
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: June 30h, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:12 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said on the air of Lviv TV that heavy artillery knocked out Russian troops from Serpentine. "This is a strategically important facility for us, from there the Russians monitored the Odessa region and Transnistria," he specified.

Danilov also acknowledged that Western aid is still not enough to establish parity with the Russians in heavy weapons. According to him, a meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was held today, and the situation along the entire front was discussed. The most difficult situation in Lisichansk, "difficult" - Izyum.

23:07 Russian Ambassador to Sofia Eleonora Mitrofanova told Bulgarian television about the possibility of breaking off diplomatic relations due to the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats. According to her, Sophia's actions "cannot remain without consequences" - "diplomatic relations may even be severed." Earlier, Bulgaria expelled 70 Russian diplomats convicted of espionage.

23:04 Zelensky in the evening video message thanked everyone who participated in the liberation of Zmeiny Island: "I am grateful to the Main Intelligence Directorate, Alpha fighters, grateful to our gunners, pilots of army aviation and the Air Force, the command of Alexandria."

22:25 The operational command of Pivden reported that on the eve of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Zmeinoye, four Ka-52 helicopters flew to the island, but one of them was damaged and fell between the island and the Odessa gas condensate field. The Russians tried to organize a rescue operation, but failed.

22:23 Croatian President Zoran Milanovic at the NATO summit warned the leaders of the alliance about the danger of destabilizing the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Earlier today, the British government said it would send military experts to Bosnia and Herzegovina to bolster NATO's local mission and bolster stability and security in the country amid outside attempts to stir up separatism and violence there.

22:19 Lithuanians, fearing an invasion, are preparing for a war with Russia and en masse join the border militia, writes CNN. So, from the first days of the war in Ukraine, the number of recruits wishing to join the militia increased from 10-12 to more than 100 people per month, the newspaper notes.

21:54 The occupiers were expelled from Snake Island. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation did not come up with anything better than to call their flight and complete defeat "an act of good will." About what is the strategic importance of the island, which occupies only 0.2 square meters. km, - in the material Defeat and flight .

21:17 Belarus has introduced a visa-free regime for Poles until the end of 2022, the country's State Border Committee said. This decision was made personally by Lukashenka to "maintain good neighborly relations." Previously, visa-free travel was introduced for citizens of Latvia and Lithuania.

20:51 Press Secretary of the OP Sergey Nikiforov said in a commentary to the UP that if Zelensky wanted to convey something to Putin, he would have done it publicly in his daily address: "Indonesia is one of the largest importers of wheat from Ukraine, therefore blocking Ukrainian ports was the main topic at the talks of the presidents in Kiev... This is exactly what Volodymyr Zelensky told Joko Widodo in detail. As for any messages, the President of Ukraine, if he wants to address someone, does so publicly in his daily addresses."

20:34 Pushilin said that negotiations are underway on a new exchange of prisoners with Ukraine: "We will do everything so that everyone returns home." The "DPR" reported that during the exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine, 47 citizens of the "republic" were released.

20:12 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the finalization of the agreement on the transfer of 39 armored combat support vehicles to Ukraine: "The light armored vehicles that we will send are extremely effective. We are just glad that we are helping, and we will continue to explore the possibilities and respond to Ukraine's requests" .

19:57 In Kherson, next to the pre-trial detention center, an improvised explosive device went off, it was planted near the park across the road, Russian media report. The explosion caused "insignificant material damage", no one was injured.

19:52 Johnson considers Zelensky's plans to suppress Russian aggression realistic: "They see a way to change the dynamics this year, in the next few months. And I think this is important. And this means that we should help them as much as we can "They have shown they can fight back. They can demonstrate their amazing ability to fight back."

19:49 The EU and Russia agree that they need a plan for the movement of goods for Kaliningrad, said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki: "Both sides have come to the conclusion that it is worth agreeing on a plan that will not violate the de facto implementation of sanctions, because, To be honest, the Kaliningrad region is a very small part of Russia."

19:47 The Russians have approached Lisichansk from several directions and are subjecting it to constant shelling from different sides, the head of the Lugansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai, said on the air of the telethon. At the same time, he denied the information of the Russians that the city was half captured. According to him, the battles are taking place on the outskirts, there are no urban battles. At the same time, Gaidai admitted that the advantage of the Russian troops in equipment and artillery in Lisichansk is significant, and there is a risk of encirclement of the city. Evacuation from Lisichansk is no longer possible.

19:45 The Armed Forces of Ukraine stopped the assault on the Russians in the Kharkiv, Slavyansk and Bakhmut directions, while the occupiers have partial success in the Lisichansk direction, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said. The units of the armed forces of Belarus use electronic warfare systems in the border areas with the Volyn region.

19:42 Greece announced its readiness to offer its ships for the export of Ukrainian grain, Stoltenberg said in Madrid: "Turkey is trying to mediate in the agreements. Greece has stated that it is ready to provide ships to take grain out of Ukraine. Other allies are involved in various diplomatic efforts, in order to reach an agreement that will allow food ships to leave the Black Sea.Lithuania, Romania and other countries are also making efforts to use ground facilities and use the railroad to transport food along land routes."

19:39 It is still too early to create a Ukrainian outpost on Zmein, despite the withdrawal of Russian troops from it, said Natalya Gumenyuk, spokeswoman for the Southern Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She explained that while the Ukrainian military had seen Russian troops evacuate in speedboats, there was a need to investigate possible “leftover sabotage tools.”

19:34 Snake Island, which Russia occupied in the early days of the war, was officially abandoned by Russian troops on June 30. It is noteworthy that the Armed Forces of Ukraine drove the Russian occupiers from the strategic island, thanks, among other things, to the Ukrainian Bogdan self-propelled artillery mount. Korrespondent.net collected the reaction of social networks to the de-occupation of the Serpent. More details - in the material And tomorrow Crimea "of good will" .

19:12 The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not plan to leave Lisichansk, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff Aleksey Gromov said: “At this time, there is no retreat in the plans of the units that carry out tasks for the defense of Lysichansk. actions from different directions against our defenders. The troops are fulfilling their missions, the battle continues, for the time being the enemy has no success."

19:03 According to Ukrainian intelligence, in Mariupol, as in most occupied settlements, almost all stocks of food and essential goods have been exhausted, there are no new deliveries from Russia, Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said.

According to him, compared with the beginning of June, there has been a significant increase in prices for the main groups of goods and a decrease in the volume of so-called "humanitarian aid" to the population. At the same time, Russia pays special attention to withdrawing the hryvnia from circulation and increasing the volume of the ruble mass, "as well as imposing Russian practices on the local population in all spheres of life."

18:46 Zelensky and Steinmeier had a telephone conversation today, writes Die Welt. According to the press secretary of the President of Germany, one of the topics was the preparation of a possible visit to Kyiv.

18:38 Turkey received guarantees from Sweden to extradite 73 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, whom Ankara considers "terrorists", Erdogan said. According to him, Turkey will closely monitor the implementation of the provisions of the memorandum with Sweden and Finland and, in case of their violation, will be able to block the accession of the Scandinavian countries to NATO.

18:24 Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who arrived in Moscow, said that he had handed Putin a letter from Zelensky.

18:19 The Russians are removing weapons and military equipment from storage in the most remote regions of the Russian Federation, such as the Kaliningrad region and Sakhalin Island, said Defense Ministry spokesman Alexander Motuzyanik, citing intelligence data.

18:00 The US and allies will not provide insurance to Russian tankers that transport oil, Biden said at the NATO summit in Madrid: "We and the West will not provide insurance to Russian ships for transporting oil, so they will have huge problems in delivering it to customers ". The US President also noted that Russia will have problems with oil production due to limited access to technology under the sanctions.

17:38 Biden told how, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he warned Putin about NATO's reaction in the event of an attack: "Even before the start of the war, I told Putin that if he attacked Ukraine, NATO would not only become stronger, we would become even more united, we will defend democracy in the world, we will stand up to oppose aggression and we will defend rule-based order. This is exactly what we see today."

17:36 Peskov said that Putin can go to the G20 summit himself or delegate someone - "there is still time, we will make a decision that meets our interests."

17:34 Lukashenko said that Russia and Belarus should be ready to use nuclear weapons - this should be a "mirror response" to Western aviation training on the use of nuclear weapons: "And for many, many years, they fly and let pilots from non-nuclear countries to control aircraft that are designed for nuclear weapons ... But we have not done that yet. But we must be ready ... We must keep gunpowder dry in all directions. "

17:32 The Lviv City Council has renamed eight streets in the regional center and 11 in the settlements of the community, Mayor Andriy Sadovy said.

17:23 Russia's flight from the strategic Black Sea territory of Snake Island shows that Ukraine is impossible to conquer, Johnson said: "If you want evidence of the incredible ability of Ukrainians to resist, overcome adversity and repel Russians, look at what happened today on Snake Island, where Russia I had to give up again."

16:55 Over the past two weeks, Russia has more than doubled the number of missile strikes on Ukraine, said Alexei Gromov, deputy chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thus, from June 13 to June 29, Russian troops used rocket weapons on the territory of Ukraine 202 times.

16:46 Biden said that at the American initiative, more than 50 countries have promised to supply Ukraine with about 140 thousand anti-tank systems, more than 600 tanks, almost 500 artillery systems, more than 600 thousand shells, advanced MLRS, anti-ship systems and air defense.

16:44 In the so-called "MRT" men are being agitated to sign a contract with the RF Armed Forces. According to Ukrainian military intelligence, recruitment announcements are published in all media, distributed by mailboxes and placed in public places. When men apply to employment centers, they are first of all offered military service under a contract.

Campaign meetings are held at industrial and agricultural enterprises, and there is undisguised pressure on conscripts. Also, the Tiraspol military registration and enlistment office began conscription for military service of citizens who graduated from the military department of the university and were enrolled in the reserve with the assignment of an officer rank.

16:36 Lavrov said that an iron curtain is already descending between Russia and the West: "As for the iron curtain ... it is practically already descending. Let them just be careful not to pinch anything. But this process has been launched."

16:33 At the meeting of the heads of the North Atlantic Alliance, all the fears of the Russian ruler came true, except for one - Ukraine's entry into NATO. Details about the results of the summit in Madrid - in the material What Putin did not want

16:25 Biden announced a new $800 million aid package to Ukraine, including air defense systems. He stated this at a press conference following the NATO summit, EP reports. Biden noted that the United States has already provided Ukraine with $7 billion in military assistance and plans to continue support.

"In the coming days, we plan to announce more, including new modern Western air defense systems for Ukraine, more artillery and ammunition, anti-battery radars, additional ammunition for the HIMARS missile systems that we are already providing to Ukraine," Biden said. He added that Ukraine will also receive more HIMARS installations from other countries.

16:22 Rescuers found the body of another person under the rubble of a high-rise building in Nikolaev, the total number of victims of the Russian missile attack increased to seven, the State Emergency Service reported. Six people were injured.

16:20 The Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to establish direct physical control over Zmeiny Island , said Alexei Gromov, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff. Today, according to him, Ukraine controls the island with the help of weapons - long-range artillery, missile troops and aviation.

16:18 Ukraine breaks off diplomatic relations with Syria , imposes a trade embargo and other economic sanctions against Syrian legal entities and individuals in response to the recognition of the "LPR", the Foreign Ministry said. At the same time, consular relations between the countries will remain.

Kyiv considers the Syrian decision as an unfriendly act against Ukraine, an encroachment on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, a gross violation of Ukrainian legislation, the UN Charter and the fundamental norms and principles of international law.

16:12 Johnson said in Madrid that "there was never even a remote possibility" that Ukraine would join NATO "at any time in the foreseeable future." But after the invasion of Ukraine, Putin, according to the British prime minister, was faced with the fact that Sweden and Finland "violate their historic oaths of neutrality" and join the alliance. Asked if Ukraine's accession to NATO is possible now, Johnson said that discussions on this issue could be continued in the future.

16:04 Macron said in Madrid that the French weapons that are supplied to Ukraine should not be used to strike Russian territory: "We will continue to arm and train within the existing operational framework: never attack the territory of the Russian Federation, but help defend the territory of Ukraine and support her army."

15:48 Five fragments of bodies were additionally found at the site of emergency rescue operations on the territory of the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk. In total, 22 fragments of bodies have been found since the start of work, the State Emergency Service said.

15:37 Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin said that the leadership of Poland "began to work out scenarios for the de facto dismemberment of Ukraine." In particular, Warsaw is allegedly working on "the option of creating a proxy state controlled by Poland on the Eastern Kresy under the protection of the Polish armed forces." And from the central regions of Ukraine, Poland, according to the "data" of the SVR, is going to create a buffer zone, which will allow them to avoid a direct clash with Russia.

15:29 In Slavyansk, as a result of today's enemy shelling with cluster shells, six people were injured, Mayor Vadim Lyakh said.

15:15 At the initiative of the SBU, the corporate rights of one of the largest travel agencies have been arrested. As the Ukrainian intelligence service has established, the ultimate beneficiary of this company is a Russian billionaire close to the political elite of the Russian Federation. According to media reports, we are talking about the TUI operator.

15:12 The journalists of the publication Project analyzed the speeches of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and caught them in a lie. According to Moscow, there was one person in each "area where the military and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" where Russian missiles hit . Also, many settlements of the RF Armed Forces were "taken" several times.

15:08 Stoltenberg said that NATO countries do not have a list with types of weapons, the supply of which to Ukraine is excluded, - this is how he answered the question about the possible supply of Western-style battle tanks to Ukraine.

15:03 Near Mariupol, a Russian landing boat of project 1176 Akula D-106 was blown up by a mine, said the speaker of the Odesa OVA Sergey Bratchuk.

14:56 Stoltenberg said that the alliance is faced with the task of preventing a direct conflict with Russia: "If this becomes a full-scale war between Russia and NATO, then we will see suffering, damage, death and destruction on a scale that is much worse than what we see today in Ukraine".

14:53 In Lviv, the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church have been banned.

14:50 The response of the German Chancellor to DW's question about security guarantees for Ukraine, agreed upon at the G7, caused a flurry of criticism from journalists and social media users. More details - in the material Scholz's words about Ukraine outraged the FRG .

14:48 Russian tanker Mikhail Kulikov, who is suspected of shelling a residential building on the outskirts of Chernigov from a tank, pleaded guilty in court, reports Suspіlne. The meeting took place today in the Desnyansky District Court of Chernihiv. Kulikov faces imprisonment for a term of eight to 12 years.

14:45 The US Embassy in Moscow raised the LGBT flag on its building on the "Donetsk People's Republic Square". "The US Embassy in Moscow raises the rainbow flag today in solidarity with the LGBTQI+ community and their fight for equal rights," the embassy said on its Telegram channel. The statement said that the United States "strives for a world in which every person will have the opportunity to live openly, if he so desires."

14:27 Odesa region is officially completely free from invaders , OVA speaker Serhiy Bratchuk said.

14:22 The protocol on the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO will be signed on Tuesday, July 5, Stoltenberg said.

14:10 Medvedev said that lawsuits against Russia are unlikely to be possible "with its nuclear potential": "Do they really - these states and individual politicians - believe in the possibility of criminal tribunals against a country with the largest nuclear potential?"

He also said that Western sanctions "under certain circumstances" can be "qualified both as an act of international aggression, and even as a casus belli" - "in response to them, the state has the right to individual and collective self-defense."

14:05 The Ukrainian delegation of nuclear scientists left the international conference in Vienna during the speech of the representative of Russia. According to Energoatom, the Russian Federation is widely represented at this event (the Seventh Meeting of the Contracting Parties to Review the Fulfillment of Commitments under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management, organized by the IAEA), and, despite the comments from the Ukrainian delegation to the organizers, its representatives at one of the meetings they not only read out their reports, but also chaired a number of sections.

13:58 The occupiers are forcing the workers of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant to drain the cooling pools. According to Energoatom, the Russians severely beat Andrey Goncharuk, a ZNPP hydroshop diver, who was taken to the Energodar hospital with numerous injuries yesterday. Earlier it was reported that the Russians are preparing a provocation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant - they want to accuse Ukrainian nuclear scientists of storing weapons on the plant's territory.

13:53 Servicemen of the 60th separate infantry brigade liberated the village of Potemkino in the Kherson region . The Ukrainian defenders carried out a successful offensive, during which they repulsed several enemy counterattacks and destroyed a lot of Russian equipment.

13:27 Zaluzny posted a video of the strikes on Zmeiny and thanked everyone who participated in his release:

13:13 Having lost control over Snake Island, Russia lost power in this part of the Black Sea, Vadim Denisenko, an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said on the air of the telethon: "You need to understand that Snake Island, after we destroyed the cruiser Moscow, the Russians expected that they will make it such an aircraft carrier, on which they will put air defense and will be able to control this entire part of the Black Sea. We knocked them out, and the fact that over the past few days the Russian media have really spread various nonsense means one thing - this is a huge victory for the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

According to Denisenko, Ukraine, in fact, leveled the entire Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in this part of the Black Sea: “Now the Russians cannot do anything in the water area, except, unfortunately, shelling Ukrainian cities with Caliber missiles from their ships. But from the point of view of landing landing, they are untenable in this part of the sea."

12:59 Ukraine has resumed electricity exports to the EU since June 30, Shmyhal said. According to him, the export went towards Romania, its initial volume is 100 MW. At the same time, the potential for supplies to Europe is up to 2.5 GW - according to this scenario, the state will be able to receive more than 70 billion hryvnias a year, the prime minister specified.

12:48 The Polish Foreign Ministry said that the decisions of the Madrid summit marked the beginning of the creation of permanent NATO bases in Eastern Europe.

12:46 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that yesterday's exchange of prisoners of war took place according to the formula 144 to 144. According to Moscow, the total number of Ukrainian servicemen captured or surrendered is "more than 6 thousand people."

12:35 The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on a "mirror response" to the "discrimination" of Russian media abroad. Now the Prosecutor General will be able to ban the activities of foreign media in Russia in the event of "hostile decisions" against Russian media abroad. Also, the Prosecutor General will have the right to deprive the media of a license for disseminating "illegal, dangerous, inaccurate socially significant information."

A foreign journalist can be stripped of his accreditation in the event of "unfriendly actions" or restrictions against Russian media outlets abroad. And journalists will be responsible for reproducing messages "discrediting the use of the Russian army", expressing "clear disrespect" to the Russian Federation.

12:29 Yermak called "a complete fake" the statement of the Russian Defense Ministry about the "gesture of good will", which allegedly was the withdrawal of Russian troops from Zmeiny: "Firstly, the Armed Forces of Ukraine drove the Russians out of the Zmeiny Island. Secondly, the Russians are shelling warehouses with our grain "This morning a warehouse in the Dnepropetrovsk region was shelled. Russia continues to provoke a food crisis and lie. They still blockade our ports and destroy grain. They need a global Holodomor."

12:27 Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin commented on the exchange of prisoners of war with Ukraine: "The seriously wounded are exchanged, we must fight for everyone."

12:25 Poland has completed the construction of a five-meter fence on the border with Belarus, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said. For the construction of the barrier, 49 thousand tons of steel were used, now the barrier is being equipped with electronic security systems, including 2,500 surveillance cameras.

12:22 Sweden is preparing to agree on the fifth package of military assistance for Ukraine, Defense Minister Peter Gultkvist said. According to him, the package will include anti-tank weapons, machine guns and demining equipment - the Ukrainian side requested these weapons. The total value of the package is 500 million Swedish kronor (about 46.7 million euros).

12:19 In the occupied Energodar, the "authorities" have stopped issuing the so-called "one-time financial assistance" to pensioners in the amount of 10 thousand rubles and have opened a point for receiving documents for obtaining Russian citizenship, Mayor Dmitry Orlov said. Also, rumors are spreading in the city that from next week Ukrainian mobile operators will be completely disconnected and terminals for cashless payments in hryvnia will allegedly stop working.

According to the mayor, a Crimean provider has already begun to enter Energodar and set up its traffic, which will allow the occupiers to block Ukrainian news resources.

12:11 Human Rights Watch says the strike on a shopping center in Kremenchug should be investigated as a potential war crime, "and if the Russian authorities don't do it, then the International Criminal Court and other investigative bodies should do it." Human rights activists in their report claim that the rocket hit the shopping center, destroying it and damaging several cars in the parking lot, and a few minutes later the second rocket hit the north side of the Kremenchug Automobile Plant. Based on an inspection of the scene on June 28 and 29, Human Rights Watch was unable to identify any evidence that munitions were stored at the industrial complex.

11:52 The United States does not see the possibility of ending the war in Ukraine before the end of the year, as Zelensky would like, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in an interview with Bloomberg: "We would like the war to end today. And it can end today if Putin does the right things. But Putin shows no intention of negotiating. He shows intention that he wants to keep attacking Ukraine and achieve military goals." Therefore, the United States will continue to help Ukraine strengthen its defense in the future, Kirby assured.

11:47 In Belarus, mass subpoenas have begun to be sent to those liable for military service with an order to arrive at the military enlistment office, the Belarusian edition of Zerkalo reports. At the same time, the summons does not indicate the reason why it is necessary to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, and they threaten criminal liability for failure to appear. Arriving at the military commissariats, they explain that this is "just a training session for gathering personnel to form territorial defense in the event of a military threat" and "mobilization exercises."

11:40 The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that today "as a step of goodwill, the Russian military completed tasks on Zmeiny Island and withdrew the garrison stationed there."

"Thus, it has been demonstrated to the world community that the Russian Federation does not interfere with the efforts of the UN to organize a humanitarian corridor for the export of agricultural products from the territory of Ukraine. This decision will not allow Kyiv to speculate on the topic of an impending food crisis, referring to the impossibility of exporting grain due to Russia's total control of the north "Western part of the Black Sea. Now the word is up to the Ukrainian side, which has not yet cleared the Black Sea coast near its shores, including the port waters."

11:36 British Foreign Minister Liz Truss considers "realistic" the complete expulsion of Russian troops from Ukraine: "All the territories of Ukraine that were occupied by Russia are illegally occupied. And, ultimately, the Russians need to be ousted from all this territory." Asked by reporters whether the British government believes that Russia could be ousted from all of Ukraine within a reasonable timeframe, she replied: "It's realistic, and that's why we're supplying additional lethal weapons."

11:30 Western alliance underfunding of defense funds was a factor that allowed Putin to invade Ukraine, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in an interview with Sky News: "The lesson that Putin learned from our underspending on defense was that he could invade Ukraine sovereign country. We simply cannot let our guard down again, we cannot allow this to happen again."

11:27 Russian media published a video with a former people's deputy from the Servant of the People Alexei Kovalev, who defected to the invaders in the Kherson region and was assassinated. He claims to be going back to work soon.

11:10 The Russians probably left Zmeiny Island after the successful completion of the next stage of the military operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , OK Pivden reported. According to the command, the enemy hastily evacuated the remnants of the garrison by two speed boats "and probably left the island." Now Serpentine is covered with fire, explosions are heard. The final results of the operation are being explored.

11:08 British intelligence notes that the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to fight protracted battles and then retreat to more advantageous positions will remain a key factor in the outcome of the military campaign in Donbass. Ukrainian forces continue to hold positions in Lysychansk after withdrawing from Severodonetsk, and Russian troops are using a "creeping" encirclement approach from Popasna, eliminating the need for a Seversky Donets crossing.

The current ground fighting is likely centered around the Lisichansk Oil Refinery, which is 10 kilometers southwest of the city center. At the operational level, Russian forces continue to make limited progress in trying to encircle Ukrainian defenders in the northern part of Donetsk region from Izyum, analysts said.

11:02 British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that the country's Air Force can help with the safe export of grain blocked by the Russian Federation in Ukrainian ports. According to Wallace, military aircraft can be used for these purposes, which will patrol the Black Sea in the event that appropriate agreements are concluded.

11:00 The Russian army will take years to rebuild, which increases the nuclear risk, said the head of US National Intelligence Avril Haynes: "During the war in Ukraine, Russia's ground forces have become so degraded that we expect them to take years to recover in many respects" . In her opinion, this could push Moscow towards "asymmetric tools" such as cyberattacks, attempts to control energy or even nuclear weapons to project "power and influence."

10:55 Ukrzaliznytsia protested the project to install Starlink on trains. As the head of the State Special Communications Service Yuriy Shchigol said, after testing, Ukrainian specialists contacted Starlink representatives and showed the results of their work. They were surprised, because according to the technical characteristics, Starlink should not work at such speeds. "But it works and provides services," Shchigol assured. He added that satellite Internet will appear on Ukrzaliznytsia trains by the end of 2022.

10:44 The IAEA once again lost contact with the surveillance systems of the Zaporozhye NPP, which is why the head of the agency, Rafael Grossi, again insists on the need for an on-site inspection of the station.

10:41 Kherson collaborator Oleksiy Kovalev announced a "sabotage" committed against him, which was allegedly prepared by the Ukrainian special services.

10:36 Amnesty International reported that, according to the analyzed data, the Russian military attacked the Mariupol Drama Theater with two half-ton bombs of the same model, the total mass of explosive in which is 440-600 kg. Most likely, the air strike was carried out by one of the Su-25, Su-30 or Su-34 fighter aircraft based at nearby Russian airfields.

10:11 As a result of hostilities in the Kharkiv region, six civilians were injured in a day, among them an 11-year-old child was hospitalized, his condition is average. One person died in the Izyum district, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

09:53 Japan will allocate $ 100 million to Ukraine and help Kiev with the expansion of grain storage capacities. According to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the money will be used to purchase medical equipment and build temporary housing for internally displaced persons.

09:51 Over the past day, the enemy has been attacking the infrastructure of the Industrial, Osnovyansky and Nemyshlyansky districts of Kharkiv, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. As a result of the strikes, houses in Bezlyudovka were damaged. There were no casualties.

09:49 In the Kiev malls, the operation of playgrounds and complexes was banned after a missile attack on Amstor in Kremenchug, said the head of the press service of the Kiev State Emergency Service Svetlana Vodolaga.

09:47 The SBU has collected numerous evidence that the Russians deliberately committed a war crime in Kremenchuk , said the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Ivan Bakanov. According to him, the X-22 missiles were launched from Tu-22M3 bombers that took off from the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region of the Russian Federation. The missiles themselves were fired in the airspace of the Kursk region.

The video with the moment of impact clearly shows that the Russian military hit the shopping center where the visitors were. You can compare satellite images of the city before and after the shelling. As for the shelling of the plant, there were no warehouses with military equipment there - it produced asphalt mixing plants.

09:43 Amnesty International has collected new evidence of a Russian war crime during the attack on the Drama Theater in Mariupol. Investigators are confident that the Russian military fired at the theater, knowing that hundreds of civilians were hiding there.

Human rights activists collected testimonies from 52 survivors and eyewitnesses, 28 of whom were in or near the Drama Theater at the time of the attack. Investigators also analyzed satellite images and radar data taken immediately before the attack immediately after it, verified photo and video materials from the archives of witnesses and social networks, and examined two sets of architectural plans for the theater.

09:38 The Russians shelled Slavyansk tonight, as a result, a garage cooperative and a garden society caught fire, Mayor Vadim Lyakh said.

09:36 Russian-appointed occupying "authorities" of the Zaporozhye region said that the "first" ship with 7 thousand tons of grain, which were sent to "friendly countries", left the port in Berdyansk.

09:33 The UK will provide Ukraine with another $1.2 billion of military assistance - it will pay for "sophisticated air defense systems", drones, electronic warfare equipment and "thousands of units of vital kit", the British government said.

09:31 The intensity of enemy cyberattacks has not decreased since the beginning of Russia's full-scale military invasion, but their quality is declining, according to the State Service for Communications. The government and local authorities, defense, financial, and energy sectors continue to be attacked the most. Transport infrastructure and telecommunications also remain in the field of view of cybercriminals.

09:23 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of June 30. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut direction.

  • personnel - about 35,600 (+150) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1573 (+1),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3726 (+6),

  • artillery systems - 790 (+9),

  • MLRS - 246 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 104 (+1),

  • aircraft - 217 (+0),

  • helicopters - 185 (+0),

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 641 (+1),

  • cruise missiles - 143 (+1),

  • ships/boats - 14 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2602 (+4),

  • special equipment - 61 (+0).

09:00 As a result of yesterday's shelling of a high-rise building in Nikolaev, six people were killed, six more were injured, the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim said.

08:44 In Lisichansk, a police station was destroyed by airstrikes, the territory of the oil refinery was damaged, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the Russian army does not stop trying to blockade Lisichansk and take control of the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway section. Russian troops are advancing near Verkhnekamensky, and are also carrying out assault operations near the Lisichansky oil refinery.

In turn, the "LNR" stated that the territory of the Lisichansk refinery had completely passed under their control, "cleansing" was completed in the area of ​​the Lisichansk RTI plant, "all significant routes" to and from Lisichansk were allegedly controlled by the troops of the Russian Federation and the "LNR", and the route Lisichansk-Artemovsk is completely blocked.

08:34 In Kremenchuk, rescuers continue to work at the site of a missile attack on the Amstor shopping center, they examined and dismantled the debris on 80% of the area, said the head of the Poltava OVA Dmitry Lunin.

08:32 In the Donetsk region, two people died from shelling in a day - in Krasnogorovka and Sidorov, said the head of the OVA Pavel Kirilenko.

08:30 Russians fired at the Krasnopol community in the Sumy region yesterday afternoon, as a result of which one person was killed, three more were injured, said the head of the OVA Dmitry Zhivitsky. Velikopisarevskaya community also came under fire, a civilian building was damaged, there were no casualties.

08:28 The Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to push the enemy back to positions as of February 23 by the end of the year, but on the condition that Western partners continue to supply Ukraine with the necessary weapons and a large amount of ammunition, former US Army Commander Ben Hodges believes. So far, Ukraine has received only 10% of the HIMARS rocket systems of the amount needed for a powerful counteroffensive, but more deliveries are expected in the near future.

08:22 On the morning of June 30, the Russians fired at the Zelenodolsk community of the Dnipropetrovsk region several times from different weapons, the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, said. In Zelenodolsk, a warehouse with 40 tons of grain was destroyed, a fire broke out due to the explosion.

08:03 The military commissariats of the Brest and Gomel regions of Belarus are studying the possibility of conducting covert mobilization of the population, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning summary . The Armed Forces of Ukraine stopped the offensive in the Bakhmut direction and repelled the assault in the Dementievka area in the Kharkiv region, and also repulsed the assault in the direction of the Uglegorsk TPP.

06:42 Sweden is ready for possible actions from Russia for the decision to join NATO, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said: "Of course, we have increased our readiness for a potential response from Russia, for example, when it comes to cyberspace."

06:16 The Ukrainian military began training in Germany to manage Mars multiple launch rocket systems, said Arno Kolatz, spokesman for the German Ministry of Defense. He confirmed plans to transfer to Ukraine, together with the Netherlands, the next six Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled guns. At the same time, he noted that the training of the military to manage these self-propelled guns has been completed, it is not advisable to train new teams.

05:17 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that the Russians continue to conduct offensive operations north of Kharkov - this indicates that the Kremlin has ambitions not only in relation to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Analysts note that these ambitions of Moscow will continue to take manpower and equipment, potentially at the cost of offensive power in more important areas of advance.

Also, Russian troops continued offensive operations against Slavyansk and Lisichansk, achieved minor successes east of Bakhmut.

04:36 AFU hit another enemy anti-aircraft-cannon-missile complex Pantsir C1 on Zmeiny, OK Pivden reported. The command also said that in the Kherson region, enemy Mi-8s tried to dislodge Ukrainian units from the newly recaptured settlements with twin helicopter raids. The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled a group raid of helicopters on the north of the Kherson region with a portable air defense system. The enemy, evading, retreated, added to OK.

00:34 Ukraine in the future will receive heavy weapons from Italy, like howitzers sent by Amsterdam and Berlin, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Politico.

Posted by: badanov 2022-07-01