
Sammy moves to the fuehrerbunker?
Via Drudge, quoting the Mirror, so reliability is probably pretty low...
Saddam Hussein is moving his Government into underground bunkers to prepare for a US and British attack. From his hideout 160ft down, the Iraqi tyrant yesterday sent out a defiant message to the West. "If they come, we are ready," he said. "We will fight them on the streets, from the rooftops, from house to house. We will never surrender. "That is what Churchill promised the invaders threatening England. And that is what we can promise the crusaders if they come here."
Sammy quoting Churchill? And his lips didn't fall off? I notice we're crusaders again, too...
The warning was delivered through Labour MP George Galloway during an interview an hour's drive from Baghdad.
Galloway didn't turn into a pillar of salt at Churchill's name? I guess God naps, too — or he's saving him for better things...
Entire ministries are thought to be leaving their permanent headquarters, likely to be targeted for cruise missile attack, and moving into command bunkers.
Yup. That should increase the efficiency of the government no end.
Mr Galloway said communications between ministries and Saddam were being relayed by word of mouth to beat high-tech US eavesdropping.
That's pretty hilarious, too. If they use their communications gear, they expect their plans to be intercepted and decoded by the Merkins and the Brits. If they rely on runners, they're back communicating in the mode of 150 years ago, with both volumn of communication and quality floating in the toilet. Best move now would be for the U.S. to continue making faces at them for another six months, making the faces more fearsome every time they venture out of their holes. Then, maybe next February they can pop up like little Middle Eastern groundhogs and the West can holler "Fooled ya!" They can fight a war or not at that point; the rest of the world will be so busy laughing at Sammy it won't notice.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-12