
Disgusting - Al Gore uses murdered Uvalde children as prop in attack on ‘climate deniers'
[Right Scoop] Al Gore did an interview for Meet the Press tomorrow and they put out some preview clips, and in one of them the fake green giant used the massacre of children in a Uvalde elementary school as a toss-away metaphor for "climate denial."

If you think it sounds disgusting by my description, just watch it for yourself and see how truly heinous this is. And yes, as you can imagine, nobody in the media has blinked twice about it.

"The one thing that Senator Manchin said that I really agree with is that, ’If we want more pro-climate policies, we need to elect more pro-climate senators and representatives in both parties.’ And we’ve got an election coming up. And this is time for all of us to step up" said Gore in the lead-up to the comment. He was answering Chuck Todd asking him about America being a leader in getting rid of "fossil fuels."

Then he made the disgusting comparison.

"You know, the climate deniers are really in some ways similar to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred. They heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, and nobody stepped forward. And God bless those families who’ve suffered so much. And law enforcement officials tell us that’s not typical of what law enforcement usually does. And confronted with this global emergency, what we’re doing with our inaction and failing to walk through the door and stop the killing is not typical of what we are capable of as human beings. We do have the solutions. And I think these extreme events that are getting steadily worse and more severe are really beginning to change minds."

Posted by: Besoeker 2022-07-26