
Turkish-backed faction cut down olive trees owned by civilians in Syria’s Afrin countryside

A Ottoman Turkish-backed armed Syrian opposition faction cut down, yesterday, 200 olive trees in Afrin region, northern Syria.

Members of the Ottoman Turkish-backed Jaish al-Nukhba faction cut down 35 olive trees owned by residents of villages in Maabatli district in Afrin countryside, an exclusive source told North Press.

The member of the Ottoman Turkish-backed faction cut down 35 olive trees belonging to Muhammad Issa, a resident of the village of Ain al-Hajar in Maabatli district, the source said.

He added that the olive field is located on the road to Rajo district, near the military police checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city of Afrin.

Also, members of the same faction cut down 25 olive trees owned by Mustafa Sido, a resident of Shekhutka village in the countryside of Maabatli district, according to the same source.

Logging and cutting down trees in Afrin increase in winter, despite the opposition groups’ pledging to prevent this practice fearing accountability.

As a result of the Ottoman Turkish invasion of Afrin in March 2018, more than 300,000 indigenous people were displaced and thousands families of the Syrian opposition factions were settled in the Afrini’s homes and lands.

Afrin is one of the most important Syrian regions known for olive growing, where the number of olive trees until the end of 2017 reached more than 18 million, 16 million of which were productive, according to the approved toll by Autonomous Administration in Afrin at the time.

Posted by: Fred 2022-04-14