lvov worked with the causative agents of plague and anthrax, in Kharkov and Poltava - diphtheria and dysentery.

16:55 The mayor of the city of Sumy, Alexander Lysenko, said that civilians who try to enter the Russian Federation through humanitarian corridors will be shot, said the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.

16:33 Russian troops attacked the positions of the Ukronazis in the area of ​​the settlement. Raisin. The enemy's defense has been broken through, assault units of the RF Armed Forces are operating in the city, the left bank of the Seversky Donets has been liberated. The enemy is trying to gain a foothold in the southern quarters of Izyum.

16:27 Nationalists in Odessa knocked down the door and captured the parents of the host of the "Odessa Public Television" Alexander Voskoboynikov. He is currently preparing a video message, we are waiting for the details.

16:11 The supply column of the RF Armed Forces entered the Chernihiv region.

15:41 For three hours, 172 attacks from Ukrainian troops and nationalists were recorded on the announced six humanitarian corridors, the Russian General Staff reports.

15:38 882 tons of humanitarian cargo have been delivered to Ukraine, 110 humanitarian actions have been carried out, the RF Ministry of Defense reported.

15:10 The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian side has not fulfilled a single condition for the creation of humanitarian corridors. Under the threat of physical violence, the nationalists do not release civilians and foreign citizens through humanitarian corridors. The Ukrainian leadership has completely lost control over the state of affairs in the country and is under the strong influence of radicals, the defense department stressed.

14:53 At the moment, Ukraine has received almost 20 thousand anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, reported CNN source among high-ranking US officials. The US and other NATO members have already sent Ukraine 17,000 anti-tank missiles and 2,000 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, he said.

14:42 The third round of negotiations between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia will begin at 17:00 (Moscow time).

14:28 Ukrainian Nazis who want to leave Kharkiv for Belgorod corridor todayselectedvehicles for the needs of territorial defense and suggested that people go on foot.

14:18 “It is quiet in the city, there are much more people on the streets,” said a resident of liberated Kherson. According to him, many stores are reopening their work.Video.

14:12 Zelensky said that on the flag of Ukraine "there will never be black spots and swastikas." Apparently, the Ukrainian president is completely unaware of what is happening in the country. News Front political observer Yulia Vityazeva in herTelegramchannel offered to “refresh Zelensky’s memory” and published several photos of Ukrainian Nazis.

14:11 Estonia handed over another batch of weapons to Ukraine in the form of a 122-mm D-30 howitzer and anti-tank mines.

14:07 One of the users of the social network Tik Tok published video, in which a Ukrainian sapper in a protective suit carries an improvised explosive device (IED) to the playground. Then he leaves her behind one of the children's entertainment complexes, moves away and takes pictures. One can only hope that after the photo report to the authorities, the IEDs will be taken from the playground, and not left there to increase the number of casualties among the civilian population.

13:51 The Kyiv regime continues to create fakes in unlimited quantities. The head of the Chernihiv regional administration triumphantly announced about the downed supposedly "Russian" drone. However, it turned out that the photo shows an unmanned complex "Fury", which is in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:35 The Russian delegation has arrived in Belarus, negotiations with Ukraine are expected in the near future.

13:27 A soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine complained that they were given a combat mission to contain Russian tanks, but they were not given anti-tank weapons. A serviceman in obscene uniform turned to Zelensky and burned the insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:22 News Front readers report that nationalists in Kharkiv do not comply with the “silence regime” introduced by the RF Armed Forces: howitzer artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is operating from urban areas under the cover of residential areas. It is also noted that there are a lot of military, national battalions, equipment and weapons in the city. Local publics write that the famous Alekseevsky “house with whales” got from Kharkov from the location of Ukrainian troops, since the first entrance from the center burned out.

13:18 Ukrainian Nazis use children to beg for another military aid from the West. Punishers recorded a video message, on the footage of which the eight-year-old son of one of the militants with a machine gun in his hands calls on “Ukrainians of all Europe” to join the fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:06 Adviser of the PC of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak accused French, Germans, Americans and Hungarians that they "comfortably drink coffee with croissants when fighting is going on in Ukraine."

12:33 The Russian delegation flew to Brest for the third round of negotiations with Ukraine.

12:06 Residents of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions receive SMS with calls not to leave the city. The Kyiv regime scares civilians with the fact that the Russian troops allegedly "take them prisoner and use them as a" human shield ". Telegram channel authors "Fisherman" noted that it is most beneficial for Kiev to keep the population hostage, delay the assault on cities and later show in the media a picture of killed civilians, since Ukrainian politicians very easily sacrifice the lives of citizens.

12:00 Kyiv refused to open the humanitarian corridors proposed by Russia, said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk.

11:55 The headmaster of one of the Ukrainian schools was pushing his students to death, informs "Southern bridgehead". The Nazis and their accomplices do not hesitate to use schoolchildren to attack Russian servicemen. On the video detained student from Tupichev, Chernihiv region, says that the director of the school is in charge of everything.

11:39 In total, 2,396 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The department also reported that Ukrainian nationalists used more than 150 civilians, hiding behind them as a “human shield”, and opened fire from behind the backs of citizens. As a result of the firing by the Ukrainian Nazis, four civilians were killed and five wounded.

11:05 Nazis from the Azov battalion (banned in the Russian Federation) do not allow civilians to leave the city through humanitarian corridors.

Nazis from the Azov Battalion prevent civilians from leaving the city through humanitarian corridors

11:00 Ukrainian Nazi called for "destroy the inhabitants of Donbass." The statements of the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again prove the correctness of the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to denazify Ukraine in order to save the inhabitants of the country.

10:59 While there is shooting around, looters in Kharkiv surround the empty apartments of local residents.Video (18+).

10:29 An air raid alert sounds in Nikolaev and Kharkov.

10:25 AFU blew up a bridge near the village of Nikolaevskoye near the Kulbakino airfield in order to slow down the advance of Russian troops to Nikolaev, Rybar writes.

10:23 Locals report that on the territory of one of the hospitals in Odessa, the defense of the Ukrainian nationalists placed their stronghold.

10:20 Russia and Ukraine will not voice the proposed terms until the agreement on "common positions on the negotiations," said one of the representatives of the Ukrainian delegation.

10:13 Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov said that there is "significant progress" in the issue of supplying weapons and ammunition to the country. This statement indicates that Western countries continue to actively sponsor the Ukrainian Nazis with various types of lethal weapons.

09:40 Representatives of the Sumy regional administration said that the evacuation was allegedly "not agreed" and urged not to get on any buses. Thus, the Ukrainian authorities are once again trying to disrupt the exit of people through the humanitarian corridors.

09:36 The Russian Ministry of Defense published a video showing the crew of the Su-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces striking the enemy during a military special operation in Ukraine.

09:27 SBU and militants of the Azov battalion are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination of the area in the Kharkov region, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

09:18 The military of Great Britain began to arrive in Ukraine to participate in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian Nazis.Video.

09:06 The underground of Odessa opposed the Ukrainian Nazis.Video.

08:30 From 09:00 (10:00 Moscow time) The Russian Armed Forces declare a regime of silence in Ukraine and open humanitarian corridors from Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkov, Sumy. Attempts by Kyiv to accuse the Russian Federation of disrupting the humanitarian situation this time are meaningless, control will be carried out with the help of drones, the General Staff stressed.

08:15 T-64BV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured by the Russian army near Chernigov.

08:10 Residents of Kherson reported nighttime explosions near Chernobaevka. An airport is located there, which in recent days has been the target of artillery strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine several times.

08:05 Footage of the work of the army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces during a special operation in Ukraine appeared on the Web. 24 hours a day, pilots perform their tasks, more than 50 sorties a day at a minimum altitude.

Posted by: badanov 2022-03-08