
Suspects confess to murder of British hostage (Margaret Hassan) in Iraq
Five suspects arrested by Iraqi forces have confessed to the kidnapping and murder of British aid worker Margaret Hassan, an interior ministry official told AFP. "They have confessed to taking part in the kidnapping and death of Margaret Hassan," the official said Sunday.

Hassan, 59, head of CARE International's Iraq operations, was seized in Baghdad on October 19 while on her way to work. Al-Jazeera television said the following month it had received a video showing a man shooting a "blindfolded woman, who appears to be Margaret Hassan". Although her body was never found, British officials said they believed she has been murdered.

"Police forces and commandos, assisted by US forces, carried out a raid in the Jaara area", on the southern outskirts of Baghdad at dawn on Sunday, the official said. "They found small arms, arrested six armed men and found a bag, documents and clothes belonging to Margaret Hassan."

Security forces, assisted by US troops, later picked up in a separate raid nearby the five Iraqis who confessed to the murder, the official said. "UK police advisors are at the scene investigating," a British diplomat had earlier told AFP.

Hassan, born in Dublin of British nationality, had lived in Iraq for more than 30 years and was married to an Iraqi.
Posted by: Margot Wallstrom 2005-05-01