
More ‘MEN’ Triggered
Oh dear. Darwin is winning all over the place.
[PJMedia] I don’t want to denigrate anyone’s manhood. After all, there’s a lot more to being a man than simply having the ability to impregnate a woman birthing person. And while there are plenty of reasons for a man to undergo a vasectomy, most of them are unrelated to health.

That might explain the rush by men to see urologists to get snipped. The Washington Post says that urologists report a significant spike in requests for vasectomies in the wake of the Supreme Court decision Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s birthing persons Health Organization.

"It is something I put on the back-burner of my mind until very recently, when the Supreme Court decision happened," Thomas Figueroa, 27, who lives in Tampa and told the Post that he never wanted children. "That was basically the triggering factor right there. It pushed my mind to say: ’Okay, I really do not want children. I’m going to get this vasectomy now.’ "

"Triggered" by Dobbs? What has happened to American men?
So he didn't want to be responsible for his actions. Make the birthing person go through the abortion.
Figueroa registered for a vasectomy with Doug Stein, a urologist known as the "Vasectomy King" for his advocacy of the procedure.

Stein said that before Friday, he received four or five vasectomy requests a day. Since the court’s decision was announced, that number has spiked to 12 to 18 requests per day.
Good for them.
"It was very, very noticeable Friday, and then the number that came in over the weekend was huge and the number that is still coming in far exceeds what we have experienced in the past," Stein told The Post."Many of the guys are saying that they have been thinking about a vasectomy for a while, and the Roe v. Wade decision was just that final factor that tipped them over the edge and made them submit the online registration."

It’s a good time to be the ruler of Vasectomyland.

Ideas and ideals of manhood have changed a lot. Being "triggered" is apparently so acceptable that men aren’t ashamed or embarrassed to admit to their triggering.

That said, a man choosing vasectomy — a mostly irreversible procedure — does so for a variety of reasons.

More at the link.
Posted by: Deacon Blues 2022-07-02