
Aslan Naptugov rearrested after conflict with law enforcers in Karachay-Cherkessia
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Circassian activist Aslan Naptugov, after six days of administrative arrest, was re-detained and arrested for two months on charges of extremism, a source in the investigating authorities said. The activist is under pressure in order to obtain the evidence necessary for the investigation, his acquaintance said.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Aslan Naptugov, a resident of Cherkessk, was detained on May 24 for petty hooliganism and arrested for six days. The protocol stated that Naptugov tried to provoke a fight, insulted the security forces. The blogger stated in court that he did not commit any violation. After being released from the detention center, Naptugov was again detained by the security forces. 

The activity of the International Public Trade Union Organization "Solidarity" (MOPOS) attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies, a source in the investigative bodies of Karachay-Cherkessia told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. As part of the initiated criminal case against members of this organization, which dealt with various issues from the quality of medical services to human rights, seven local residents were detained, including Aslan Naptugov, a representative of the investigating authorities said.

Naptugov took part in the MOPOS "people's control" raids, which, in particular, were devoted to the fight against forced vaccination, follows from the entries in the Instagram * account of the MOPOS in Karachay-Cherkessia. In particular, Naptugov takes part in a raid on Rospotrebnadzor, a video report of which was published on August 24, 2021.

The last entry in the account, which is followed by 2,321 people, is dated August 26, 2021. The last post on Instagram dated August 26, 2021 is a petition demanding that the transformation of the Teberdinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve into a national park be prevented without public discussions with the population. Most of the entries in the ethos account deal with the issue of forced vaccination.

"A criminal case was brought against him according to MOPOS - this is a public organization that deals with illegal write-offs, human rights, etc. In Cherkessk, this organization was closed, but it was not recognized as extremist, Naptugov was in charge of healthcare affairs in it," said a source familiar with with the circumstances of initiating a criminal case against the activist.

Aslan Naptugov was detained on May 24 after leaving the detention center, where he served an administrative arrest for insulting a government official. "He was detained under Article 91 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, stayed for two days, "until his identity was established." A few days earlier, other members of this trade union were detained. A total of seven people were detained. All of them are charged with Part 2, Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (inciting hatred or enmity by a group of persons - note of the "Caucasian Knot"). A measure of restraint was chosen against Naptugov in the form of detention for a period of two months, he was placed in pre-trial detention center No. 1 of Cherkessk," the source said.

A close acquaintance of Naptugov said on condition of anonymity that the activist was arrested before July 29 by the decision of the Circassian city court chaired by Judge Shukurov. An appeal was filed against the decision to arrest on June 6, but the date for its consideration has not yet been set.

According to him, "in addition to the Abaza-Adyghe community, Naptugov is a member of the Union of Independent Doctors (Independent Association of Doctors - Approx. "Caucasian Knot").

"As far as I know, among the detainees in this case there are those who were promised house arrest, two three were forced to testify against others. The persecution is connected with his human rights activities, he became objectionable to the republican government of Karachay-Cherkessia. There was earlier pressure on him, activists. Among the detainees are people with life experience who are convincing in the principles they uphold," he told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

An acquaintance of the activist added that, according to available information, psychological pressure could be exerted on Naptugov in order to force him to incriminate himself. "As far as his close acquaintances know, there was no physical pressure, but psychological pressure - yes. They threaten that they will grind, that it is hopeless to do something, that one must admit guilt. The essence of the claims is that they were engaged in extremism and anti-constitutional activities. That their organization I was doing it," a friend of the activist said.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent failed to receive a comment from the official representative of the TFR of Karachay-Cherkessia.

As follows from the publications in Naptugov's accounts, he adhered to the idea of ​​citizens of the USSR who believe that the union continues to exist de jure. In particular, in a message dated February 22 on his page on the VKontakte social network, where the blogger has 1,391 friends, Naptugov commented on the Russian president's statement recognizing the independence of the LPR and DPR. In his entry, he explained that he did not recognize himself as a citizen of Russia and did not renounce the citizenship of the USSR. Therefore, the president's statement was not made on his behalf, Naptugov pointed out. Part of the publications in the social network "VKontakte" is devoted to the assessment of the special military operation in Ukraine. In particular, in a post on May 12, Naptugov analyzes the statement of the Ministry of Defense about the presence of biological weapons on the territory of Ukraine. 

On his Facebook* page in May, Naptugov also published several posts with an ironic assessment of the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine and the goals of the military special operation. In addition, on May 14, the blogger in his publication drew an analogy between the special operation in Ukraine and the Caucasian war.

On May 21, in another publication, he again returned to this topic, publishing an entry with the heading ""Denazification" of the Circassians, liberation from the Turkish "expansion" and the establishment of the "Russian world" in the Caucasus in the 18th century. Until February 21, most of Naptugov's publications were devoted to the fight against forced vaccination and medical education.

Posted by: badanov 2022-06-19