
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 27th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:40 The Russians today after 16:00 began shelling from cannon artillery in the Sumy region: more than 40 shots were fired at the Krasnopol community, as a result of which one person was injured. After 22:00, the enemy opened fire on the Belopolskaya community, said the head of the UVA Dmitry Zhivitsky.

23:39 Moody's agency stated that holders of Russian Eurobonds did not receive payments in due time, which is considered a default.

23:38 Tonight Russians fired at Nikolaev with cluster shells from Hurricanes, Mayor Alexander Senkevich reported. Private houses and a car were damaged.

23:35 At the NATO summit, an "awakening" of the alliance is expected, Yegor Chernev, head of the Ukrainian permanent delegation to the NATO PA, said on the air of the telethon. According to him, this will be expressed in increased support for Ukraine. And Chernev connects the acceleration of our country's integration into the alliance with the end of the war - then, probably, "we will very quickly follow this path and, possibly, without a MAP." He also said that tomorrow at the summit of the alliance the issue of Ukraine's transition to NATO standards, in particular, rearmament, will be discussed.

23:33 Currently, more than 40 applications have already been received from citizens about the disappearance of their relatives after the shelling of the mall in Kremenchuk, the Office of the Prosecutor General said.

23:31 Ukraine won an interim victory in the UN maritime arbitration against Russia. The UN Arbitration Tribunal for the Law of the Sea supported the position of Kyiv and ruled that it had jurisdiction to consider the case of the seizure by the Russian Federation of three ships and sailors in November 2018.

23:08 As a result of the shelling of Kharkov, the number of wounded increased to 31, including five children aged 8-12. The death toll remained unchanged - five people , said the head of the regional police Vladimir Timoshko.

23:04 Zelensky said in an evening video message that the Russian army does not know how to fight. He stated this in an address to the leaders of the G7: “Our common potential is absolutely enough to defeat the Russian army - it does not know how to fight. All the operations that we carry out to de-occupy our territories show one thing: the occupiers pour in when they have something put pressure on them. They don't know how to resist."

The President recalled that even before the start of a full-scale war, Ukraine told its partners that it needed modern missile defense: “The world is capable, and therefore must stop Russian terror. And now I can already say this - I heard it from our partners: Ukraine must receive reliable missile defense, we are waiting for the delivery of the corresponding systems."

22:49 Today's Russian attack on a shopping center in Kremenchuk is one of the most daring terrorist attacks in the history of Europe, Zelensky said in an evening video message. According to him, before the announcement of the air raid alert, there were about a thousand people in the shopping center, but many managed to get out. "Only completely frostbitten terrorists, who should not have a place on earth, can strike such an object with missiles. And this is not a mistaken missile hit, this is a calculated Russian strike on this particular shopping center," the president stressed.

He stated that "the Russian state has become the largest terrorist organization in the world - this is a fact, and this should be a legal fact." Zelensky said that this morning he called on the United States to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The corresponding resolution has been approved by the US Senate committee, and the legal decision can be taken by the State Department.

According to the president, during the full-scale invasion, Russia used almost 2,800 different cruise missiles against Ukraine: "The number of air bombs, rocket artillery shells hitting our cities is simply incalculable. There are hundreds of thousands of them over the four months of the war. This is nothing but terror".

22:10 In Kremenchug, as a result of a missile attack on the mall, the number of victims increased to 13 , said the head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin.

22:08 In Lisichansk, the Russians fired on local residents from Hurricanes who were collecting water from a tanker: eight people died, 21 were taken to the hospital , said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. Of those who asked for help, 16 citizens were evacuated to hospitals in other regions, the rest remained in the city.

22:03 First Deputy Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said that the "situation" in Kremenchug looks "like a provocation in Bucha."

22:01 The Russian Defense Ministry said that Kiev is allegedly preparing a provocation at the Krivorozh thermal power plant in the Dnipropetrovsk region, as a result of which "the population of most of the central regions of Ukraine will be left without electricity."

21:57 As of 20:50, firefighting continues in the building of the shopping center in Kremenchug. The bodies of ten dead were found at the scene of the fire, and another person died in the hospital. 59 people turned to medical institutions, 25 of them were hospitalized, the State Emergency Service reported.

21:55 Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics said that after the rocket attacks on the shopping center in Kremenchug, even more sanctions should be imposed against Russia: “Another terrible war crime of Russia is the rocket attacks on the shopping center in Kremenchug. The day will come when those responsible will be held accountable, "Until then, let's stop calling the Kremlin. They need to be completely isolated, more sanctions need to be imposed. My condolences to all those affected."

21:53 Johnson at a meeting of G7 leaders condemned the Russian missile attack on Kremenchuk: "This terrible attack once again showed the depth of cruelty and barbarism into which the Russian leader will fall. <...> Putin must understand that his behavior will only strengthen the resolve of the UK and any other G7 country to support Ukraine for as long as necessary."

Also, the British prime minister said in an interview with the BBC that the world should continue to support Ukraine regardless of the cost, because "the price of freedom is worth it." He recalled that during the Second World War, it took a lot of time and money to overthrow dictators, but "decades of stability" and "long-term prosperity" came.

21:49 Over the past day, Russian troops have not advanced in the Donetsk region, while their main intentions - Slavyansk and Kramatorsk - remain, the head of the UVA Pavel Kirilenko said on the air of the telethon. According to him, the situation is serious in Bakhmut, where the enemy is approaching from the Luhansk region, and Slavyansk has been under shelling for the third day. Also in the region there are again interruptions in water and electricity supply.

21:41 Argentina and Iran have applied to join the BRICS (an alliance that unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This desire was announced three days apart by Argentine President Alberto Fernandez and Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Khatibzadeh.

21:38 As a result of today's shelling of Kharkiv by the Russian army, five people were killed, 22 were injured, five of them were children , Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. The condition of the wounded is grave and average, as a result of the shelling, the residents received explosive injuries, shrapnel wounds.

21:34 The Baykar company announced that it would give Ukraine three Bayraktars for free, for which the Ukrainians transferred money to the fund of Serhiy Prytula. The company was asked to send the collected funds to help in the struggle of the people of Ukraine.

21:27 The Pentagon called "unceremonious" Putin's statement about providing Belarus with missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge, reporter Jack Detsch said referring to a US Department of Defense official: "I can't think of anything more irresponsible than a high-ranking leader who talks about nuclear weapons in this case".

21:25 Following the summit in Germany, the leaders of the Group of Seven countries announced that they are ready to provide financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine as much as necessary. For more information about the decisions made, see Sanctions and Putin's trolling .

21:22 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said that two rockets were fired at Kremenchuk, one of which hit the shopping center, the second - the city stadium.

21:14 The Ukrainian court arrested the property of Russian companies, including RusAl, Rostec and Tatneft, worth more than 4.5 billion hryvnias, the Office of the Prosecutor General said.

21:12 Borrell called on the EU to abandon the principle of unanimity in decision-making: "As we revitalize EU enlargement, we must make similar efforts to reform the EU and the decision-making process ... This means reducing the scope of the unanimity rule in foreign policy and other areas to make more decisions by qualified majority."

The head of European diplomacy stressed that the union at various times paid for the principle of unanimity in foreign policy. As an example, he cited the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation, in particular, the exclusion of Patriarch Kirill from the sanctions list and the mitigation of some final provisions.

Borrell added that if countries know in advance that a final decision can be made by a qualified majority, they have an incentive to negotiate and build consensus. If they know that they can block everything, then they have no incentive to reach a healthy compromise: "They can sit in their positions, forcing others to change. And the more outsiders are considered successful in their tactics, the more this dynamic spreads, and now the veto occur more frequently than in the past.

21:05 JP Morgan predicted that Ukraine would receive $ 20 billion in financial assistance from the West and called for lowering the official hryvnia rate from 29.25 to 35-35.6 hryvnia per dollar: "A quick return to some form of exchange rate flexibility is required. The only way to cope with expectations - to start moving closer to the parallel foreign exchange market, which is about 35-35.6 hryvnia per dollar - this is the exchange rate in the currency offices of banks."

If this is not done, then, according to American analysts, there is a serious risk of depletion of the NBU's gold and foreign exchange reserves and destabilization of the economy, even if external financial assistance is received.

20:58 The death toll in Kremenchug has risen to 11, 25 have been hospitalized , Anton Gerashchenko said from the scene. Interior Minister Denis Monastyrsky, head of the State Emergency Service Nikolai Chechetkin and head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin are working on the spot.

20:48 Provocations are not ruled out from Belarus in the areas bordering Ukraine, continued air and missile strikes from the territory and airspace of Belarus are expected, as well as increased reconnaissance to clarify the positions of Ukrainian troops, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

20:46 Putin confirmed that he will go to the G20 summit in Indonesia, where Zelensky will speak. The President of Russia was invited by Indonesian leader Joko Widodo. The summit will be held in Bali on November 15-16.

20:34 Biden imposed 35 percent customs tariffs on a number of Russian goods, the import of which was not completely prohibited by sanctions, the White House said. Import duty rates have been increasing since June 27, 2022. At the same time, the United States will monitor the implementation of these customs rates and may decide to revise them.

Commenting on this decision, Yermak recalled that following the results of the G7 summit, an agreement was reached according to which the money from the increase in duties on Russian exports will be transferred to Ukraine - "in this way, Russia will be forced to pay for the war."

20:25 The United States will send an advanced air defense system to Ukraine, the White House said. According to media reports, we are talking about NASAMS complexes. Read more about them in the material What is known about NASAMS .

20:21 Residents of Mariupol are forced to hunt pigeons due to lack of food. As Mayor Vadim Boychenko said, home-made traps appeared near the 17th microdistrict: "Mariupol residents are in the ghetto, without normal drinking water and food. They cannot leave the city. Collaborators staged real hunger games for Mariupol residents."

20:17 The tactics of the Russian troops is to destroy every house, National Guard lieutenant Vladimir Nazarenko, who participated in the battles in Severodonetsk, said on television: “The enemy’s tactics is that they destroy building after building. Not just entire cities as an ephemeral concept. The enemy understands that each building could potentially have a fighter with NLAW, Javelin and other anti-tank weapons. They let the infantry forward, the infantry meets resistance, the tanks leave and begin to dismantle building after building."

20:11 The "DNR" stated that the remains of 172 Ukrainian soldiers were exhumed on the territory of Azovstal.

20:09 Canada is imposing sanctions against six individuals and 46 legal entities associated with the Russian military-industrial complex, said the office of Prime Minister Trudeau.

20:07 As a result of evening strikes on Kharkov, four people were killed, 19 were injured - among them four children, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA. According to him, the strikes fell exclusively on civilian infrastructure.

20:05 The United States will begin training 50 Ukrainian military on HIMARS systems, the exercises will last for two weeks, Politico journalist Jack Detsch said following a closed briefing by Pentagon officials. Also, the US Department of Defense reported that over the weekend, the Russians fired more than 60 missiles at Kyiv, Lvov and Chernigov. In the case of Kyiv, they believe that the target of the strike was a plant that produces ammunition.

The Pentagon also reported that over the past few days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had liberated several small settlements near the occupied Kherson, and before leaving Severodonetsk, the Ukrainian military inflicted serious losses on the Russians.

At the same time, Russia does not have enough commanders, so they involved retired officers and reservists. In addition, Russian troops have changed the tactics of the war in Ukraine - they rely on rocket strikes and artillery shelling. Therefore, Ukraine asked the United States to provide air defense equipment, in particular helicopters and missiles for air defense systems.

19:49 Russian aggressors continue to storm at the front and have achieved partial success in some areas , the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the evening summary.

19:43 Ten people were killed and 40 injured as a result of the strike on the mall in Kremenchug , said the head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin.

19:29 The Russians hit the shopping and entertainment center in Kremenchuk with X-22 missiles fired from Tu-22 M3 long-range bombers, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported. The planes took off from the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region of the Russian Federation, and the launches were carried out from the Kursk region.

18:42 Ukraine will receive Norwegian NASAMS air defense systems from the United States, CNN reports.

18:21 As a result of today's shelling of Kharkiv, three people were killed and 15 injured , Natalya Popova, adviser to the head of the regional council, said. She stressed that this is "definitely not the final number."

18:04 The area of ​​fire in the shopping and entertainment center in Kremenchug after a missile attack is 10,300 square meters. m, according to the State Emergency Service. 115 people and 20 pieces of equipment of the State Emergency Service are involved, a fire train of Ukrzaliznytsia is going to the place.

17:50 Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Kirill Tymoshenko announced the first data on the dead and injured in Kremenchug: at the moment, 20 wounded are known, nine of them are in serious condition. Two people have been confirmed dead.

17:48 As a result of enemy shelling of Kharkov, including Northern Saltovka, three people were injured, the OVA reported.

17:44 Zelensky commented on media reports about the possible resignation of the head of the SBU Ivan Bakanov: "Firstly, if I wanted to fire him, I would have fired him already, and secondly, we are undergoing an inspection of all law enforcement agencies now. It is for this reason the fact that on February 24 there was a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on our land.

According to the president, "some representatives of various law enforcement agencies have disappeared somewhere, instead of being in place and protecting their state and people." "For various reasons. All these reasons - I travel around the regions and listen to the reports personally. And therefore, the change in the leadership of any law enforcement agency, I emphasize - any, depends only on this. Which is what I do," Zelensky said.

17:30 First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Emine Dzhaparova said that rockets hit the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchug.

17:25 In Kremenchuk, the Russians fired missiles at a shopping center where there were more than a thousand civilians , Zelensky said. A strong fire broke out in the mall, rescuers are extinguishing it, "the number of victims is unimaginable," the president added.

17:21 In Ukrainian ports, about 80 foreign ships are blocked along with their crews, said Dmitry Barinov, deputy head of the Sea Ports Administration. He explained that the ships should not be left without control, since they still have goods. However, they cannot leave the ports due to Russian aggression. According to unconfirmed information, one of the ships allegedly managed to leave the Mariupol port - the ship was tracked, but there was no communication with it.

17:18 The enterprises of the Russian defense industry are trying to find analogues of hundreds of items of components for their aircraft, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports, citing materials from official correspondence dated June 20 between the command of the 8th Special Purpose Aviation Division (Chkalovsky, Moscow Region) with the leadership of defense industry enterprises that carry out production, repair and maintenance of aircraft of the An, Il, Tu series of various types and purposes.

Among the components and systems that were no longer supplied to the Russian Federation after the imposition of sanctions are beacon landing systems, smoke detectors, weather radars, radar systems, navigation systems, and even coffee makers with microwaves.

17:10 Ukraine and Moldova intend to create new transit routes, as well as strengthen cooperation in all areas, Zelensky said at a press conference with his Moldovan counterpart Maia Sandu in Kiev. Zelensky stressed that Ukraine and Moldova have the same root threats created by Russia: "If the threats have the same roots, then our responses must be joint."

The President also touched upon the topic of the threat from the unrecognized Pridnestrovie: “Today we raised the issue of risks. If they exist, I believe that this is a global mistake. We receive some kind of signals. They are unpleasant. But these people are from the temporarily occupied territories Moldovans should know that for us it will not be a blow, but a slap in the face, and we will respond to a slap in the face with a blow."

17:06 Mayor of Kremenchug Vitaliy Maletsky confirmed that the missile attack hit "a very crowded place , which is 100% unrelated to military operations." There are dead and wounded.

17:00 The Russian military attacked the village of Pechenegy, Kharkiv region, through which an evacuation convoy was passing. As the village head Alexander Gusarov said, as a result of the shelling there were victims, several residential buildings were destroyed.

16:49 The President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Margareta Sederfelt visited the destroyed cities in the Kiev region, the Rada channel reported.

16:45 The "DNR" stated that they received a request from Morocco to communicate with the "convicted" defender of Ukraine, the request was granted.

16:43 The G7 countries are ready to provide Ukraine with up to $29.5 billion of budget support in 2022 to help close the funding gap and continue to provide basic services to the Ukrainian people, the G7 leaders said in a joint statement.

16:40 The head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin said that in Kremenchug a rocket hit a civilian object, there are victims. People's Deputy Goncharenko writes that the hit was in a "very crowded place", as a result a fire broke out.

16:38 Zelensky published a video from a meeting with Moldovan President Maia Sandu. They communicate with each other in English.

16:23 Mayor of Poltava Oleksiy Mamay reports explosions in the city.

16:20 The operational command of Pivden reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing in the south and pushing back Russian troops, but they ask not to comment on the counteroffensive in the Kherson region, because it harms the operation. The operation continues in open steppe terrain, it is difficult to fight. In addition, the Ukrainian side does not yet have the corresponding powerful artillery, which would be as long-range as the enemy.

16:04 The head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin reports on missile attacks on Kremenchug.

16:01 NATO will increase the number of high-readiness forces from 40,000 to more than 300,000 people, Stoltenberg said, talking to the press on the eve of the NATO summit in Madrid. He also said that the alliance will agree on a strengthened comprehensive assistance package for Ukraine, which will include significant supplies in areas such as secure communications, anti-drone systems and fuel.

15:56 Russia will not withdraw its troops from Ukraine and will fight to the end, Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, said in an interview with FT: "If Russia now admits that it could not defeat Ukraine ... This is not a collapse of the system, this is a collapse of statehood. Therefore, they will fight as long as they can. The Russian army will be forced to fight to the end. They have no other choice."

15:53 ​​The correspondent asked Deputy Minister of Justice Irina Mudraya about how Ukraine, Ukrainians and Ukrainian companies will seek compensation for the damage caused by the open Russian invasion. More about this in an interview with the Deputy Minister .

15:51 The EU approved a new regulation on gas storage, which obliges to fill gas storage facilities by 80% by November 1. Now they will be considered critical infrastructure, their management must be protected from outside interference.

15:46 Stoltenberg confirmed that NATO leaders at the June 28-29 summit in Madrid will approve a new strategic concept that will identify Russia as the greatest threat.

15:23 The United States is completing the formation of a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, which includes modern medium and long-range air defense systems , Biden's national security aide Sullivan confirmed.

15:21 Danilov said that the Sunday rocket attacks on Ukraine are a tactic of intimidation borrowed by the Russians from the Nazis during the Second World War: "In 1940, the Luftwaffe began a massive bombardment of London in order to break the resistance of the British, to undermine their morale, but this led directly to the opposite effect - the bombing rallied and angered. Rashist bombings of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities and regions have the same consequences as the Luftwaffe raids - Ukrainians are not afraid, but angry and want revenge, and Ukrainian missiles will find their high-precision targets. "

15:15 Moscow does not have the technical ability to pay off debts due to Western sanctions that have frozen most of the gold and foreign exchange reserves and foreign exchange transactions. Despite the fact that the default is technical, the consequences will be felt for years. Read more in the material What does Russia's default mean .

15:12 The beach season in Odessa will be open despite the ongoing danger, said the mayor of the city, Gennady Trukhanov. According to him, the flow of tourists is growing, the police are not enough to cope with such a large number of people: "We are now developing a project to create safe areas on the beaches, where special protective nets will be installed. We also plan to install additional observation towers."

15:09 The Armed Forces of Ukraine delivered more than ten precision strikes on Zmeiny Island tonight, destroying the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile system of the Russians, OK Pivden reported. The losses of the infidels are still being specified, the military operation on the island is designed for a long time.

15:07 Compared to last summer, Russia has halved gas supplies to Europe, said Kadri Simson, member of the European Commission for Energy.

15:05 Zelensky held a meeting with the co-chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee James Rish: they discussed the situation at the front, the deepening of bilateral cooperation in the defense sphere, the tightening of sanctions and recent missile strikes - security challenges not only for Ukraine, but for the entire European continent.

15:03 Zelensky said that during his address to the participants of the G7 summit, he proposed five concrete steps that could be useful "for Ukraine, all of Europe and, importantly, to reduce the colossal costs of all countries because of this Russian war":

  • effective security guarantees for Ukraine;

  • modern missile defense for Ukraine and the supply of sufficient weapons;

  • resumption of agricultural exports from Ukraine;

  • recognition of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, radical limitation of oil revenues and confiscation of all frozen and seized Russian assets;

  • post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, which will be the biggest economic project of our time.

14:56 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that yesterday a missile attack was carried out on the shops of the Artem Rocket-Building Corporation in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kiev, "where ammunition for Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems was produced." Moscow claims that all four Russian missiles reached the target, "the object was hit, the civilian infrastructure of Kyiv was not damaged as a result of the use of high-precision weapons."

As for the strike on a residential building, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukrainian forces tried to intercept Russian missiles with S-300 and Buk M1 anti-aircraft weapons, which fired more than ten missiles, "but due to the lack of interfacing of launchers located in urban areas air defense systems and radio equipment, two S-300 missiles were shot down in the air by Ukrainian Buk, presumably one of the downed anti-aircraft missiles fell on a residential building.

14:44 German self-propelled howitzers PzH 2000, which arrived in Ukraine last week, are already being used in the east of the country, writes Bild. One of the servicemen, who was trained in howitzers in Germany, told the publication that the process took more than a month. "We thought we could learn it in ten days, but it took us 36 days," he said.

14:38 Peskov commented on Akhmetov's claim to the ECHR against the Russian Federation: "We have already withdrawn from the relevant documents, so here the answer is absolutely obvious."

14:36 ​​Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kirill Budanov said in an interview with the Financial Times that the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Severodonetsk was a tactical step to avoid a repetition of the siege of Azovstal in Mariupol. According to him, because of this retreat, it will be very difficult for Russian forces located on the eastern banks of the river to cross and advance, especially uphill, to Lisichansk.

14:28 40 billion hryvnias are spent on the salaries of the Ukrainian military per month, Alexander Zavitnevich, head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on national security and defense, said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine. According to him, the amounts that Ukraine now pays monthly to military personnel were previously paid for almost a year. At the same time, they do not plan to reduce the salaries of the fighters: "I would like to increase, but we'll see, it all depends on the general state of the economy."

14:25 Zelensky, addressing the leaders of the G7, said that he wants the war in Ukraine to end before the onset of winter, writes AFP. In turn, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the G7 countries promised Zelensky to support Ukraine "for as long as necessary."

14:19 On Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, Russian troops launched the most massive missile attack on Ukraine in recent weeks, writes The New York Times. The missiles were launched from bombers in Belarusian airspace, from warships in the Black Sea and from aircraft flying over the Caspian Sea.

14:02 On the night of June 27, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on a residential area of ​​one of the border villages of the Odessa region, as a result of which 65 houses of Ukrainians were damaged, of which four were completely destroyed by fire. According to preliminary data, eight civilians received multiple injuries, of which two children are three-year-old twins, the Office of the Prosecutor General said.

13:50 An operation center has been established in Turkey to export grain from Ukraine, Fahrettin Altun, a spokesman for the presidential administration, said: "We took on the role of an intermediary, and as a result of contacts, a consensus was reached on the establishment of an operation center in Istanbul. We hope that the ships loaded grain will be removed as soon as possible. We attach great importance to the safe execution of this process and the prevention of any accidents."

13:38 Zelensky took part in a video conference at the G7 summit. As reported in the OP, he thanked the G7 states for the defense and financial support of Ukraine, as well as for the consistent sanctions policy against the Russian Federation. The President noted that sanctions pressure on Russia should increase, in particular, by limiting the price of oil exported by the aggressor.

In turn, Reuters writes, citing an unnamed European official, that Zelensky demanded that the G7 provide Ukraine with air defense systems, impose additional sanctions and agree on security guarantees. The president also asked for help in exporting grain from Ukraine and in rebuilding the country.

13:22 G7 will commit to helping Ukraine cover a short-term budget financing gap, including US commitments of $7.5 billion. The leaders will make long-term commitments to provide security, as well as financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine.

The G7 leaders are also ready to limit Russia's income, including from gold, Russia's second largest export after energy. In particular, the US Treasury will decide to ban the import of new gold into the country, which will hinder Russia's presence in the official gold market.

13:16 The United States plans to block access to American technologies, including semiconductors, for companies that support the Russian Federation, the White House said.

12:59 Russia cannot shell Kharkiv from the air thanks to the work of Ukrainian air defense, Mayor Igor Terekhov said on the air of the telethon: "But, unfortunately, they get it from the ground - residential areas are under shelling, the distance is very small from the Russian Federation to Kharkov." He also assured that he is constantly in touch with Zaluzhny, and the city authorities are helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine in every way they can, "to strengthen the defense, to give people the opportunity to live more or less normally, and our public utilities to prepare for the autumn-winter season."

12:44 In Ukraine, at the request of the SBU, they blocked about 500 pro-Russian YouTube channels with an audience of more than 15 million subscribers. Also, 1529 Telegram channels and bots, 426 accounts on Instagram, 93 on Facebook, 1050 on TikTok were transferred for blocking.

12:41 The mayor of Slavyansk Vadim Lyakh reports new shelling of the city. At night, a missile attack was launched on the sector of multi-storey buildings on the street. Novyi Byt, and in the morning the houses on the street were damaged by a rocket attack. Torskaya and the adjacent private sector. There are dead and wounded. "This is almost the center of the city. There are no military facilities here," the mayor stressed and urged residents to evacuate.

12:37 G7 leaders agreed that the money from the increase in duties on Russian exports will be transferred to Ukraine. The White House press release said the G7 leaders "will seek permission to use the proceeds from any new tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine to ensure that Russia pays the cost of the war."

The United States alone will increase tariffs on 570 groups of Russian goods in the amount of $2.3 billion. The United States also intends to impose sanctions on about 500 more Russian officials.

12:18 In Mariupol, local residents continue to record the movement of Russian equipment in the Mariupol region and last night in the Volonakh region towards the Zaporozhye region. Large and small columns, tankers and a truck with manpower, said the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko.

12:00 Klitschko on the air of the telethon warned the people of Kiev that the heating season in the capital would not be easy: “I can say, referring to the words of Minister Chernyshev that, unfortunately, this season will not be easy for us. And, maybe, the temperature in residential premises "It will be a little lower than usual. We are doing everything now to use modern technologies and prepare for the winter, but all other issues lie in the plane of the state, and we hope for a timely supply of energy."

11:54 Moldovan President Maia Sandu arrived on a visit to Ukraine , her press service reported. She plans to visit Borodianka, Bucha and Irpin, and also meet with Zelensky.

11:43 Stoltenberg promised to increase the defense capability of the Baltic countries and assured that Russia would not be able to capture Tallinn. The new military plan, to be agreed upon at the Madrid summit, will improve the alliance's eastern defenses by shifting the focus to the overall defense of allied territories, he said.

Earlier, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that with the current NATO strategy, her country would be wiped off the map in the event of an invasion. Nato's Gosek said he had already discussed "precisely these issues" with her and the leaders of Lithuania and Latvia.

11:36 Johnson and Trudeau addressed the Ukrainian people and Zelensky from the site of the G7 summit. The leaders of Great Britain and Canada announced increased sanctions, increased military assistance and declared unwavering support for the Ukrainians.

11:30 Almost all units of the Ukrainian army left Severodonetsk and took with them the funds that they had, said the mayor of the city Alexander Stryuk. According to him, the evacuation of civilians from the areas around Severodonetsk is now impossible - only towards the Russian Federation. There are about 7-8 thousand citizens left in Gorda, the invaders seize the surviving houses. The situation with water and food is critical. Only once did the Russians demonstratively hand out help to the camera.

11:24 In Kiev, rescue work continues at the site of Russian shelling in the Shevchenko district, the Kyiv City State Administration reported. Two adults and a seven-year-old girl remain in the city's hospitals, four of the six injured were hospitalized in total, and one more person died.

11:20 At night, the Russian army fired two missiles in the direction of Akhtyrka, said the head of the Sumy OVA Dmitry Zhivitsky. Also last night, shots from automatic weapons were heard along the border of the Sumy region. No damage or casualties.

11:16 The opening of the corridor for the export of grain from Ukraine may take 3-4 weeks after reaching agreements between Ukraine and Russia, said Erdogan's speaker and adviser on international issues, Ibrahim Kalin. He recalled that the Ukrainians mined the Odessa port area when the war began. "It's only fair that they don't want to clear it because Russia could attack," Kalin admitted, adding that the Ukrainian side had offered several other options for exporting the grain.

He also said that Ankara is negotiating the organization of a joint meeting between Turkey - Ukraine - Russia - the UN.

11:12 Rinat Akhmetov filed a lawsuit against Russia at the ECHR - he demands that the Russian Federation be held accountable for the destroyed Ukrainian infrastructure, in particular the Azovstal plant, as well as for looting and stolen goods. Akhmetov said that this lawsuit is one of the first international legal actions against Russia.

Earlier, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law allowing not to execute decisions of the ECtHR made after March 16, 2022.

10:56 NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana explained in an interview with European Pravda why the alliance does not give Ukraine weapons: "We in NATO have an agreement on the distribution of roles. The Alliance as such provides Ukraine with non-lethal assistance, and the member states - lethal weapons. In the end "After all, what is more important for you: this distribution, or are you interested in the end result, that is, has Ukraine received assistance? Therefore, I advise friends in Kiev to perceive our assistance as a whole."

10:32 In the Donetsk region, 20 rocket strikes were recorded per day, there is a child among the victims, the National Police reported. 12 settlements were hit - Avdeevka, Slavyansk, Toretsk, Bakhmut, Konstantinovka, Maryinka, Raigorodok, Novoluganskoye, Malinovka, Yekaterinovka, Mayaki, Karpovka villages. 20 civilian objects were destroyed.

10:19 Senator, Chairman of the Republican wing of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the US Senate Jim Rish paid an official visit to the Kyiv region, OVA reported.

10:17 Due to the missile attack on the bridge in Cherkassy, ​​the passage on the dam is subject to restrictions: the passage of vehicles over 8 tons is prohibited, said the head of the OVA Igor Taburets.

10:15 NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said in an interview with European Pravda that the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield is, among other things, the merit of the alliance: "Of course, we all applaud and incredibly admire the courage of your soldiers. But one of the components of their success on the battlefield is the battlefield is what they were taught to fight according to NATO standards, both the alliance as an organization and individual allies - the Canadians, the British, the Americans, the Poles, the Romanians and others."

"The current successful operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a combination of heroism and ingenuity, we really see a lot of cool military decisions on their part, but these are just the decisions that correspond to the NATO style, which were made possible thanks to the approaches to command that we taught you" Joan said.

10:12 British intelligence reports that although Russia's main operational focus remains the Severodonetsk-Lisichansky "pocket", a week of intense shelling indicates that Russia is trying to take the initiative on the northern axis of Izyum. At the same time, Ukrainian troops hold the line in this sector, making good use of the forest area to support the defense.

Analysts also note that in the coming weeks, the Russian campaign is likely to increasingly rely on the echelons of reserve forces. The Russian Army Combat Reserve is a recent innovation. It is made up of part-time volunteer reservists deployed as entire units, usually assigned to rear-line missions.

The human mobilization resource is a significant pool of all veterans who have served in the regular army over the past five years. But despite the constant shortage of reservists, the Russian leadership is likely to continue to be reluctant to accept the idea of ​​ordering a general mobilization, experts say.

10:04 At night, the Russians fired on the Odessa region with a Kh-22 cruise missile fired from an enemy Tu-22 aircraft from the direction of Crimea. Eight people, including one child, received minor shrapnel wounds as a result of the explosion, said Serhiy Bratchuk, speaker of the UVA.

10:02 Hundreds of children stolen in Ukraine were found in the Romashka camp near Taganrog. Their forcible removal may become an episode of the genocide process in the future. According to the Nestka edition, there are 414 children in the "health center" now, the youngest - two years old, the oldest - 18 years old. Russian teenagers are not allowed into the camp.

A volunteer who visited the camp said that it included not only orphans from boarding schools, but also those who were left unattended, since their fathers went to war. Many children talk about wanting to return home, but they are planning to be given Russian passports and start looking for new families to adopt.

09:56 The "LPR" states that "more than 500 civilians" were evacuated from the industrial zone of Severodonetsk Azot on Sunday, June 26.

09:52 Russia has changed its approach to shelling Ukrainian cities, Vadim Denisenko, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said on Espresso: "They are massively shelling Ukrainian cities. Previously, they fired several missiles, but now dozens. They shoot from different points. That is why air defense is difficult to cope with with them. Launched missiles were developed in the middle of the last century and were intended to destroy aircraft carriers, cruisers and ships. They have up to 1,000 kg of explosive charge and a speed of up to 3,000-4,000 km. Therefore, they are difficult to shoot down."

According to Denisenko, such missiles cause great damage because they are not accurate and were intended for military combat. At the same time, the Russians have enough stocks of Soviet equipment, while there are problems with the production of Caliber and high-precision equipment.

09:41 The British government announced that it will provide assistance to Ukrzaliznytsia in the amount of more than 11.5 million euros. The aid will come in the form of materials and equipment to repair railroad infrastructure to facilitate train traffic and grain removal. In addition, London offers the assistance of its experts in creating safe corridors for commercial vessels with Ukrainian grain. The UK also announced the allocation of 1.5 million pounds sterling to develop an algorithm to detect grain on the world market that Russia illegally exported from Ukraine.

09:13 In the Chuguevsky district, as a result of enemy shelling, two people were killed, two more were injured, the head of the Kharkiv OVA Oleg Sinegubov said. Also at night in Kharkiv, a Russian missile hit a school yard, and another missile strike damaged an administrative building. There were no casualties.

09:06 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of June 27. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut and Kurakhovsky directions.

  • personnel - about 35,000 (+150) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1552 (+20),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3687 (+28),

  • artillery systems - 771 (+7),

  • MLRS - 243 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 101 (+2),

  • aircraft - 217 (+0),

  • helicopters - 184 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 636 (+6),

  • cruise missiles - 139 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 14 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2575 (+11),

  • special equipment - 60 (+0).

08:43 In Mariupol, when examining buildings in the Levoberezhny district, in a house hit by an air bomb at the intersection of Pobedy Avenue and Blvd. More than 100 bodies of those who died from the bombing were found in Meotids. The bodies are still under the rubble, the occupiers do not plan to remove and bury, Piotr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, said. According to him, the exhumation in the city continues, but the priority is the courtyards of schools and kindergartens. After exhumation, odor pits are treated here. On the streets and in the yards after exhumation, processing is not carried out.

08:35 Today, an exhibition of Russian military equipment destroyed by the Ukrainian defense forces opens in Warsaw. An exposition called For our and your freedom! will open in the historical center of the Polish capital - on Castle Square. The organizers of the exhibition are the Ministry of Defense and the Office of the Prime Minister of Poland.

08:31 In Slavyansk, Donetsk region, one of the microdistricts suffered as a result of night shelling, said the mayor of the city, Vadim Lyakh. Damaged houses, power lines, because of which the city was left without electricity. The mayor again urged residents to evacuate.

08:16 On June 26, enemy attack aircraft launched airstrikes on Lisichansk and Volcheyarovka. Fighting is going on in Volcheyarovka. The Russians tried to attack in the area of ​​Verkhnekamenka, but were forced to retreat, said the head of the Lugansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai. In Lisichansk, the territory of the bus station, the building of the St. Mitrofanov Church, the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, one of the enterprises, and the premises of the border detachment were shelled.

07:59 Belarus sent another echelon of ammunition to the Belgorod region, but there were no signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups in Volyn and Polesie, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report . Near Marinka, as well as in the Bakhmut and Donetsk directions, Ukrainian defenders repulsed the assaults and stopped the advance of the enemy.

07:37 Japan expands sanctions against Russia - about 160 more individuals and legal entities are blacklisted, NHK TV channel reported.

07:25 Bratchuk warns of a high threat of rocket attacks in the Odessa region. According to him, there are two enemy missile carriers in the Black Sea, 16 Caliber missiles are ready to attack. The counter-sabotage operation continues.

05:34 In the Odessa region, the enemy launched a missile attack using Tu-22M strategic aircraft. The blow fell on a peaceful settlement, residential buildings and utility rooms were damaged, a fire started on a total area of ​​​​about 500 square meters. m. Previously, six people were injured, including one child, said the speaker of the Odessa OVA Sergey Bratchuk.

03:51 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), citing the collected data, reports that the head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Gennady Zhidko, is leading the so-called "special operation" in Ukraine instead of Alexander Dvornikov, commander of the Southern Military District.

Analysts also note that the massive missile attack on the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv on June 26 was a response to the discussion of Western leaders in helping Ukraine during the G7 summit, as were the attacks on April 29 during the visit of UN Secretary General António Guterres to Kyiv.

03:20 Lithuania intends to veto the decision of the European Commission on the unlimited transit of goods to Russia through the EU countries, if adopted, writes Delfi. Member of the European Parliament Petras Auštrevičius said that several meetings were held in the EU this week and Lithuania expressed an uncompromising position on the inadmissibility of the transit of sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad.

03:03 Spanish NASAMS air defense systems have been deployed in Latvia to strengthen the protection of the Baltic region, the country's Ministry of Defense reported. The air defense systems were deployed at the Lielvarde military air base on June 26 in response to the need to strengthen the defense capabilities of the Baltic region after a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

02:42 In three districts of the Kherson region, Ukrainian aviation attacked the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the enemy, OK Pivden reports. Russian troops have stepped up aerial reconnaissance in the Kherson region, trying to reconnoiter the positions of Ukrainian units. The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed three Russian drones Orlan-10.

02:14 In Russia, for the first time since 1918, there was a default on sovereign debt in foreign currency due to sanctions that made payments to foreign creditors impossible, writes Bloomberg. This is a sign that the country is turning into an "economic, financial and political pariah," the newspaper notes.

02:01 This week, the United States will announce its intention to supply medium and long-range missile defense systems to Ukraine, CNN reports citing a source.

00:18 Significant and important news from Canada on defense support is expected in the near future, Andriy Sibiga, deputy head of the Presidential Office, said on the air of the telethon following a telephone conversation between Zelensky and Trudeau. Sibiga added that against the backdrop of the shelling of Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine on June 26, the question of the supply of air defense systems again arose: "We expect a lot from this meeting [G7], there are such agreements." Answering a question about possible negotiations with Moscow, Sibiga stressed that the Ukrainian position remains unchanged - there can be no talk of any negotiations before the withdrawal of Russian troops.
Posted by: badanov 2022-06-28