
ICR investigates the case of the genocide in the Bryansk region in 1941
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[REGNUM] The facts of the targeted mass destruction of civilians and prisoners of war by the Nazi invaders and their accomplices in the occupied territory of the Bryansk region were established by the Investigative Committee of Russia, a REGNUM correspondent was told on July 14 in the press service of the department.

The investigation is aware of the mass executions of the inhabitants of the village of Hatsun, when only in October 1941, on the orders of the fascist command, 318 civilians were killed, including 60 children aged from two to 10 years.

The transit camp for prisoners of war and the civilian population "Dulag-142" in Bryansk contained at least 80,000 people, 40,000 of whom were tortured and buried. One of the witnesses, who ended up in the camp in 1942 at the age of four with two sisters and a brother, told the investigators that they were kept in barracks in inhuman conditions, she was regularly taken blood. Other witnesses recall how they had to sleep on a cold concrete floor, and from 100 to 500 bodies of the dead were taken out of the camp daily.

"All the evidence collected and the facts established give the investigation reason to believe that these crimes are part of the plan of the Nazi invaders to exterminate the civilian population not only of individual settlements and regions, but of the entire Soviet people," the TFR said.

As REGNUM reported , the first open hearing in the case of the genocide of the Soviet people is taking place on July 14 in the Bryansk Regional Court.

On October 27, 2020, the Soletsky District Court of the Novgorod Region recognized as genocide the massacre of Soviet civilians by German invaders and their accomplices in the village of Zhestyanaya Gorka in 1942. More than 2,500 Soviet citizens from among the civilian population and prisoners of war of the Red Army became victims of the massacres. This is the first case of genocide in the history of Russia. The application was sent to the court by the Prosecutor's Office of the Novgorod Region on behalf of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Posted by: badanov 2022-07-16