
Liberal Democratic Party proposes to replace the word president with the word ruler
Direct Translation via Google Translate Edited.

I guess Zhirinovsky is over his heart attack. Only one other individual in Russia's most recent history held the title "Ruler of Russia" and that was Russian civil war era Admiral Oleksandr Kolchak.

[REGNUM] The LDPR proposed to abandon the term "president" in relation to the head of state and replace it with "ruler".

"The Party supported the adoption of the Basic Law, because in those stormy years, the continuation of lawlessness was more dangerous than the adoption of a far from perfect Constitution. However, this does not mean that today we cannot fix it," the LDPR press service noted.

Amendments to the Constitution fixed the word "president" in relation to the head of state.

As REGNUM reported earlier , LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed to abandon the word "president."

The State Duma adopted a law prohibiting the names of governors as presidents of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Read earlier in this story: The Federation Council will study the situation with the dominance of anglicisms in the Russian language

Posted by: badanov 2022-07-11