
Greenfield: A Shooter Puts Critical Race Theory into Practice
[FrontPage] Mayor Eric Adams, who had called white people “crackers”, claimed that he needed his brother to head his security because of an "increase in white supremacy" in New York City.

The New York City Board of Health falsely claimed that racism was a "public health crisis" and a public school told parents to abolish their “whiteness”.

After all that time battling white supremacy, which is as easy to find in the city as good manners and parking spaces, the black supremacist subway terror attack came out of the blue.

29 people were wounded, including a pregnant woman and a 12-year-old, when Frank James, a racist gunman, opened fire on a Brooklyn subway train. James was a racial supremacist, but not the one that New York City’s political establishment had spent so much time searching for.

James was just “abolishing whiteness” by putting critical race theory into practice.

The black supremacist mass shooter has been charged with terrorism for a carefully planned terror attack, that included dressing up as a construction worker, deploying a smoke bomb and then opening fire. The racist terrorist’s victims included a pregnant woman, and a number of children and teenagers, some of whom were shot several times by the black supremacist.

Like the black supremacist Jersey City terrorists, James used a U-Haul as a base and was convinced that black people were being victimized.

“These white motherf—--s, this is what they do,” James had ranted in his YouTube videos while claiming that white people were plotting to kill all black people. “It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf—--s decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These n—ers got to go.'”
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Posted by: badanov 2022-04-17