
Australian Hostage Statement Released
An Australian citizen has been taken hostage in Iraq, according to a videotape delivered by militants to news agencies. On the tape, the man identifies himself as Douglas Wood. Following is the complete text of his statement on the video.

"My name is Douglas Wood. I'm a 63-year-old. I'm an Australian, a US resident, my wife is an American. We have a house in Alamo California.

"I came to Iraq almost a year ago working with John Watkinson and we had many jobs with the American military.

"My captives are fiercely patriotic. They believe in a strong united Iraq looking after its own destiny.

"President Bush, Prime Minister Howard, Governor Schwarzenegger, family, friends, please help take the American troops, the Australian troops, the British troops out of here and let Iraq look after itself.

"They are strong, they will be [able to] look after themselves against their neighbours.

"Please help me. I don't want to die."
Posted by: Boogeyman 2005-05-01