
Biden FEC Nominee Admits Her Name Is On Legal Document Attesting Voting Machines Used In Ga Illegally Switched Votes
We truly live in interesting times. More interesting for them, at the moment though...
[THEGATEWAYPUNDIT] For a year and a half, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been called a liar, big box stores like Kroger, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls, Wayfair, and others have dropped his products from their stores over his claims that the voting machines in the 2020 election switched the votes causing Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S.. Joe's wife and daughter weren't killed by a drunk driver. He didn't graduate with three or even two degrees, wasn't in the top half of his law class, and his daddy didn't come home from a hard day's work in the mines and play football with the guys. The NAACP hasn't endorsed him every time he's run....
to win the election illegally.

MI Constitutional attorney Matt DePerno, who hasn’t given up on his legal battle in Antrim County, MI, to prove voting machines have the ability to switch votes, has been demonized by Democrats, including the current Attorney General Dana Nessel, who Matt DePerno hopes to run against in the November 2022 election if he wins the nomination of the MI Republican delegates.

Yet incredibly today, while testifying in front of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, FEC nominee Dara Lindenbaum, an election lawyer and former General Counsel to Stacey Abrams
...sour grapes lo-o-o-o-o-ser (Loser! Loser! Loser!) of the 2018 Georgia governor's race. Now she wants to be somebody's vice president so she can sour grape about that too...
’ campaign, admitted to Senator Ted Cruz;
...US Senator from Texas. Republican contender for president in 2016, his stiff and abrasive manner earned him the title most hated man in the Senate. After a close win over Beto O'Rourke, who tried to out-Lastino him, he grew a beard and let his biting wit shine through. Cruz's comments have been known to leave life-threatening wounds at better than forty feet...
that she put her name on a legal document swearing that voting machines illegally changed votes from one candidate to another.

Joe Biden chose the former General Counsel to Stacey Abrams’ campaign to replace retiring Democratic Commissioner Steven Walther on the regulatory agency that enforces U.S. campaign finance law.
Posted by: Fred 2022-04-08