
Local officials exchange a female Ukrainian Azov medic for son of Chechen official
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

A female Ukrainian medic, Yulia Paevskaya, with the Azov unit captured in Mariupol has been sent to Kiev in exchange for the captured son of Chechen deputy plenipotentiary in the Crimea, Murad Saidov.

The son, Adam, has been tagged as anti Russian and was living in Ukraine at the time of his detention.

As a part of the exchange, the Russians sent 25 million rubles to the Ukrainians.

Says Russian military blogger Andrey Chervonets:

Listen to this youngster for yourself. I understand that if they really were exchanged for a military pilot, intelligence officer, and even for the daughter of the mayor of Kupyainsk, who is being held hostage by the Ukrainian terrorist neo-Nazi regime (including physically "processing her") because her father supported Russia. But to change it to this very slimy one? Of course, there should be punishment for those who made this exchange.

As they write , the exchange of the captive nationalist Yulia Paevskaya was carried out exclusively on a local initiative, without the knowledge of Moscow, which is the reason for the lack of operational public clarifications on this matter. It takes time to clarify all the circumstances of the incident, so official clarifications on this matter should be expected a little later.

One of the top Russian military correspondents, Irina Kuksenkova, who was carrying the story, received a phone call from Akhmed Dudayev:
The Minister of Information of Chechnya Akhmed Dudayev called me (I don’t know where I got the phone) and announced his position on the current situation with Taira - he stated with full responsibility that neither Isa Khachukaev nor Murad Saidov had anything to do with the fact that Taira ended up in Ukraine .

If so, then this is good and the further circle of searches narrows. Dudaev, however, accused me of provocations and undermining the authority of the entire Chechen Republic. But here’s someone, but I don’t need to tell how the Chechens are desperately fighting and shedding their blood in the NWO, I didn’t watch the war on the couch at home. This story is not about nationality, but about corruption. We - military correspondents - are just trying to understand the situation and get to the bottom of the truth.

And who extradited the Nazi Taira to Ukraine - a resident of the Ivanovo region, Bashkiria or Chechnya - is not even a question.

So, we heard and accepted the position of Isa Khachukaev and Murad Saidov. God grant that it be so.

But my sources, with whom I have been working for twenty years, continue to stand their ground and claim that the deputy head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, Colonel Dmitry Usov, dealt with the issue of Adam Gritsenko, allegedly, he released Gritsenko from custody in Zaporozhye after Taira ended up in Ukraine ...

In general, I think that law enforcement agencies will figure out who and on whose instructions released the Nazi. All I want is the truth...
She has a point.

Concludes Chervonets:

1) Conclusions must be drawn, and those responsible for the fact that a neo-Nazi returned to Kiev from the pre-trial detention center of the DPR are punished.

2) Such an exchange should remain single. I repeat once again - the exchange fund is more than enough to exchange any Russian soldier, and not just for the son of a boss.

3) This story should consolidate the country's society in the opinion that there can be no exchanges and agreements with neo-Nazis. Firstly, anyway, 100% will be deceived, as a non-negotiator of Medinsky, and secondly, what kind of exchanges with the Nazis can there be in principle?

Posted by: badanov 2022-06-21