
Stick a fork in Meghan and Harry — these royal Kardashians are done
[NYPOST] Every time I think Prince Harry
couldn’t possibly make himself look more cringeworthy, up he pops to prove me spectacularly, eye-rollingly wrong.The renegade royal’s latest howler is a laugh-out-loud tourism commercial he’s made for New Zealand television to promote his sustainable eco-travel nonprofit organization, Travalyst.

Sadly, the laughter was once again at him, not with him.

Wearing a "Girl Dad" T-shirt, Harry is seen jogging through the woods before he’s stopped by eco-tourist "rating agents" and berated about a lollipop wrapper he supposedly dropped there during a 2018 royal tour trip with wife Meghan, but praised for turning off running tap water while he brushes his teeth.

That revelation prompted a bewildered Harry to exclaim: "How do you know that? That’s really weird."

Because, of course, he’s such a private guy and that’s secret personal information that could only be known if he’d turned into a Kardashian with 24/7 cameras recording his every ablution and tooth-cleansing.

Oh, wait, he has!

Harry and Meghan have become the royal Kardashians, only a slightly trashier version if that was even possible: a pair of shameless chancers whose only thought each day is how to fleece and exploit their royal titles ever more cynically, while simultaneously trashing the royal family and monarchy to which they owe their status — and playing the downtrodden, oppressed victims from their $11 million Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party, mansion.

The hypocrisy in everything they do is breathtaking, and never better illustrated than with Harry’s latest preaching about "sustainable eco-travel."

He loves self-righteously barking at us all about the urgent need to save the planet by reducing our carbon footprint, as he uses private jets like we use taxis.

Just as he and Meghan pleaded for us to think about poverty on Twitter on the very same day she was throwing a $500,000 baby shower in New York (and hopping back to London on George Clooney’s plane).

But it’s their constant bleating about privacy that most sticks in the craw given their decision to accept a reported $115 million payment from Netflix to trail around after them with cameras, capturing their most "private" moments for the delectation of the public.

Posted by: Fred 2022-05-11