
Palestinian factions holding talks in Gaza City
Palestinian factions meeting Monday to create a "national unity leadership" to include all major groups — including militant ones such as Hamas — endorsed a continuation of their uprising and rejected language to end attacks on civilians inside Israel.
No great surprise there...
The Palestinian factions have been holding talks in Gaza City with the aim of establishing a unified Palestinian position in preparation for elections and other planned reforms after almost two years of Mideast fighting. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement was the driving force behind the meetings, and it offered a draft proposal that called for an end to attacks against civilians inside Israel, participants at the talks said.
Something along the line of the statement Tanzim issued, probably...
However, that language was scrapped during debate among the factions. The final draft does not mention ending attacks, and instead appears to endorse the ongoing Palestinian uprising. "We stress the legitimacy of our resistance against the (Israeli) aggression and the occupation, and the Israeli settlements," the draft now says.
Appears to? Like Anne Boleyn appeared to be dead...
All factions have agreed to the draft in principle, though Hamas was still consulting its leadership before formalizing its acceptance.
They probably still consider it too wimpy. They'll want to add something about blood and gutz and sending the Jews to Mars...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-12