
Shrinkflation hits the nation AGAIN: Honey Bunches of Oats slashes amount of cereal in boxes by 17%, Haribo Gummy Bear packs are down to just 4 ounces and Angel Soft toilet paper cuts sheets from 425 in a roll to 320
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • As prices surge in US amid inflation levels not seen in 50 years, companies have engaged in practice called product downsizing, or 'shrinkflation,' to cut costs

  • Notable brands to 'shrinkflate' their products in recent months as the American dollar continues to lessen in value include Charmin, Bounty, and Gatorade

  • As bottom lines continue to tighten, more companies are starting to follow suit

  • Joining the parade of downsized products is Honey Bunches of Oats, which has seen the weight of its standard box, previously 14.5 ounces, lessen to 12 ounces

  • Another shrinkflation casualty to emerge in recent weeks was instant coffee provider Folger's, which shrank the size of its canisters by 7.5 ounces

  • The US inflation rate hit 8.5 percent in March, the highest seen since 1981

Posted by: Skidmark 2022-06-08