
Perspective of the Breakaway Republics: Military summary of the LDNR. The situation on the line of contact on March 7 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFrontInfo] 23:22 Ukrainian Nazis fired at the settlements of Verkhnetoretskoe (southern) and Vasilievka in the DPR. The militants fired 110 mines with a caliber of 120 mm and 435 grenades from the AGS into the villages.

22:42 Eyewitnesses report the situation in the still occupied Severodonetsk in the LPR. There is no water, electricity and gas in the city, and shell explosions are constantly heard. However, the biggest problem lies with the Nazis: the militants are shooting civilians who are trying to evacuate from Severodonetsk.

22:23 As a result of hostilities in the DPR, 26 civilians were killed in 19 days, another 139 were injured, including 9 children - the DPR representative office in the JCCC.

22:00 According to preliminary information, the city of Mangush in the north-west of Mariupol came under the control of the People's Militia of the DPR and Russian troops.

21:52 Three civilians of the DPR were injured during the shelling of the liberated territory of the republic by the Ukrainian Nazis: two women born in 1958 and 1945, as well as a man born in 1853.

21:24 The forces of the People's Militia of the LPR continue to approach Severodonetsk. They actively drive the Nazis out of the villages around the city and take them under their control.

21:17 Some eyewitnesses report that the forces of the People's Militia of the LPR entered the city of Popasnaya in the LPR. There is also information that many fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, originally from Lviv, have surrendered. They are already in the commandant's office of Pervomaisk, where they testify about their crimes.

19:45 Ukrainian Nazis fired at the village of Molochny and the city of Pervomaisk in the LPR from the Grad MLRS, artillery and mortars. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

19:03 The forces of the People's Militia of the DPR reached the border of the Zaporozhye region, according to the official representative of the NM of the republic, Eduard Basurin.

19:03 During the operation to liberate Donbass, the losses of Kiev militants only on the territory of the DPR amounted to 591 killed and 724 wounded.

18:48 Mariupol has already been completely encircled, and in some areas of the city, the Nazis are already being purged - the deputy commander of the Vostok battalion.

18:42 The air defense forces of the DPR shot down a Tochka-U operational-tactical missile over the Novyi Svet settlement.

18:41 As a result of shelling from the Ukrainian Nazis, a resident of Horlivka, born in 1991, was wounded.

18:37 Ukrainian nationalists in Mariupol are deploying firing points in houses with inscriptions "do not shoot - there are children!". This is a terrorist tactic - the Russian Ministry of Defense.

18:35 The forces of the People's Militia of the LPR liberated the settlements of Kudryashovka, Voronovo, Metelkino, Medvezhye, Askoronovka, Petrovka, Aleksandrovka from the Nazis.

18:35 The forces of the People's Militia of the DPR liberated the settlements of Latmoye, Berezovoe, Yasnoye, Maksimovka and Valeryanovka from the Nazis.

17:57 Ukrainian armed formations again fired at Horlivka. About 10 shells hit the village of Molochnoye. As a result of the shelling, a house was damaged at 18, Fruit Street, without any casualties. Now work is underway to search for possible damage and victims on the territory of the village. We find out the details - the mayor of Gorlovka Ivan Prikhodko.

17:03 As a result of artillery fire from the Ukrainian Nazis, a resident of Pervomaisk in the LPR, born in 1946, died.

16:04 Ukrainian militants opened artillery fire on the Ferroalloy Plant in Stakhanov in the LPR. People managed to hide in a shelter. The company has temporarily stopped work.

15:54 The Putilovka microdistrict in the north of Donetsk is under fire from the Ukrainian Nazis. The militants also shelled Gorlovka. They fired two 120mm mines.

15:52 Fierce battles are going on right now on the outskirts of Mariupol. They are concentrated in the Vostochny microdistrict.

15:18 In the basement of an apartment building in the recently liberated Trekhizbenka in the LPR, they found the body of a man with signs of torture. The Nazis killed him on February 25 while trying to retreat.

15:11 The northern outskirts of Donetsk and the suburbs, as well as Yasinovataya, Yakovlevka, Mineralnoe, Vasylivka, other front-line areas and settlements are under fire from the Ukrainian Nazis. People are being urged to stay indoors.

15:05 Ukrainian Nazi strikes on Donetskbrokenschool. Only recently it was restored after the destruction received in 2014 and 2015, but now only ruins are left of it again.

15:05 Residents of Severodonetsk also report that the Nazis shoot civilians for trying to leave the city.

15:03 Residents of Rubizhne in the still occupied part of the LPR say that the city is being held hostage by the Kiev Nazis. It no longer has food, no water, and electricity and communications are only in fits and starts. Everyone who worked at the enterprises was given work books in their hands and sent home. It is impossible to leave the city: the militants pull people out of cars, take them out into the field and shoot them.

14:47 The forces of the People's Militia of the LPR drove the Nazis out of the village of Kryakovka. Before the start of the war, people lived here, but in 2014 the militants drove the civilians out of their homes, and the settlement itself was turned into a military fortified area.

14:20 Ukrainian Nazis shelled the village of Ozeryanovka, which is located near Gorlovka in the DPR. The details of what happened are being specified.

14:10 The liberation of Mariupol from the Ukrainian Nazis will take place in the near future. The official representative of the People's Militia of the DPR, Eduard Basurin, announced the imminent start of an operation to clean up the city.

14:05 Ukrainian Nazis opened fire on Pervomaisk from positions in the still occupied Popasna. They use 122 mm artillery. 20 shells were fired into the city. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

13:55 Residents of the settlements of Zhitlovka and Popovka, still occupied by Kiev, near Kremennaya in the LPR, said that the Nazis were driving people out of their houses and equipping firing points in each of them.

13:50 Ukrainian Nazis continue to retreat and abandon their equipment. Near Severodonetsk, the forces of the People's Militia of the LPR captured several infantry fighting vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The letter Z has already been applied to the cars.

13:33 Ukrainian punishers are shelling the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, as well as the villages of Trudovskie and Oleksandrivka from MLRS and artillery. All residents are urged to remain at the shelter.

13:31 Gorlovka in the DPR is again under fire from Kiev militants. They fired 40 rockets from the Grad MLRS into the city.

13:27 Ukrainian Nazis continue to shell the cities of Donbass, but the military notes that they are clearly saving shells. Their logistics is blocked and they have nowhere to wait for new deliveries.

13:23 The southwestern and western part of Gorlovka in the DPR is under intense fire from the Ukrainian Nazis.

13:20 The Kiev Nazis did not even let the employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross out of Mariupol. They tried to leave the city along the humanitarian corridor, but the militants did not let them through, saying that the road was allegedly mined by the People's Militia of the DPR and the Russian army.

13:16 Ukrainian Nazis are shelling the city of Popasnaya in the LPR, which is still under the occupation of Kyiv. They use the Grad MLRS. Cannonade is heard in Kirovsk and Alchevsk, as well as in Gorlovka in the neighboring DPR.

13:00 In the vicinity of Mariupol, the equipment of the People's Militia of the DPR is already moving.

12:48 Ukrainian Nazis opened fire on the village of Trudovskie on the outskirts of Donetsk. Artillery battles continue on the western front line. The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to hit them with Tochki-U, but they were shot down by the forces of the People's Militia of the DPR. Now the Gorlovka-Yasinovataya highway is temporarily closed.

12:40 Ukrainian saboteurs from the national battalions are operating on the territory of the LPR, who are trying to destabilize the situation in the republic. They are focused on inflicting maximum damage and intimidating the population - the head of the LNR Leonid Pasechnik.

12:35 Kiev militants fired at two settlements in the LPR - Nizhnee Lozovoe and Logvinovo. They used 152 mm artillery and anti-tank missile systems. Information about the victims is being specified.

12:23 The Nazis in Mariupol used one and a half hundred civilians as human shields. They opened fire from behind the backs of the civilian population, as a result of which four people were killed and five wounded.

12:17 The forces of the People's Militia of the LPR have advanced six kilometers deep into the republic. They liberated the settlements of Smolyaninovo, Voevodovka, Kremennaya, Kudryashovka, Borovenki, Purdovka, Zamulovka from the Nazis.

12:10 The People's Militia of the DPR continues the operation to liberate Mariupol and Volnovakha from the Nazis. The militants place weapons in residential areas and fire from there, hiding behind civilians.

10:47 Over the past day, 14 settlements of the DPR were under fire from Ukrainian Nazis. They shelled the republic 30 times, using the Tochka-U tactical missile system, Grad rocket launchers, 152 and 122 mm artillery, as well as 120 and 82 mm mortars. Nine civilians were injured. Also, 36 residential buildings and 17 infrastructure facilities were damaged.

10:20 In the morning Ukrainian militants opened fire on Donetsk. The Kievsky district of the capital of the DPR again came under fire: the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired six shells with a caliber of 122 mm.

10:08 The forces of the People's Militia of the LPR have already liberated 67 settlements from the Nazis. They also help the defenders of the DPR and have taken control of several settlements in the neighboring republic.

09:30 Elimination of a fire at an oil depot in Lugansk. Several containers are currently on fire.

08:12 For 18 days of hostilities, 26 civilians of the DPR were killed, another 133 were injured of varying severity, the JCCC reported

08:08 Employees of the Ministry of State Security of the LPR detained agents of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, who were preparing terrorist attacks on the territory of the LPR and the Russian Federation. They were taken while transporting weapons and ammunition. It is reported that they were previously members of the “Right Sector” banned in the Russian Federation (banned in the Russian Federation) and that it was they who committed sabotage at the Rovenky oil depot.Video.

8:00 In Lugansk, an oil depot caught fire. According to preliminary information, the reason for this was the strike by the nationalists from the Tochka-U tactical missile system. Additional information about civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure is being specified, an official representative of the People's Militia of the LPR said.

Posted by: badanov 2022-03-08