
The political instructor is lying: Methods of Goebbels are still in demand by the West
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Vladimir Kornilov

[RIA] Recently, a fashion has appeared in the West for direct appeals to the Russian people, sometimes using clumsy Russian-language phrases. This tradition was founded a couple of weeks ago by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and in recent days has been creatively developed by the British media and Prime Minister Boris Johnson personally. The Daily Mirror newspaper even came out with the Russian-language headline "You Need to Know" on the front page. This is not counting the regular inclusions of such appeals to the Russians in the daily televised addresses of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

All authors of fiery speeches constantly proceed from one postulate: the inhabitants of Russia are deprived of the opportunity to receive "the truth about the events in Ukraine."

Compare here:
—Arnold Schwarzenegger : "I am writing to you today because events are taking place in the world that are being hidden from you."
—Daily Mirror: "Dear Russian friend. We are writing to you because we want you to know the truth about the war in Ukraine ... But we also know that there is no free press in Russia and you are being fed lies about the war in Ukraine every day."
—Boris Johnson : "Russians deserve the truth . You deserve to know the facts."

That is, they seriously decided there that the citizens of Russia are cut off from world news and, as in the good old days, they still listen to foreign "voices" through tube radios, trying to catch the sound that sometimes breaks through the "jammers". How badly they know our people and understand the situation in Russia!

This was clearly confirmed by Johnson, who imagines himself to be Prometheus, carrying secret knowledge about "fire" to the Russian people - in this case, about the mysterious abbreviation VPN. And how, one wonders, before Boris, we could guess about such a miracle of modern technology? If necessary, our people are ready to share this knowledge with the British, we do not mind.

I would like to remind Western critics who have suddenly "beloved the Russian people" that it is not Russia that has begun to turn on the "jammers", as it was during the Cold War. It is in the West, contrary to all their fairy tales about "freedom of speech" and their own laws, that they mercilessly began to clean up the information space from the Russian media and even from social media users who sympathize with Russia, who were branded with a single label "Kremlin propaganda". And our measures were just responsive and symmetrical.

Schwarzenegger and Co. really think that we have not seen footage of the destruction in Mariupol or other cities. Confessing his "love for the Russian people", Arnold refers to his childhood memories of a meeting with our great weightlifter Yuri Vlasov.

Ask Schwarzenegger now if he has heard anything about what has been going on for eight years and is still going on in Makeevka , the city where his childhood idol was born, the ex-governor of California will certainly be surprised.

Show him the footage of how the Ukrainian troops ironed this city in 2014-15, and ask why he didn’t remember the name of the great Vlasov then, he will shrug his shoulders, and nothing more. Kindergartens, schools, and hospitals in Makiivka were all subjected to shelling. But there were no such appeals to the Ukrainian people and to the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Western actors, politicians, writers. They were not interested in it.

Boris Johnson believes that the Russian viewer or reader has not heard anything about the events in Bucha at all. And as soon as we turn on the VPN and read the British press, the veil will immediately fall from our eyes.

Come on, he doesn’t even suspect that somewhere, but in our media the events in the town near Kiev are analyzed frame by frame, minute by minute, with reference to primary sources, including, first of all, Ukrainian ones. I have not seen in any Western publication such a detailed analysis of these horrific shots as we have. Perhaps that is why I did not see that a thorough analysis of the chronology of events in Bucha refutes the myths about "cruel Russians who executed defenseless people."

For example, it is shown everywhere here by the mayor of Bucha, who solemnly declared on March 31 the city "liberated from Russian orcs." This is what we have shown footage in which this mayor (note, together with Ukrainian police detachments) is already on April 1 in the center of the town.

We are wondering where the heap of dead bodies is on the streets of a small settlement, which received the status of a city quite recently. It is in our media that the video of the National Police of Ukraine about the cleansing of Bucha, filmed on April 2, is being played. And at the same time, they quote a Ukrainian militant who asked for permission to shoot at people "without blue bandages."

For some reason, they are actively trying to clean up this video from the networks, but it is our media that bring it. Schwarzenegger and Johnson do not want to ask.

Or does someone in the West think that our public is not shown the "sensational" satellite images from Bucha that The New York Times shared and which allegedly prove that the bodies on the streets have been lying untouched since at least March 19? It was the Western media that obediently, without any critical analysis, repeated this thesis after the "enemy of the American people" (as Donald Trump lovingly called this newspaper).

Our journalists, however, analyzed these pictures in detail, posing questions that you just will not find on the pages of either this newspaper or any other Western one.

For example, none of the numerous analysts in the West raised the question of how the bodies could have been so preserved and not decomposed for more than two weeks of warm weather. It was we who carefully analyzed the daily temperature in Kyiv and its environs starting from March 19 and found out that sometimes these days it reached 20 degrees Celsius there.

But the hordes of Western journalists who have flooded Bucha in recent days are calmly filming these bodies and do not even wonder why they do not need respirators to be near a place where the putrid smell should simply knock you down. There were no questions anywhere about why in more than two weeks none of the townspeople, neighbors, relatives, acquaintances of the dead missed them, found them on the streets, did not call for help, did not call the same police, who worked in the city even while the Russian units were there. It is we who want to know the whole truth about the tragedy of the inhabitants of Bucha, not they.

And now let's ask Johnson: why does a Russian user need a VPN? What additional information can he learn about the events in Bucha that they don't say and don't analyze in detail on Russian TV? Here, the British viewer would discover a lot of new things if for a moment he renounced the Russophobic propaganda and fakes of his media and got acquainted with Russian materials. Both in London and Washington understand this very well, and therefore they are actively cleaning up any information from Russia.

Although it doesn't always work. The Dutch press, for example, laments the fact that the Forum for Democracy party, which recently boycotted Zelensky's virtual speech in their parliament, continues to accuse the West of unleashing the conflict in Ukraine even after the events in Bucha.

And the Financial Times pointed to the most serious problem in Asia and Africa : they say, like Twitternor bans accounts for the hashtag @IStandWithPutin ("I'm with Putin"), where the audience still believes "Russian propaganda" and again blames the West for everything. It would seem to be asking why people, who have more access to information than the British or Americans with their carefully censored social networks, tend to trust the Russian media? Maybe because they immediately understand who the truth is behind?

But the conclusion is unequivocal: so much the worse for the truth - we need to further strengthen censorship for our media and spread more lies about Russia.

The example of the Russian-language appeal of the British Daily Mirror is the most indicative, since it was drawn up in the worst traditions of Goebbels' propaganda. Eighty years ago, the trenches of the Red Army were constantly bombarded with leaflets: "The political instructor is lying to you. In German captivity, you are not tortured or killed, but treated well!" So the Mirror writes without a twinge of conscience : "Your president is lying when he says that Ukraine poses a threat to Russia and is full of Nazis."

And the same newspaper cites the most monstrous fake under the heading "A woman raped and killed by Russian soldiers who marked her body with a swastika." The lie is terribly cynical, since the article cites a photo of the body of a woman found in the basement of Mariupol School No. 18, which was turned into a base for Azov militants.

The picture has long bypassed all the Russian media, caused a wide resonance, about the fact of the atrocity, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a case on March 28, and the Mirror writes a week later that it was unable to determine "where the photo was taken". But the newspaper already knows, you see, that the girl was allegedly raped and killed by the Russian military.

Since, you understand, admit that this is the victim of the Nazis of "Azov", the leaflet "The political instructor is lying to you that Ukraine is full of Nazis" immediately loses all meaning. And how, tell me, are the methods of Mirror in this case different from the methods of Goebbels?!

And now let Johnson answer the question for himself: how would accessing British sites via a VPN change the mind of an informed reader who knows (thanks to the Russian media, he knows!), Where and when the terrible photo of a tortured woman was taken? For some reason, this photo was hidden from the British audience for a week, and not from the Russian one.

If a resident of London or Edinburgh had access to our TV channels blocked by the Johnson government, he would be able to receive truthful information about events in Ukraine and Donbass , and not these primitive fakes of his yellow newspapers. But that's why "Prometheus" Johnson explains to us, not to them, what a VPN is.

Posted by: badanov 2022-04-09