
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 9th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:15 Russian invaders are spreading fakes about an attack on Slovyansk, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine are holding the lines, said the head of the Donetsk OVA Pavel Kirilenko on the air of the telethon: "Our Armed Forces of Ukraine courageously hold the defense along all lines. The enemy has not advanced. Of course, their goal is Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, but before Slavyansk they need to pass those lines that are equipped, and where we are preparing to meet them.

23:13 Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejcinovic-Burich strongly condemned the death sentences to three foreign citizens who participated in hostilities as part of the Ukrainian army: "The death penalty is incompatible with human dignity and constitutes inhuman and degrading treatment. It has no place on the European continent" .

23:09 Bloomberg writes that the Netherlands and Denmark oppose granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate. Earlier today, Stefanchuk, after meeting with Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Gukstroy, said that the Netherlands would support granting Ukraine candidate status. And Deputy Prime Minister Stefanyshina said that three European countries refuse to support the granting of this status to Ukraine.

22:45 Severodonetsk, in case of surrender, will be very difficult for the enemy to liberate, the mayor of the city Alexander Stryuk said on the air of the telethon: "Severodonetsk and Lisichansk are two satellite cities. Lysichansk is located on a mountain, Severodonetsk is on a plateau under the mountain. It is clear that they may ", and do not represent strategic value in military terms - this is more a question for the military command. But then it will be very difficult to liberate Severodonetsk. Therefore, I want to believe that our military will defend it and will not allow it to be completely occupied."

22:28 The daily losses of Ukrainian troops in the war with Russia range from 100 to 200 people, Podolyak said, the BBC Ukrainian service reports. One of the main reasons for the heavy losses, the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office called the lack of parity between Ukrainian and Russian military capabilities. According to him, Ukraine needs hundreds, not "handfuls" of the most powerful artillery systems that the West can provide. For parity with the firepower of the enemy and the de-occupation of the territory of Ukraine, according to Podolyak, up to 300 missile systems are needed.

22:07 Germany will provide Ukraine with up to 26 million euros to support the energy system, Ambassador Anka Feldhusen said.

22:04 For the Odessa and Nikolaev regions, the threat of missile strikes from the Black Sea has increased, warned the speaker of the Odessa OVA Sergey Bratchuk. According to him, Russia has deployed two of its ships and a submarine, which are carriers of sea-based cruise missiles of the Caliber type. In addition, Russian troops may try to penetrate into the Odessa region with the help of DRGs on small boats across the Danube.

21:58 In Kharkov, due to Russian aggression, 150 thousand people were left without housing, Mayor Igor Terekhov said. According to him, since the beginning of the war, 3.5 thousand houses have been destroyed in the city, of which 500 multi-storey buildings (including nine- and 16-storey ones) cannot be restored.

21:53 Johnson said that the rising cost of living in Britain should not be the reason for refusing to help Ukraine in the war with Russia.

21:51 The head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military District Oleksandr Starukh said that the Russian troops are withdrawing from the Melitopol and part of the Vasilyevsky districts - this could be a rotation. According to him, some units of the Russian Federation withdrew in the Kherson direction, but representatives of the "DPR" entered certain territories.

21:37 Russia has begun systematically shelling car repair plants in Ukraine, the head of Ukrzaliznytsia Alexander Kamyshin said on the air of the telethon. According to him, the day after the attack on the Kyiv DVRZ on June 5, the Russians hit another car repair plant.

"They systematically hit our railway infrastructure every day," Kamyshin said. According to him, now this is one of the main strategies of the enemy - the Russians want to make Ukraine immobile.

21:04 The head of the Bundestag Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Renata Alt said that the condemnation to death of two Britons and one Moroccan who fought for Ukraine, the self-proclaimed "DPR" - "this is a scandal and another gross violation of international military law." She confirmed that the men officially served in the Ukrainian army, therefore they are combatants and, accordingly, are protected by law.

"The whole procedure is a farce, because in the breakaway region there can be no question of an independent judiciary," Alt emphasized, adding that today's "verdict" can be interpreted "as an attempt to blackmail Russia and its henchmen against Britain and Morocco."

20:46 Fierce fighting continues in Severodonetsk, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, "the Buryats retreated because they are much weaker than our defenders." Also, the Russians are powerfully shelling Lisichansk from a large caliber that breaks through concrete, so it is extremely dangerous for the townspeople to be in the city, even in shelters. There are no fights in the city itself and around it. At the same time, fighting is going on in the settlements of the Gorskaya and Popasnyanskaya communities.

Gaidai noted that due to the heat, the water level in the Seversky Donets River fell, which means that the Russians will again try to abandon the crossings. “We are following, in which case we will act proactively,” he assured and added that the losses of the Russian Federation significantly exceed those of Ukraine.

20:30 In the "DNR" earlier death sentences were handed down only to those who committed especially grave ordinary crimes, the verdict on foreign "mercenaries" is passed for the first time, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the "supreme court". At the same time, none of the death sentences handed down in the "DPR" has yet been carried out, the court clarified.

20:28 Zelensky will be invited to the NATO meeting on June 28-30, EFE reports. According to the agency, the Spanish government, in coordination with NATO and other institutions, is completing preparations for the summit. The final program of the meeting has yet to be approved by the alliance, after which an invitation will be sent to participate in the meeting of the President of Ukraine.

20:26 Switzerland has refused Poland to transfer the German Leopard 2A4 tanks it has, the Swiss Federal Department of Defense, Population Protection and Sports said in a statement. Recently, Poland requested tanks of the Leopard 2A4 type, obsolete in the Swiss army.

20:23 The process of forming a "people's militia" has intensified in Belarus. Thus, in the military commissariats, a meeting is held with local residents in order to explain the need to create these units. Also, in the regions bordering with Ukraine, the local population is prohibited from visiting forests, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

20:19 The Kremlin is waiting for the moment when Ukraine's allies get tired of the war and stop supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces so actively, said British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons. She noted that a certain weariness from the war has already begun to be observed, especially in the Western media. According to Simmons, the most difficult period for Ukraine in 2022 will be the period from late autumn to the end of winter, because it is at this time that Russia will begin to blackmail the West with gas exports.

20:13 Russian oligarch of Ukrainian origin Mikhail Fridman is consulting with the Ukrainian authorities on how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship and re-register the main assets, said Alexander Novikov, head of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. According to him, such a scenario is also possible for other Russian businessmen of Ukrainian origin, for example, for Viktor Vekselberg.

20:08 Podolyak said that Kherson and Zaporizhia will remain Ukraine, and "we will firmly liberate our territories, no matter what names the z-occupiers come up with." He also stressed that for the international community, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions will also remain the territory of Ukraine - "in particular, in the issue of using Western weapons to liberate Ukrainian lands."

19:53 Finland plans to build a fence on the border with Russia to strengthen its own security, the country's Interior Ministry said.

19:40 Ukraine will make every effort to release three foreigners from captivity, whom Donetsk militants "sentenced" to death today, Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said in a commentary to RBC-Ukraine. According to him, all foreigners fighting on Ukrainian territory as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are Ukrainian military personnel, and in accordance with international humanitarian law, they are subject to the legal status of combatants, that is, if they are captured by the enemy, they enjoy the rights of prisoners of war. The enemy is forbidden to commit violence against them, intimidate or behave inhumanely.

"Such public trials put the interests of propaganda above the law and morality, undermine the mechanisms for the return of prisoners of war. The Ukrainian government will continue to make every effort to release all the defenders of Ukraine," the Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

19:28 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss commented on today's "sentences" to British citizens in the "DPR": "I categorically condemn the sentencing of Aiden Eslin and Sean Pinner, who were detained by Russian puppets in eastern Ukraine. They are prisoners of war. This is a fictitious court that has absolutely no legal strength. My thoughts are with the families. We continue to do our best to support them."

19:15 Three European countries refuse to support granting Ukraine candidate status for EU membership, Deputy Prime Minister Stefanyshina said: "In general, about seven EU countries are not Eastern European or Baltic countries, as you can imagine, - they made proposals about what "something different format, offering extra-candidacy or conditional candidacy. There were a lot of different proposals, but in fact there are three main countries that today do not want to give the green light to Ukraine."

At the same time, she expressed confidence that "on June 24, none of the leaders of the European Union will be able to say 'no' to Ukraine."

18:49 In Kherson and some cities of the region, information appears that the military invaders are transporting their families there, trying to convince the locals that they are here forever, OK Pivden reports: "The families of the invaders themselves do not hide their delight at the standard of living in the Kherson region, which even under the conditions of more than 100 days of occupation, many times higher than their native Russian regions."

18:33 Podolyak reacted to the attempts to annex the regions of Ukraine: "Any talk about the possibility of easing sanctions against Russia against the backdrop of the preparation of the annexation of the south and east of Ukraine is categorically unacceptable. Any attempt to "legalize" the occupied territories must receive a tough sanctions response. The Kremlin must understand the price of each next step."

18:15 Zelensky signed a decree imposing sanctions against Putin and other representatives of the Russian authorities. In addition to Putin, sanctions have been imposed against Peskov, Mishustin, Shoigu, Lavrov, Deputy Prime Ministers Belousov and Golikova, Khusnullin, Kolokoltsev. In general, sanctions were imposed against 35 representatives of the leadership of the Russian Federation, and 236 Russian universities were included in the sanctions list, including Moscow State University, Moscow State Technical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University.

The sanctions have been introduced indefinitely, they involve blocking assets and property, preventing the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine, a ban on entering territorial waters and airspace, a ban on securities transactions, denial of visas, deprivation of state awards of Ukraine, etc.

17:54 According to the UN, since the beginning of the war, 4.8 million Ukrainians have been registered in Europe, of which 3.2 million have received temporary protection. In total, as of June 7, 7.27 million people crossed the border of Ukraine, 2.3 million returned.

17:51 Russian troops are trying to resume the offensive in order to completely capture the Zaporozhye region, Alexei Gromov, deputy chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said at a briefing. According to him, in the Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog and Nikolaev directions, the enemy is conducting positional defense and shelling Ukrainian troops. Gromov also said that in the event of a complete capture of the Kherson region, the Russians would try to take Nikolaev in order to create conditions for an attack on Odessa.

17:43 The Ukrainian defenders of Azovstal did not hand over their weapons to the Russians, but left the factory after they themselves agreed on the conditions of their detention, so this cannot be considered a surrender, Defense Ministry intelligence told UP.

17:37 In Ukraine, the first sentences for leaving the battlefield or failure to comply with the order were handed down, Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said on Thursday, June 9: "Leaving the battlefield is a crime. Criminal proceedings are opened for this. We had many working meetings with law enforcement bodies and courts, and today there are already the first sentences for these crimes.

17:35 The city council will ask the government to create a military cemetery in the capital for honorary burials of the defenders of Ukraine, Klitschko said. The city authorities propose to equip such a cemetery near the Babi Yar tract.

17:33 Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis called Russia's intention to cancel the recognition of Lithuanian independence "barbaric": "Only a country ruled by beasts could start such a war as Russia started. I am not surprised that in politics people do not act like human beings. And we must respond accordingly - be prepared to defend themselves and their allies by political, diplomatic or other means."

17:29 "Sentenced" to death, the British and the Moroccan, who fought on the Ukrainian side in the Donbass, can appeal the decision of the "DPR court" within a month and ask for pardon. If the leader of the “DPR” pardons the convicts, their death penalty can be replaced with life or 25 years in a colony. The death penalty, according to the "laws of the DPR", is carried out by firing squad.

17:03 Priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have collected more than 400 signatures for a church tribunal over the Moscow Patriarch Kirill. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is accused of supporting the war in Ukraine and broadcasting militaristic ideas. The priests filed a lawsuit against Cyril against the Council of Primates of the Ancient Eastern Churches.

17:01 Putin said that Peter I "returned and strengthened the territories, this fate also fell to our lot."

16:56 The Russian language will receive the status of the state language in the Zaporozhye region, said a member of the "administration" Vladimir Rogov.

16:54 "The Supreme Court of the DPR" passed the first sentence on the "mercenaries" - the British Aiden Aslin and Sean Pinner and the Moroccan Saadun Brahim were sentenced to death , RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom. They were accused of "mercenarism" and committing actions aimed at "seizing power and overthrowing the constitutional order of the DPR."

16:40 Russian special services are working to disrupt the supply of weapons to Ukraine, Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar said: "Russian special services have stepped up subversive activities in different countries in order to disrupt contracts concluded by Ukraine for the acquisition and supply of weapons and military equipment."

16:36 Russian Su-34 and Su-30 aircraft launched a missile attack on the Zhytomyr region from the territory of Belarus, Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said. He clarified that the X-59 cruise missile attack occurred at 01:15 in the Zhytomyr region. Two planes were attracted from the Mozyr region of the Gomel region, the Baranovichi airfield.

16:32 In addition to four HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, Ukraine will receive thousands of Stinger MANPADS, hundreds of drones, cars, howitzers and hundreds of thousands of ammunition from the United States, which follows from the published list. Thus, the new $1 billion US military aid package includes:

  • 6500 anti-tank systems,

  • 1500 MANPADS Stinger,

  • 20 thousand anti-tank grenade launchers,

  • 7500 small arms,

  • 108 M777 howitzers

  • 220 thousand shells of 155 mm caliber,

  • 121 Phoenix Ghost drones,

  • 700 Switchblade kamikaze drones,

  • 200 M113 armored personnel carriers,

  • hundreds of Humvees,

  • four HIMARS systems,

  • 20 Mi-17 helicopters.

16:25 Residents of the occupied territories continue to resist the transition of the region to the ruble zone, so the Russians are forced to use the hryvnia, according to the Center for National Resistance. The Russians have not been able to organize the work of administrations and are experiencing problems in the financial sector. Residents do not perceive rubles as a currency, so most goods can only be purchased for the hryvnia. At the same time, entrepreneurs massively refuse to work according to Russian laws.

16:22 In Mariupol, the invaders began to issue pensions from Russia. According to them, about 47,000 pensioners are registered, but there is evidence that about 10,000 more Mariupol residents did not apply for Russian payments in principle, said Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol. In recalculation, the pension is 2600 hryvnia. The queue is scheduled until the end of the month. The money is given out in cash, which were delivered in rubles the day before by armored cars.

16:17 Meduza, citing sources, reports that the Kremlin plans to annex all the occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia and create a separate federal district from them. Before that, "referendums" should be held there. According to the newspaper, two dates are currently being considered in Moscow - mid-July or September 11, when gubernatorial elections will be held in Russia.

In addition, Russia is preparing to appoint not local collaborators, but Russian officials to all administrative positions in the occupied territories. This process is supervised by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko. The last complete replacement of the "government" in the "DPR" is proof of this. Sources of the publication note that soon the leaders of the "LPR" and "DPR" Pasechnik and Pushilin may be replaced by Russian officials.

16:15 The Netherlands will support granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership, Stefanchuk said after a meeting with Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Gukstroy.

16:13 It may take months to clear Ukrainian ports of mines. Even if the ports open tomorrow, ships will not be able to go to sea immediately due to the large number of mines, UN Maritime Security Adviser Peter Adams told Bloomberg. Now about 80 ships and about 450 sailors remain blocked in Ukrainian ports.

16:04 The city council has deprived Minsk of the status of a sister city, Klitschko said: “Minsk can hardly be called a sister city of Kiev. So nothing prevented us from making a decision to deprive this status of the capital of Belarus. cities and towns and there was an invasion of Russian troops into our state.

15:55 Sub-sanctioned Russian Promsvyazbank was the first of the Russian banks to start working in LDNR. In particular, it promises to start issuing payment cards of the Mir system.

15:51 The occupation administration of Melitopol is urgently looking for additional freezers and industrial refrigerators. The city meat-packing plant converted into a morgue is already completely filled with the bodies of the murdered Russians, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to intelligence data, the corpses of Russian soldiers who died during the fighting in the direction of Pologi-Gulyaipole are being actively brought to Melitopol.

The long-term storage of the bodies of the dead is connected with the intentions of the Russian leadership to hide the real extent of the losses from the Russian electorate - therefore, the "dosed" sending of the bodies to the Russian Federation and the maximum stretching of the process in time are practiced.

15:36 The Russian occupiers are actively preparing the visit of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to the Zaporozhye NPP, Energoatom says: "What can the visit of the Director General or his representatives bring to Zaporozhye NPP? Obviously, only one thing - in the eyes of the world community, to legitimize the occupation of the plant by nuclear terrorists."

Energoatom emphasized that no one from Ukraine invited the IAEA to ZNPP: “To come to ZNPP through Russia and then Crimea or other temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories under the protection of the Russian military without the will of Ukraine?! This would mean ignoring international law, interfering in political issues but - on the side of Russia".

15:17 Russian aggression not only flagrantly violated international norms of law and order, but also entailed dramatic consequences that are felt around the world. Read more in the material What upheavals the war of the Russian Federation in Ukraine caused in the world .

14:54 Ukraine tried to unblock the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. One attempt to deblockade was not only planned, but also implemented. It took place after several weeks of a bloody blockade of Mariupol, UP reports.

14:50 Zelensky, in his address to the participants of the opening ceremony of the ministerial meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, stated the need to exclude Russia from the FAO:

"For a long time the world did not recognize the importance of Ukraine and the weight of our warnings. But Russia has always known that a few steps against our state, a few steps in our region, and the consequences will be felt on all continents. That is why Russia needs control over Ukraine. That is why this is a basic "The world's interest now is to help defend Ukraine. We must quickly end Russia's war against our state so that we can guarantee the reliability of food supplies across the Black Sea. Since it is Ukrainian agricultural exports that play a stabilizing role in the global market. And Russia must answer for what provokes against Europe a new wave of migration.Russia should be subject to long-term and painful sanctions precisely at the global level.Also, there can be no question of Russia's continued membership in the FAO - the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations."

14:45 The bodies of another 58 dead defenders of Azovstal were brought to Kiev, the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security reported. Four of them probably served in Azov, the regiment's press service said. The defenders are planned to be buried at the Memorial to the fallen heroes of Azovstal, which will be erected on the slopes of the Dnieper.

14:37 By the end of June, the European Commission plans to approve the conclusion on Ukraine's application for membership. Candidate status is the most optimistic, but not the most realistic option due to the skepticism of some countries. For more details, see Candidate status and disputes about the fault of the Russian Federation .

14:35 In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched two air strikes on the accumulation of Russian forces, OK Pivden reported. In particular, the Ukrainian defenders destroyed three field trains of ammunition in three settlements of the Kherson region. Also, 30 Russians were liquidated and two armored units and four vehicles were destroyed.

14:33 American Harpoon anti-ship missiles have already entered service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, together with the Ukrainian Neptunes, are on the coastline, Reznikov said. According to him, because of this, the Russian fleet is kept at a distance from the coast.

14:29 In Severodonetsk, the Ukrainian military control the industrial zone and the neighborhoods adjacent to it, said the mayor of the city Alexander Stryuk. The night, according to him, was difficult, the enemy is constantly shelling the Azot enterprise.

14:24 The European Commission is preparing to consider the issue of granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU accession on June 17, EU spokesman Eric Mamer said: "The Committee of European Commissioners will hold a joint debate on this issue on Monday. It will develop an opinion at a meeting to be held on Friday, 17 June". The EU summit will take place on June 23-24.

14:22 The EU has allocated 205 million euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, bringing the total amount of funding to more than 700 million euros, the press service of the European Commission reported. In addition to financial humanitarian assistance, the EU has mobilized all possible resources to help Ukraine. Thus, all 27 member states, as well as Turkey, Norway and North Macedonia, provided more than 38,000 tons of aid, including first aid kits, food, protective clothing, as well as strategic equipment such as fire engines, mobile hospitals and energy carriers.

In addition, the EU has mobilized its RescEU emergency pool to deliver key medical equipment to help ferry Ukrainian patients in need of urgent medical care to Europe's hospitals.

14:18 Russian state channels continue to be broadcast in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East thanks to a network of five "joint" satellites. So, with the help of the Hotbird 13 satellite, residents of Germany can still watch all the channels of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - and for free, according to We Can Explain . In addition, the French operator (a quarter of the state-owned) Eutelsat, under an agreement with the Russian Federation, rebroadcasts Russian TV channels for Russia's largest satellite television companies NTV-Plus and Tricolor-TV.

14:09 The he factions of the European Parliament called on the EU summit on June 23-24 to grant candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova , as well as to work on such a status for Georgia.

13:56 The head of the Russian branch of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Oleg Kobyakov, said that negotiations on the export of Ukrainian grain "are close to completion." According to him, Ukrainian grain, located in the Black Sea ports, is "only 0.2% of the volume on the world market."

13:34 Peskov said that the state Ukrainian language will remain in the occupied territories of Ukraine, "but the solution of this issue in the future will depend on the will of the local population."

13:10 The number of collaborators who have been identified now is 10-15 times lower than in 2015, First Deputy Interior Minister Yevgeny Yenin said on the air of the telethon. He recalled that in 2015, it was about two thousand law enforcement collaborators who went to serve the occupation administration, about three thousand more policemen were dismissed with reasonable suspicions of such activities. Now there are several hundred such cases: more than 600 cases of treason and collaboration, 800 people appear, some of them have received suspicions.

12:38 Over the past day, Russian troops fired at 21 settlements in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, eight civilians were killed, at least 16 people were injured. The largest number of victims is in Lisichansk and Kurakhovo, the Ministry of Defense reports.

12:23 "First Deputy Prime Minister" so-called. Vladislav Kuznetsov, former vice-governor of the Kurgan region, has been appointed to the LPR, Russian media reported.

12:20 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that a missile strike near Novograd-Volynsky in the Zhytomyr region destroyed "a training center of the Ukrainian army, in which foreign mercenaries were retrained and coordinated." Earlier, the Zhytomyr OVA reported that a Russian missile hit a multi-storey building.

12:11 Reznikov admitted that there are not only achievements at the front, but also mistakes: "We receive all the signals, and criticism too. We know our shortcomings and work hard to correct them. I consider the main achievement to be the preservation of the synergy of all military-political leadership. This is our advantage as a country, and we will not let those who are already working with an eye on ratings and political prospects undermine it."

He also said that the situation at the front is difficult: “ We lose every day up to a hundred of our soldiers killed and up to 500 wounded. The Kremlin continues to put pressure on the mass, slips, is subjected to powerful resistance, suffers huge losses. But so far it has the strength to advance in certain areas front."

12:05 Ukraine is suffering huge losses in the war, as Russian troops outnumber them dozens of times, writes The Independent, citing an intelligence report. According to the report, the RF Armed Forces outnumber the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the ratio of 20:1 in artillery and 40:1 in ammunition.

12:02 The Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out at least seven helicopter missions to the blocked Mariupol plant Azovstal, UP reports. According to journalists, Ukraine has lost at least three helicopters.

11:50 The self-propelled guns Crab transferred by Poland are already at the front, Reznikov said. According to him, this is the fifth type of 155-mm artillery, which the Ukrainian army now has. To date, more than 150 artillery platforms of 155-mm caliber are being delivered to Ukraine. The stocks of shells of this caliber are already 10% higher than the stocks of large-caliber Soviet-type shells as of February 24, 2022. At the same time, according to Reznikov, the effectiveness of these shells is higher than Soviet models, so their consumption is less.

11:46 South Korea will provide $1.2 million to support the safe operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, the South Korean Foreign Ministry said. Support will be provided through the IAEA to send IAEA personnel and procure the necessary safety equipment.

11:44 Starlink Ukraine has just received an operator license. Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov said that the representative office of SpaceX will soon begin active work in Ukraine.

11:33 Stoltenberg suddenly canceled his planned visit to Berlin today, the German Defense Ministry said. Reasons are not reported. NATO Secretary General was to meet in Berlin with Scholz and German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht.

11:19 The state compensates the expenses of Ukrainians who are repairing houses destroyed due to the war at their own expense, Shmyhal said: “Now we will focus on accelerating the fixation of losses, so that everyone who is now doing repairs at their own expense understands that the state will compensate for the costs as soon as our Western partners will hand over the arrested and confiscated Russian assets to Ukraine."

11:14 According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, recently a convoy of Russian military trucks with Soviet mines made in the 50s of the last century arrived in the occupied Kherson region. The ammunition was stored in warehouses in the Rostov region and was prepared for destruction. Having appropriated funds for disposal, the Russian command transferred the dangerous cargo to the advanced units of the Russian Federation for mining defense positions.

When trying to install minefields on old ammunition, several sappers-occupiers from the BTG of the 7th military base of the 49th combined arms army of the Southern Military District (military unit 09332) of the Russian troops have already blown up. With the military police and FSB officers who worked at the scene of the explosions, the BTG command agreed that it would be classified as an accident. Families of sappers will not receive payments for the death of relatives.

10:43 Poland sent more than 240 tanks and about 100 armored vehicles to Ukraine, Duda said in an interview with Bild: "Ukraine needs heavy weapons, tanks. These are Ukraine's needs. I spoke with President Zelensky two days ago. He asked me again. We sent tanks ", more than 240 tanks that Ukraine can serve. We sent almost 100 pieces of armored vehicles and weapons. Weapons, ammunition, missiles. We sent a total of $2 billion worth of weapons."

According to him, Poland expected to receive a certain number of Leopard tanks from Germany in order to replenish its stocks, but this has not yet happened.

10:40 After the massive shelling of Severodonetsk Azot, the bomb shelter survived, there were no releases of chemicals, said the head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

10:25 Duda, in an interview with Bild, criticized Macron and Scholz for constantly calling Putin: "I am shocked by all the conversations that are being held with Putin, especially Chancellor Scholz, President Emmanuel Macron. These negotiations lead to nothing." According to the Polish leader, these conversations rather have the effect of "legitimizing those who are responsible for the crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine."

10:14 At night, Russians launched a missile attack on Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region, and hit a high-rise building. There is no information about the dead and injured at the moment, said the head of the OVA Vitaliy Bunechko.

09:59 British intelligence reports that fighting in the Severodonetsk pocket continues, but Russia has also stepped up efforts to advance south of Izyum. The advance of the Russian Federation in the Izyum direction has stalled since April, after Ukrainian troops skillfully used the terrain to slow down the enemy. RF units are likely to remain understaffed despite efforts to rebuild.

Analysts speculate that Russia is likely seeking to gain momentum in the Severodonetsk-Izyum region to put further pressure on Severodonetsk and gain an opportunity to push deeper into the Donetsk region.

09:43 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of June 9. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut direction.

  • personnel - about 31,700 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1398 (+5),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3438 (+9),

  • artillery systems - 711 (+8),

  • MLRS - 213 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 96 (+0),

  • aircraft - 212 (+0),

  • helicopters - 178 (+0),

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 562 (+3),

  • cruise missiles - 125 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 13 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2421 (+15),

  • special equipment - 53 (+0).

09:34 The United States and the United Kingdom have developed a plan for training the Ukrainian military in handling Western HIMARS and M270 multiple launch rocket systems. US General Mark Milley said that it was about training "a platoon of Ukrainian military." The training of the military will last 3-4 weeks - this is an accelerated course of study. The British side plans to train one Ukrainian platoon per training period.

09:30 Bidding around the lifting of sanctions will push the Kremlin to new forms of aggression, said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda: "If we start to doubt the expediency of sanctions or trade them, this will create additional incentives for Russia to use new forms of aggression ... We can reach such a level, when there is little left of the sanctions, and Russia will have every opportunity to expand its aggression in Ukraine."

09:28 Zelensky spoke at TIME100 Gala: "This year, the top 5 most influential people according to Time, apart from me, are Elon Musk, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, medical workers who fought covid, and US President Joseph Biden. And this list was compiled at a time when the worst war in Europe in 77 years is going on. A war that we cannot stop yet. It's time to be one hundred percent powerful. We can ensure the defeat of tyranny. All of us, all leaders of our time. We can securely defend freedom. We can stop the blackmail that is being used by a person who does not even belong on our list. If we can, then we must do it. Because influence obliges."

09:17 Ukraine can receive from Germany the missile weapons promised by Scholz not earlier than winter, writes Business Insider. The Iris-T air defense systems will be ready in November-December, and the Mars II MLRS require software replacement before shipment.

08:50 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that the Russians are probably trying to strengthen control over the T0812 highway, which runs through the territory of Orekhovsky and Vasilyevsky districts, in order to support operations in the northeast of the Zaporozhye region - that's why they deployed 30 T-tanks there 62.

In addition, Russian forces have been conducting MLRS attacks and intelligence operations in the Mykolaiv region and will intensify operations in the Kherson region in response to recent Ukrainian counterattacks.

Analysts also suggest that Russian military leaders have problems with the formation of combat units. For example, military registration and enlistment offices in Crimea falsify the results of mandatory medical examinations conducted during the summer conscription period in order to maximize the number of conscripts.

08:46 Clashes between collaborators began in the Zaporozhye region, said the head of the OVA Oleksandr Starukh: “Those who decided to help the enemy have already begun to regret it ... Because of the thirst for profit and power, skirmishes began among collaborators. This is evidenced by the appearance of cases with explosions and explosions in the occupied territories. The traitors are afraid for their lives and now dream of escaping from our region to the Crimea."

08:32 The occupiers have stopped the practice of going through filtration inside Mariupol - now everyone who has not passed the procedure must go by organized buses to the filtration camps in the village. Nikolskoye or Bezymennoe and there, at the compact accommodation point, wait for several days of filtration with the risk of being deported to Russia, said Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol.

You can go through the filtering on your own by driving a car to the city of Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region, but getting a pass to move in the occupational commandant's office of Mariupol takes from a week. De facto, the city remains closed to travel even to Russia, the adviser added.

08:29 92% of the inhabitants of southern Ukraine have a very bad attitude towards Russia, with "Black Sea fury", said the speaker of the Odesa OVA Serhiy Bratchuk.

08:27 The Russians continue their unsuccessful search for weaknesses in the defense of Severodonetsk, while simultaneously shooting at peaceful neighborhoods and industrial facilities in the Lugansk region, the head of the Lugansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai, reports. On the evening of June 8, the enemy fired twice at the Azot enterprise, at least two shops were damaged, one of which was an ammonia production shop. At least four people died in the region per day.

08:23 In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy again fired at the Krivoy Rog region, hit the Zelenodolsk community five times from artillery. There is destruction of houses in Velikaya Kostroma, people were not injured, said the head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA, Valentin Reznichenko.

08:06 In Kharkiv, at about 23:00, fires broke out in the buildings of a cafe, shop and school library of the Novobavarsky district due to shelling, the school building was damaged. Previously, two people died, four more were injured, according to the State Emergency Service.

07:33 In the fighting on the territory of Ukraine, the personnel of the 15th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 2nd combined arms army of the Central Military District of the Russian Federation suffered significant losses - about 800 dead and 400 wounded. In total, about 1,800 military personnel from the brigade took part in the hostilities, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported in the morning report .

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy fired at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from cannon and rocket artillery near Kamyshevakhi, Nikolaevka, Berestovoye, Belogorovka, Semigorye and Mayorskoye. Inflicted missile and air strikes on the areas of the settlements of Verkhnekamenka, Zolote, Berestovoe, Slavyansk and New York. The invaders are trying to storm the villages of Roty, Nikolaevka and Kamyshevakh. In previous battles in this direction, the Ukrainian defenders inflicted significant losses on the invaders, and the enemy was forced to retreat.

The Russians also launched a missile attack on Kramatorsk.

07:18 The Pivden operational command reports that Russia has begun deploying the Tor anti-aircraft missile system on the boats of its fleet, which is capable of shooting down Bayraktars. Also now in the Black Sea there are three Caliber carriers with 28 missiles.

06:47 In Kharkiv, after a night shelling, a television signal disappeared, said Dmitry Khorkin, member of the board of the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine.

04:02 Biden discussed by phone with Duda support for Ukraine and security cooperation, the White House said.

03:19 Kherson region plans to hold a "referendum" on joining Russia this year, said Kirill Stremousov, "deputy head of the military-civil administration" of the region.

00:17 The city authorities of Ivano-Frankivsk have officially banned the performance of songs in Russian, Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv said. He explained that he drew such conclusions from the recent conflict, when the musician was beaten for performing a Russian-language song.

Posted by: badanov 2022-06-10