
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited

Commentary by Russian blogger Donetsk

[DONRF] "Sit down at the negotiating table and agree that they will never threaten Russia and will not have weapons on the territory of Ukraine that will threaten Russian territory. This is the main thing. And denazification there and so on is a philosophy . Believe me, this is a philosophy, the main thing is the security of Russia," Lukashenko said, and I will not condemn him, because:

"In order to create these conditions (for negotiations), our troops withdrew from the center of Ukraine, from Kiev. The Kyiv authorities refused to implement these agreements, although they were practically achieved. So the end result depends, of course, not on the intermediaries, but on the desire of the contracting parties fulfill the agreements reached. We see today that the Kiev authorities do not have such a desire."
-- V.V.Putin

or like this :

Opportunities for dialogue between Russia and Ukraine remain. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov in an interview with RIA Novosti.

It's just that Alexander Grigoryevich
articulates the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich and his vizier. Why condemn it? But, But, father himself, the current situation did not rest, his goal is to hold out a right economy to the receiver, and leave him right. It is desirable that kerosene be brought from the city for that, and they pay for milk and potatoes in gold. War interferes. What will return as before - good.

But the position of Moscow ... but it has not changed either. All these deals, they are for the people, so the goal is different, it was voiced. That's all.

And therefore SVO. Blow - offer, blow - offer. The rest is the cost, and in the form of cotton in the DLNR and the Russian Federation, and in the form of strange patriots who want it. Whether this is good or bad, I can't judge.

War is worse than peace, and if there is a real chance of an agreement, then of course it’s good. But there is no chance, and if there is an agreement, it will not be fulfilled. I am personally sure of this. You know experience. And complete confidence that the Ukraine that our leaders see does not exist. She died and was buried on Independence Square eight years ago.

Therefore, all these calls are a cry to nowhere and a conversation with emptiness. The void will not answer. And the contract with it
is completely meaningless. But this is my opinion, at the top it is like this, to torment me to the contract and return it as it was for 2013. And this is a fact from which there is nowhere to go. And which no one hides, it's just that many hearts believe in miracles. The truth suits partners as it is, so Wishlist - they are like this.

Posted by: badanov 2022-07-22