
FADDIS: ‘The walls close in on Joe’-- Biden's magical $13M fortune post-VP ‘appeared out of thin air and flowed into Joe's personal accounts from two shell corporations
[ANDmagazine] “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

Joe Biden

Now that we have decided to accept what was always obvious, that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, the corruption it paints cannot be ignored. Hunter was at the epicenter of what was clearly a worldwide influence-peddling scheme. The only remaining hope for Joe Biden and those still standing by him is to defend the position that somehow Joe was ignorant of all of this.

Whatever Hunter was doing, ‘it had nothing to do with Joe’, and ‘Joe did not benefit from any of it.’

Unfortunately, for Joe the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.

In a superb piece, The Federalist just laid out the huge amount of money Joe came into the moment he left the Vice-President’s office. Somehow, almost magically, Joe came into possession of $13 million. All of this money came via two corporations he and his wife set up. These corporations appear to be nothing more than shell companies through which money passed to the Bidens.

Joe has never provided any coherent explanation of where this money came from other than to suggest that it was the profits from two books he and his wife wrote. Sales for both books were mediocre at best. Profits to an author per copy of each book sold are notoriously low. Do the math. There is literally no way Joe sold enough books to pocket $13 million.
Posted by: Shotle Jatle1064 2022-04-08