
From the Russian Perspective: Operation on Denazification of Ukraine: operational summary April 19th (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFrontInfo] 23:10 The RF Armed Forces, from 14:00 (Moscow time) on April 19, 2022, opened a gum corridor from the territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol to withdraw Ukrainian military personnel and militants of national formations who were ready to voluntarily lay down their arms, as well as to evacuate civilians who, according to statements Ukrainian side, allegedly they are there. As of April 19, 2022, at 22:00 (Moscow time), no one used the specified corridor.

22:23 1260 military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine became the targets of the Russian missile forces and artillery over the past night.

21:46 Russian air defense systems have just shot down Tochka-U over Izyum. Her cluster munitions went off over the city.

21:09 To Energodar arrived a humanitarian convoy with vital and essential medicines from the Russian Federation and unloaded at the Medical Unit!

20:47 The request of residents of the Rozovsky district of the Zaporozhye region for temporary accession to the DPR will not go unnoticed by the DPR authorities - Pushilin.

20:40 Russian air defense over Chernobaevka, Zalizny and Pokrovsky shot down three Ukrainian UAVs. During the day, the missile forces hit two command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an ammunition depot, an artillery battery, as well as a cluster of Ukrainian military equipment.

20:38 Russian Aerospace Forces hit 31 Ukrainian military facilities. Among them were destroyed: in the areas of Razdolny and Novogrodovka - two command posts and 28 places of accumulation of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment, as well as an ammunition depot for MLRS in the Privolye region.

18:14 “The city is safe. Residents feel they are being protected by Russian troops.” — Correspondent Khaled al-Jabburi from liberated Berdyansk, where the Russian military provides humanitarian aid to local residents: “Many people come here from neighboring Ukrainian cities in search of safety and fleeing Nazi violence.”

15:54 The Russian Guard, together with the special forces of the Ministry of State Security of the DPR, is carrying out filtration measures to search for and detain members of the “sleeping” cells of Ukrainian nationalists in the resort village of Kirillovka, Zaporozhye region.

15:26 Zelensky introduced a bill to extend martial law in Ukraine.

15:03 A monument in memory of Soviet soldiers was demolished in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. It was dismantled under the so-called law "on the dismantling of historical monuments and monumental art." Not so long ago, a monument was removed in Mukachevo in honor of the liberation of the city by the Red Army and a monument to Alexander Pushkin.

14:32 Humanitarian aid has been delivered to Kherson. Residents of the Korabelny microdistrict received food packages from the Russian military.

Citizens were given cereals, canned fish and beef, sunflower oil and sugar.

In total, since March 2, Russia has sent more than 12.9 thousand tons of essential items, food and medicine to Ukraine.

13:47 The situation in the north-east of Kharkiv as of April 19, 2022:

The Armed Forces of Ukraine forcibly completed the evacuation of civilians from Severnaya Saltovka, creating fortified areas in the MZhK "Internationalist" (50.040664, 36.343340) and residential buildings (50.037482520998275, 36.35333240368189). Those who did not have time to evacuate were sent to the basements.

Positions of the RF Armed Forces are equipped in the cottage village in Tsirkuny-1. The Ukrainian side warned local residents that civilians should sit in bomb shelters for two weeks.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine abandoned the DRG and mined the forest belt along the Tsirkuny-Kutuzovka road.

In the near future, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to launch a counteroffensive. They plan to pass off the facts of attacks on their positions in Northern Saltovka as deliberate shelling of the civilian population, which is no longer there. They want to level the positions of the RF Armed Forces in Tsirkuny along with the village itself.

13:38 The Rozovsky district of Zaporozhye organized and held a meeting on its own, which was attended by authorized people by local residents to make decisions. Those present at the meeting unanimously voted for joining the Donetsk People's Republic.

13:15 With the assistance of the military-civilian administration of Melitopol, a resident of the city was able to get your parcel at the New Post office. The package contains seeds.

12:43 Melitopol communal pharmacies are expected to receive a batch of medicines. Medicines will go on sale at the end of this week. Also, medical preparations of the humanitarian party were brought to the city. They will provide Melitopol hospitals.

12:24 Last night, we managed to observe an artillery raid on the Armed Forces of Ukraine south of Izyum. The Ukrainians rolled out 2 tanks, brought personnel on "loaves", who began to reload weapons into the building.

A total of 152 flew exactly to this warehouse, part of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fled, part remained there forever. After that, the tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit, the crew jumped out of the second tank without waiting for the defeat and fled to the forest plantation.

The night battle ended with a package of phosphorus ammunition thrown by the Ukrainians at Izyum. As always, an impressive sight, though the meaning of such shooting is incomprehensible.

12:18 The educational process will soon resume in Berdyansk. The Ukrainian authorities, using threats and intimidation, are trying to prevent the opening of schools and universities.
And about. Mayor of Berdyansk Alexander Saulenko decided to hold a meeting with teachers to explain that Russia has entered forever and that nothing threatens them anymore, and the children need to go to school as soon as possible.

12:11 In Ukraine, the next phase of the special operation begins - Lavrov.

12:10 Another Ukrainian "call center" was discovered, from which scammers "bred" Russians. This time the working point was covered in Berdyansk. The swastika above the entrance is part of the working interior.

12:08 In Ukraine, the next phase of the special operation begins - Lavrov.

11:29 Russia will do everything so that Nazism can never again raise its head, not only in the Russian Federation, but anywhere in the world, said Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia.

11:25 Servicemen of the Russian Guard discovered a warehouse of artillery ammunition near Kherson - the press service of the department.

11:09 Aviation of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed two warehouses for storing warheads of tactical missiles "Tochka-U" in the areas of the settlements of Chervonaya Polyana and Balakleya - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

11:03 In Kherson raised Banner of Victory. The red flag was raised by the National Guard over the Alley of Glory. Izvestia correspondent Ivan Litomin shared the footage.

11:00 Humanitarian aid from Russia received by residents of even the most remote areas of Kherson.

10:40 The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has planned the rotation of personnel in the units at the forefront in the Nikolaev-Kherson and Krivoy Rog directions. The replacement will be carried out at night gradually due to the lack of a sufficient number of people.

10:30 The Russian Defense Ministry reported on the number of military facilities destroyed since the start of the special military operation:
▪️140 aircraft,
▪️487 unmanned aerial vehicles,
▪️252 anti-aircraft missile systems,
▪️2353 tanks and other armored combat vehicles,
▪️256 multiple rocket launchers,
▪️1014 field artillery pieces and mortars,
▪️2208 units of special military vehicles.
09:22 Footage of the consequences of the shelling by the Ukrainian military of the village of Pologi in the Zaporozhye region, residential buildings and plots of local residents were affected by the attacks, there are victims.

09:17 Arms of the West, which will be in Ukraine, will be a legitimate target for the Russian military - Director of the Department of International Organizations of the Russian Foreign Ministry Pyotr Ilyichev.

08:40 After the discovery of a cache with weapons and explosives at the Kherson military plant, the Russian security forces carry out raids in the city and in the region to identify sabotage groups left by the SBU when fleeing the city, a source in law enforcement agencies said. Earlier, Russian security forces discovered in Kherson operational documents of the SBU marked “top secret”, from which it follows that before retreating from Kherson, SBU officers recruited members of the local territorial defense for sabotage.

08:00 Ukrainian Armed Forces once again fired at the private sector of the Belgorod region at night. According to regional authorities, a resident was wounded and received medical assistance. There are destruction.

07:50 One of the night attacks on Nikolaev fell on the KIA auto center on Kosmonavtov Street. The premises were re-equipped for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense units.

Posted by: badanov 2022-04-20