
Russian army is stuck in Bilogorivka in the Luhansk region, - Heyday
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[LB] "It's thanks to our defenders, who put up a decent fightback. Plus the good work of our gunners."

Vera Perun

Russian occupying forces cannot capture Bilogorivka, which is in Luhansk Region.

This was announced by the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhii Gaidai .

"Russian troops are stuck today in Bilogorivka and most likely it is thanks to our defenders who are putting up a decent fightback. Plus a good job of our artillerymen who destroyed a large number of artillery depots in the last few days, so the logistics of the Russians are very bad at the moment with the delivery of ammunition ", - said Gaidai.

He noted that because of this, the number of enemy attacks and shelling decreased.

"They cannot go even one meter without artillery," Gaidai stressed.
Who the hell can?
It will be recalled that the head of the Luhansk Region has already reported that attempts by the Russians to advance from Lysychansk to Siversk are failing.

In Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson Region) , more than 100 Russians died as a result of shelling of the Russian army, and about two hundred more were injured.

In Luhansk region Russians remove children's comics from libraries as "harmful literature".

[LB] The occupiers qualify such publications as "literature promoting nationalism, Nazism and fascism."

Vera Perun

In Luhansk Oblast , the Russian occupiers are removing Ukrainian-language fiction and special literature, periodicals, and even the children's comic "The Adventures of Mykytka" from libraries .

This was announced by the head of Luhansk OVA, Serhii Gaidai .

According to him, the comic was released by the regional administration back in 2018.

"On the pages of the graphic story, the story of the little boy Mykytka, who is a witness to the terrible events of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, is depicted. The main character, whose parents were kidnapped and held in custody by militants, was given shelter by our defenders.

In the location of the military personnel, the boy tells that his native village was heavily damaged during the enemy shelling. And soon Mykytka finds himself in the epicenter of hostilities, where he sees the brave struggle of our defenders on the terrain of his native Luhansk region, namely near Novotoshkivskyi and Krymskyi," said the head of the OVA.

He noted that it is not surprising that Russians consider a true children's story about their crimes a threat. That is why they gave instructions to remove such literature from book collections.

Gaidai added that over a hundred thousand copies of various "harmful publications" have already been seized from the enemy-occupied territories of Luhansk Region.

"Regarding the seizure of books, the occupying "prosecutors" even hold meetings with culture and education workers, at which women are threatened with harsh consequences for trying to keep "forbidden" literature in libraries," the head of the region said.

We will remind, earlier Ukrainian intelligence reported that Russia destroys "extremist" literature in the captured territories: everything that does not coincide with Kremlin propaganda.

In the temporarily occupied Mariupol , rioters burned down the library of the Church of St. Peter the Tomb of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Posted by: badanov 2022-07-11