
The Real Reason Why Mass Shooters Kill
Thanks to TW and Besoeker.
[AmericanThinker] Tucker Carlson almost said it. He went right up to the edge and then drew back. He wheeled the cannon on stage, but he did not fire it.

Carlson almost blurted out the most taboo truth in Washington, the unutterable heresy that the political class suppresses more ruthlessly than any other. He asked us to consider — after eliminating all the standard leftist cliches and a few rightist ones — why do these young shooters keep committing mass murder? What characteristic do they all share? What is going on here, and why can we not even discuss it?

It seemed almost as if he was inviting someone to say what he could not. So I will oblige him.

The shooters, the mass murderers, even most of the terrorists, and essentially all violent criminals (plus many drug addicts and a majority of the homeless) share this one quality: they are all fatherless.

And no, fatherlessness is not intractable. These destructive and self-destructive adolescents are not victims of impersonal forces that defy remedy — still less of "irresponsible" fathers who "abandon" them, as the political class invariably reports without evidence. These falsehoods provide the politicians with excuses to throw up their hands in despair or devise useless, self-serving programs that actually make the problem worse. The shooters are the products of government policies that intentionally remove children from their fathers and proliferate single-mother homes. They are the offspring of the two hatcheries that breed fatherless children: the welfare state and the divorce industry.

The social science is unequivocal. Virtually every major social pathology can be laid at the door of fatherless homes and communities — not race, not poverty. Single parent homes. That means crime, truancy, addiction, and more single parents.

Decade after decade, the problem only worsens until we are left with not only social chaos, but, increasingly, political chaos, too, and even tyranny. It is easily demonstrable that the BLM riots in 2020 that prepared the way for the leftist takeover of the U.S. government were perpetrated by dysfunctional, violent, and fatherless adolescents.

The problem will certainly not be ameliorated by feel-good palliatives like those implemented by the Clinton and Bush administrations and recently once again enacted in Florida. These programs claim to confront fatherlessness but in reality funnel more money to the welfare apparatchiks and divorce operators so they can create more fatherless children, on which their business depends. So diabolical is the political class in both political parties that it devises measures to exacerbate the problem in the very process of pretending to address it.
Posted by: Skidmark 2022-06-04