
Aceh rebels accused of hostage-taking
The Indonesian military has accused separatist rebels in the tsunami-battered Aceh province of holding hostage 20 fishermen after attacking their boat. Military spokesman Ari Mulya Asnawi says the attack took place in waters off Bireueun district in western Aceh on Wednesday. He says the Free Aceh Movement rebels are demanding a ransom in exchange for the fishermen's release. "Up until now the whereabouts of the 20 fishermen are not known," Mr Asnawi said. "The motive for the hostage-taking is ransom money." He did not say how much money the rebels are asking for. Rebels could not be reached for comment.
I guess "Aarrgh!" doesn't translate well from the Acehnese...

Posted by: God Save The World 2005-05-01