
Seven attacks repelled in Donbas, fighting continues
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[Vesti] On Wednesday, June 8, in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the fighters of the Joint Forces group, the Russians unsuccessfully tried to attack seven times in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions . Fighting is still ongoing at two more locations, the JFO command said.

Today, the Russians shelled at least 20 settlements in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. In doing so, they destroyed and damaged 28 civilian facilities, including 21 residential buildings, two schools , one prison, one farm, and one beekeeping farm. " As a result of these attacks , four civilians were killed and six more were injured ," the JFO said .

In turn, the Ukrainian defenders over the past day destroyed:

  • three enemy tanks;

  • two armored fighting vehicles;

  • four units of automotive equipment;

Air defense units in the sky of the Ukrainian Donbas shot down six unmanned aerial vehicles of the Orlan-10 type.

June 8 is the 105th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine. In Donbass, according to President Zelensky, between 60 and 100 Ukrainian soldiers die at the front every day. Briefly about the main thing that is happening in the country right now, about the situation in the regions, the addresses of the president and the government, as well as all the relevant information from key departments - online Vesti.ua .

Gaidai believes that there is no threat of encirclement of our people in Severodonetsk

[Vesti] In the Luhansk region, the most "hot" in Severodonetsk, there are battles, and the enemy regularly bombs the city. However, at the moment, despite the fact that the Russians promise to capture ("liberate") the city "in just a few hours", there is no threat of encirclement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Severodonets, says the head of the Lugansk military administration, Sergei Gaidai.

"At Severodonetsk, the situation is very difficult. For the Russians, the capture of the city is fundamental, because they have already lied that they completely control it, but in fact there are battles in the city. Therefore, they throw all the reserves there and fire from everything they have. A couple of days ago , (our) special forces really came in and cleared almost half of the city. When the Russians realized this, they simply began to level it with airstrikes and artillery. It makes no sense to sit in some high-rise building and wait until everything is completely destroyed. Therefore, ours are now again control only the outskirts of the city. But the fighting is still going on, Severodonetsk is being defended by us, it is impossible to say that the Russians completely control the city. And in the near future, I hope that this will not happen," Gaidai said.

According to him, the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway is not controlled by the Russians, but "the Russians are shelling very powerfully."

"We have access to Lisichansk, we bring humanitarian supplies every day and we are trying to evacuate people now ," Gaidai says. He clarifies that he does not yet see the threat of encirclement of our forces in the Lugansk direction: "Russia really wants this. I communicate with the military, now there is no threat of encirclement. Our command is in control of the situation. Yes, it is difficult, but controllable ."

Gaidai notes that approximately 15,000 people remained in Severodonetsk and Lisichansk.

"Some of them are elderly people who simply do not want to go anywhere, their thesis is:" we were born here, we will die here. no matter what, but a projectile, a bomb or a rocket will not fly to them. Well, there is a small part of the people who are waiting for the "Russian world," - says the head of the regional administration.

He believes that in the near future the Russian army will concentrate all efforts on seizing Severodonetsk and blocking the Bakhmut-Lysichansk highway, the Russians will throw all their reserves into the complete capture of the Luhansk region. At the same time, Gaidai says that the Armed Forces of Ukraine can recapture Severodonetsk , but the city is not of great strategic importance.

Posted by: badanov 2022-06-09