
Israel would respond to Iraqi attack
If Iraq attacks Israel in response to an American invasion, as it did during the Persian Gulf War, this time Israel will react, the Israeli air force chief said. Maj. Gen. Dan Halutz, speaking in comments televised Wednesday, did not say how Israel would respond, but Israeli officials have hinted that the response to a conventional attack would consist of air strikes and ground attacks by airborne forces. In 1991, Iraq fired 39 Scud missiles with conventional warheads into Israeli cities, causing extensive damage but few casualties. The United States asked Israel not to respond, as this would have led Arab countries to quit the broad alliance Washington had formed. Israel complied, reluctantly.
This time there will be precious few Arabs in any coalition, and Israel defending herself isn't going to make those who aren't in it any madder than they already are. But then, they're always mad about something, aren't they?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-15