
Mayor Pete Gets a Lesson in Electric Infrastructure
[Townhall] Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explained to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Tuesday how President Biden’s "impractical electric car policies" will hurt middle America.

Massie began by explaining that he has driven an electric vehicle for 10 years and even has solar panels on his home, but that the administration’s push for a rapid transformation of our energy sector is unrealistic given the U.S.’s current infrastructure.

Massie, an MIT graduate, ran through some numbers. "The average household uses 1,870 kWh/year for air conditioning," Massie said.

"It would take four times as much electricity to charge the average household's cars as the average household uses on air conditioning. So, if we reach the goal by 2030 that Biden has of of 50 percent adoption, that means the average household would use twice as much electricity charging one of their cars as they would use for all of the air conditioning that they use for the entire year."
Math b hard!
Massie pressed Buttigieg to answer how that would impact the grid.

The former South Bend mayor acknowledged the current grid would not be able to handle it but said work is being done to "map out some of the needs."
Nice plan ya got there, Mr. Transportation Secretary. How much will it cost to upgrade the grid, who will pay for it, and will the greenies allow its construction?
Posted by: Bobby 2022-07-22