
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 29th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:40 Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, EU countries have halved their purchases of Russian gas, Borrell said: "If before the start of the war the share of Russian energy in the EU was 40%, now it has dropped to 20%." At the same time, he noted that it is impossible to demand from the European economy to stop buying gas "overnight."

23:37 Zelensky supported the joint statement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the murder of Azovstal defenders in Yelenovka and said that now the guarantors - the UN and the ICRC - must respond, must protect the lives of hundreds of Ukrainian prisoners of war. "And I'll add on my own: there should be a clear legal recognition of Russia as a terrorist state. I especially appeal to the United States of America - a decision is needed, it is needed now," the president said in an evening video message.

23:25 The United States "very soon" will announce a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, said John Kirby, coordinator of the National Security Council for strategic communications. However, he did not specify what will be included in the new package. It is known that it will be about the allocation of weapons from the stocks of the US army by presidential decree: "In general, you can expect to see the same things as in the military aid that you have already seen."

23:22 The US administration is considering the option of including Russia in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, along with the possibility of applying a number of other additional sanctions against Moscow, said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

23:08 Lavrov told Blinken that the goals and objectives of the "special operation" in Ukraine will be fully implemented, and the RF Armed Forces "strictly observe the norms of international law." The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry also said that the supply of weapons by the West to Ukraine "only prolongs the conflict, prolonging the agony of the Kyiv regime and multiplying the victims."

23:04 U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that before the war, Washington offered Russia compromises, but Putin was not interested: "He wanted war, and now Putin has made it clear that he is not interested in returning to the negotiating table to actually come to a diplomatic solution."

21:49 Zelensky said that he held a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny, head of the Main Directorate of the MOU Kirill Budanov, acting. Head of the SBU Vasily Malyuk and Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets: “We discussed in detail the terrorist attack organized by Russian monsters in Yelenovka, as a result of which more than 50 captured Ukrainian defenders were cynically killed. There is plenty of evidence that this was a planned crime. And this is yet another confirmation that Russia is a terrorist state. The UN and the ICRC, which were supposed to guarantee the preservation of the life and health of our prisoners of war, must respond immediately."

20:47 Representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross Alexander Vlasenko said that the organization will try to get to the shelled colony in Yelenovka: "Of course, we are aware of this situation and asked for access to this place as soon as possible in order to make sure and see with our own eyes what happened and whether any of the people there need our help."

He also said that a hotline of the central agency of the Red Cross will operate in Geneva, where relatives of prisoners of war can apply. ICRC hotline: 0 800 300 155.

20:38 Blinken said he spoke with Lavrov, the conversation was "open and straightforward." According to Blinken, he discussed a prisoner exchange proposal with Lavrov. In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the parties discussed, among other things, the situation in Ukraine.

20:11 The Security Service of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights published a joint statement regarding the massacre of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Yelenovka. The law enforcement agencies and the Ombudsman remind that the key condition for the exit of the Ukrainian military from Azovstal was the obligation of the Russian side to international organizations to save the life and health of Ukrainian defenders. This guarantee has been cynically violated.

The agencies demand that the UN and the ICRC, acting as guarantors of the life and health of Ukrainian prisoners of war, immediately respond to the terrorist act committed by the Russian Federation and urgently send their representatives, as well as the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada and representatives of the Joint Center for Search and Release of Prisoners to the territory of the colony in the town of Yelenovka for the purposes of the inspection mission.

19:45 The Ukrainian military neutralized the reconnaissance group of Russians in the Shchurovka area in the Slavyansk direction, and also forced the reconnaissance group of the invaders to withdraw in the Kramatorsk direction, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in the evening report .

18:47 All that is known at the moment about the tragedy in Yelenovka is in the material Explosion from within .

18:32 The head of the Nikopol RVA, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, said that a Russian warehouse was on fire on the opposite bank of the Dnieper. Telegram channels report a massive fire in the Russian-controlled Kamenka-Dniprovska Zaporozhye region.

18:07 Russia is pulling military equipment towards Kherson and Crimea, Mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov said: "For the fourth day we have been observing military equipment that passes through Melitopol. This is 3-4 columns daily. Russians go both through the city center and in the neighborhood, in each column - from 20 to 30 pieces of equipment. These are various types of weapons: from tanks to airborne combat vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles. Also, just armored weapons and infantry troops are moving." According to Fedorov, all equipment and manpower are sent towards Kherson and Crimea from Donbass, Mariupol and Berdyansk.

17:55 The Russians are moving captured foreigners who fought for Ukraine from all territories to the Donbass for subsequent execution, said the speaker of the International Legion Damien Magru in an interview with Channel 24: "There is a theory that they are doing this so that they could be given the death penalty. And this is very worrying - that the military is being transported against their will to another region. But this is a war crime. We see that Russia does not treat our foreign prisoners of war well, and this was reported at the beginning of the war. But this position of Russia in relation to foreign fighters is illegal."

Magru noted that in this regard, there are now problems with establishing the whereabouts of captured foreign soldiers.

17:42 Explosions in Yelenovka took place on the territory of the industrial zone in a new room, which was supposed to be specially equipped for keeping prisoners taken out of Azovstal. The equipment of the building was completed two days ago, after which some of the detained Ukrainian defenders were transferred to it, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. Ukrainian military intelligence emphasizes that the explosions in Yelenovka are a deliberate provocation and an unconditional act of terrorism. According to available information, it was carried out by the hands of mercenaries from the PMC Wagner on the personal command of its nominal owner Yevgeny Prigozhin. The organization and commission of the terrorist act were not coordinated with the leadership of the RF Ministry of Defense.

According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the main purpose of the terrorist attack was to conceal the facts of the total embezzlement of funds allocated for the maintenance of Ukrainian prisoners of war. It is known that on August 1, a commission from Moscow was supposed to arrive at the "object" to check the expenditures of the allocated funds and the conditions of detention of prisoners. Another goal of the provocation is to increase social tension in Ukraine due to the great public interest in the fate of the heroes of Azovstal.

17:18 The goal of the "Elenovsky terrorist attack" of the Russians has several components, Yermak said: "The first is an attempt to cast a shadow on the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the use of Western weapons by our army ... The second is that Russia is trying to hide evidence of the scale of war crimes. Terror is an attempt by us break, intimidate... The crime in Yelenovka is another proof that Russia should be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism. Their lies will be quickly revealed and understood by everyone."

17:09 The SBU intercepted telephone conversations in which the invaders confirm that it is the Russian troops who are to blame for the tragedy in Yelenovka. Moreover, there are several such audio intercepts at the disposal of the SBU. Moreover, judging by the videos available on the network, windows in some rooms of the colony have completely survived. This indicates that the epicenter of the explosion was inside the destroyed building , and its walls "extinguished" the blast waves and "saved" the neighboring premises. Also, a preliminary analysis of the video shows that such traces of the explosion on the walls, most likely, could have been left precisely because of the "internal source" of the explosion, the SBU said.

16:32 Germany decided to transfer 16 tanks to Ukraine for building Biber bridges, the German Defense Ministry said. Tanks can be used to overcome water and other obstacles on the battlefield.

16:29 The wheat harvest in Ukraine is expected at the level of 18-20 million tons, which is five times more than domestic demand, said First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky. He also stressed that much more buckwheat was sown this year than in previous years: "So we can fully satisfy the domestic market - the price will even out. The situation is similar with rye, oats and other crops."

16:25 The patronage service of the Azov regiment confirmed that after the shelling of the colony in Yelenovka, Donetsk region, Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed. The names of the injured and dead are currently being established. Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross arrived at the scene.

15:51 Moldova will turn to Romania for help if the hostilities of Russia and Ukraine touch the territory of the country, President Maia Sandu said: "We are concerned. We are considering the most pessimistic scenarios. Accordingly, we are preparing for all scenarios. And in a situation where Russia tries attack the Republic of Moldova, we will obviously ask for help."

In turn, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said that Romania will remain close to Moldova "regardless of the scenario in which we all find ourselves as a result of this unfortunate war."

15:34 Hidden mobilization is underway in the educational institutions of Crimea. As Tamila Tasheva, permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, said, the main mechanism for attracting residents of the peninsula is military recruiting at the occupation universities, where active military propaganda is conducted among young people throughout all the years of study in order to further involve them in signing contracts with the Russian army. In addition, according to her, as part of the illegal conscription campaign, even students who have a deferment from conscription are attracted to military service.

15:18 Kuleba called on all partners of Ukraine to respond to the shelling of the colony in Yelenovka: "The Russians committed another terrible war crime by shelling a correctional facility in the occupied Yelenovka, where they kept Ukrainian prisoners of war. I call on all partners to strongly condemn this gross violation of international humanitarian law and recognize RF as a terrorist state.

14:51 Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets said that he had appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office about the published video of torture by the Russian military of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He asks the prosecutor's office to check the video and record a war crime that violates the norms of the Geneva Convention. Also, according to Lubinets, appeals are being prepared to the UN, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

14:46 As a result of the morning shelling of a public transport stop in Nikolaev, five people were killed and 12 were injured. All the victims were hospitalized, seven are in serious condition, Mayor Alexander Senkevich said.

14:23 The de-occupation of the right bank of the Kherson region by the end of September is a real task for the Ukrainian military, analysts say. More details - in the material Experts on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Kherson .

14:20 North Macedonia handed over T-72 tanks to Ukraine, the Serbian TV channel RTS reported, citing a statement by the country's Ministry of Defense. We are talking about tanks of the "third generation" from the battalion, which is planned to be disbanded soon. The number of transferred tanks is not reported, but it is known that there are 31 tanks of this type in the arsenal of the army of North Macedonia.

14:17 The first ships with Ukrainian grain are being loaded in the ports of the Odessa region today, which have been blocked since the beginning of the war. According to the Office of the President, 17 vessels with almost 600,000 tons of cargo are currently in ports. Of these, 16 ships with Ukrainian grain with a total tonnage of about 580 thousand tons, which will soon leave for ports of destination.

14:03 As a result of a morning enemy strike on a residential area of ​​Kramatorsk, one person was killed, five were injured, said the head of the Donetsk Regional Military District Pavel Kirilenko. Two private houses were destroyed to the ground, 21 were damaged.

13:40 The Kiev Court of Appeal changed the sentence to the Russian military Vadim Shishimarin from life imprisonment to 15 years. On May 23, the Solomensky Court of Kyiv found Shishimarin guilty of violating the laws and customs of war, connected with the premeditated murder of a 62-year-old resident of the village of Chupakhivka, Sumy region.

13:33 Podolyak said that a carefully planned attack on the colony by Russian troops took place in Yelenovka: "The scale and speed of the information campaign by Russian propagandists indicate that it was precisely a planned and organized action. We know that some of the prisoners the defenders were transferred to the barracks where they were hit a few days before the crime.The purpose of the "Yelenovsky crime" is to cover up growing evidence of the extent of Russian war crimes and torture, frustrate exchange agreements, discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces and specific models of foreign rocket weapons that terrifies the Russian occupiers."

Podolyak stressed that the accuracy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been proven by numerous burning Russian warehouses, logistics points, command centers and bridges of Kherson. In addition, everything that Ukraine destroys is automatically confirmed by various fixing tools.

"Obviously, as tactical defeats approach, Russia will resort to new cannibalistic provocations to promote them to global markets. We also demand an immediate and tough response from the UN and other international organizations - Russia must be excluded from any international institutions," the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office emphasized .

13:26 The founder of the Azov Regiment and leader of the National Corps party Andrei Biletsky announced a hunt for all those involved in the massacre of prisoners in Yelenovka: "I, on behalf of the Azov units, declare a hunt for everyone involved in the massacre. Every ordinary perpetrator and every organizer will be held accountable regardless of position and place of residence. Wherever you hide, you will be found and exterminated."

Biletsky said that that night the Russians killed some of the captured Azov soldiers - before that, the soldiers of the regiment were transferred to a separate building. Propaganda work was carried out - a "cannibalistic film" about Azovstal was shot. "We are collecting information about the victims and specific perpetrators of this war crime. It is already obvious that this was a pre-planned act of a country that does not know the concept of officer honor, and even more so the observance of the Geneva Conventions, rules, laws and customs of war. Russia was unable to defeat Azov in a fair fight, therefore, he is trying to destroy us by treachery," Biletsky wrote.

13:15 Zelensky said that he had arrived in Odessa: "We are ready to export grain. We are waiting for signals from our partners about the start of transportation."

13:08 The Russians launched a missile attack on Kramatorsk, Mayor Alexander Goncharenko said. According to him, there is a serious destruction of houses in the private sector of the village of Belenkoe. Three people are known to have been injured.

13:01 The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out targeted deliberate artillery shelling of a correctional institution in the village of Yelenovka, Donetsk region, where Ukrainian prisoners were kept, among other things, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said. The statement says that the Russian invaders pursued their criminal goals in this way - to accuse Ukraine of committing "war crimes", as well as to hide the torture of prisoners and executions carried out there on the orders of the occupation administration and the command of the RF Armed Forces. The consequences of the attacks are being specified.

"According to the information of the Commander of the Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, no rocket and artillery strikes were carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the settlement of Yelenovka. Thanks to the high-precision weapons received from partner countries, the Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deliver exceptionally accurate strikes against Russian military targets" , - emphasized in the statement of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

12:52 British Defense Minister Ben Wallace believes that Russian troops in Ukraine are failing in many areas, and this may force the Russian military leadership to move to a new plan: "At the moment, the Russians are failing in many places on the front... Putin's plans A , B and C have failed, and he can turn his attention to plan D."

According to him, the Russian Federation is in a position where it has not achieved its main goals, but has provoked huge losses and casualties. At the same time, Wallace is sure that the Russian Federation is not able to occupy Ukraine: “They can continue to kill indiscriminately and destroy everything on the go, but this is not a victory ... Putin has not changed his desire to occupy all of Ukraine, take Kyiv and Odessa ... but his army virtually paralyzed by huge losses. More than 25,000 dead. Perhaps twice as many wounded."

12:29 The Rada appealed to the UN, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the states of the world and other partners with an appeal not to recognize the organization and holding of pseudo-referendums by the occupation administrations of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

12:17 Russia is forming another strike force near Ukraine. According to the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Vadim Skibitsky, by mid-July, the Russian Federation had formed eight battalions, which is not enough for the enemy. Therefore, Russia decided to form a third separate army corps in the Western Military District. The Russian Federation plans to form this corps by mid-August.

12:04 The "DPR" stated that the death toll due to the strike on the detention center with Ukrainian prisoners of war in Yelenovka has increased to 53, another 75 were injured.

11:43 The leader of the "DPR" Pushilin said that the death toll from the strike on the detention center in Yelenovka had risen to 47. He also added that the shelling of the detention center was allegedly deliberate and could have started due to the fact that Ukrainian prisoners of war began to testify.

11:40 Nominal salaries of Ukrainians in 2022 will be reduced by 12%, and in real terms, taking into account inflation - by 27%, according to the inflation report of the National Bank for July.

11:36 In Nikolaev at the moment it is already known about five dead and seven wounded , Vitaly Kim reported.

11:28 Yesterday, a video appeared on the network, where the Russian military castrated a Ukrainian prisoner of war. Paul Massaro, senior adviser to the US Congress, reacted to the video. He called on the West to provide Ukraine with ATACMS long-range missiles and modern tanks to "put an end to this crime against humanity." "Russian war crimes in Ukraine are an insult to all mankind," Massaro said.

Podolyak also reacted to the video: "All the world needs to understand is that Russia is a country of cannibals who enjoy torture and murder. But the fog of war will not help Russian executioners escape punishment. We will identify everyone. We will get everyone."

11:25 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that yesterday a missile attack was carried out on the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiev and Chernihiv regions.

11:22 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that tonight the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly hit HIMARS missiles at the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka in the Donbass, where Ukrainian military prisoners of war, including those from Azov, are kept. 40 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed and 75 wounded, eight employees of the detention center were also wounded, the Defense Ministry said:

"Currently, a large number of Ukrainian servicemen voluntarily lay down their arms, knowing about the humane attitude towards prisoners of war on the Russian side. This egregious provocation was committed to intimidate Ukrainian servicemen and prevent them from being taken prisoner."

11:13 The FSB announced that it had detained three citizens of Ukraine who were allegedly preparing a "terror attack in a crowded place in Lipetsk." According to the FSB, the man and two women were allegedly "saboteurs of the Right Sector" and acted under the patronage of the SBU, and explosives were found in their hiding place.

10:46 As a result of shelling of Nikolaev four people were lost and seven are wounded , Vitaly Kim reported.

10:42 As a result of the morning strike on Nikolaev, at least 12 people were injured , the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim said. According to him, the impact was near a public transport stop.

10:39 G7 ambassadors to Ukraine arrived in Odesa, British Ambassador Melinda Simmons said: "My fellow G7 ambassadors and I are in Odesa with Turkey to reiterate the importance of the UN-brokered deal allowing food to be taken out of Ukraine. Russia should respect the deal."

10:36 Kuleba said on the air of the telethon that there are no signals of readiness for negotiations from the Russian Federation: "There are no signals. Russia really wants to fight, but really, under the pretext of wanting to alleviate the situation on the eve of the winter season, some partners start again itch on the topic of negotiations with the Russian Federation". The head of the Foreign Ministry noted that the authorities very calmly and clearly explain to their partners why their hopes for a constructive position of Russia do not correspond to reality.

10:31 AFU destroyed the ammunition depot of Russian troops in Ilovaisk, Donetsk region. According to the Office of Strategic Communications, the "overwhelming majority" of Russians died, and the BC warehouse was completely burned down.

10:28 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who claims to be prime minister, said she would become Ukraine's "greatest friend" if she won the election as the leader of the Conservatives.

10:13 One of districts of Nikolaev is fired by cluster shells, there are victims, the mayor of the city Alexander Senkevich reported. Residents are asked to stay in shelters.

09:55 The "DPR" stated that as a result of rocket fire from the supposedly Armed Forces of Ukraine of the colony in Yelenovka, where Ukrainian prisoners of war are kept, at least 40 people were killed, another 130 were injured.

09:52 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the enemy on the morning of July 29. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Krivoy Rog direction.

  • personnel - about 40,500 (+270) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1749 (+7),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3987 (+8),

  • artillery systems - 900 (+6),

  • MLRS - 258 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 117 (+0),

  • aircraft - 222 (+0),

  • helicopters - 190 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 731 (+2),

  • cruise missiles - 174 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2870 (+16),

  • special equipment - 77 (+2).

09:47 At night, the Russians launched an airstrike on Bakhmut, which had been fired on from Hurricanes the day before. In total, four people were killed in the city over the past day, five were injured, said Pavel Kirilenko, head of the Donetsk Regional Military District. In Pokrovsk, where shells hit the area of ​​the railway station, five people were injured. There are also victims in Slavyansk, their number is being established.

09:39 In the Kirovograd region this morning, an enemy rocket was shot down over the village of Mironovka, Svetlovodsk community, the wreckage scattered around the village, said the head of the OVA Andrey Raikovich. He also said that out of 25 hospitalized yesterday as a result of Russian shelling, one person remains in a very serious condition, nine in serious condition, and the rest in moderate severity.

09:35 In the evening on July 28 the enemy fired at Nikolaev - hits were in the yard of private houses, the point of issue of the humanitarian aid is also damaged. Previously, three people were injured, said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim.

09:31 British intelligence reports that the Wagner PMC has been operating in eastern Ukraine since March in coordination with the Russian military. This private company is likely to be assigned responsibility for certain sections of the front line, just like regular army units. Analysts note that this is a significant change from the group's previous use. Since 2015, she has not flown missions related to open large-scale regular Russian military activity.

This new level of integration further undermines the longstanding policy of the Russian authorities to deny ties between PMCs and the Russian state. According to British experts, the role of Wagner has probably changed because the Russian Defense Ministry is experiencing a severe shortage of combat infantry, but it is unlikely that Wagner's forces will be enough to significantly change the trajectory of the war.

09:07 The head of the Lugansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai, said that over the past day, the Russians had fired four missiles, used barreled, rocket artillery and mortars 13 times: were to withdraw with losses."

09:04 The head of the Poltava OVA, Dmitry Lunin, warned that on July 29 on the territory of the Lubensky community they would conduct training firing.

09:01 The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed several enemy targets in the Kherson region tonight, said the first deputy head of the Kherson Regional Council Yuriy Sobolevsky. According to him, two targets were destroyed in the Novaya Kakhovka area, as well as one target each - in Chernobaevka, Oleshki and Brilovka. “It turned out especially cool in Brilovka. There were no casualties among civilians, we are clarifying the information,” he added.

08:56 Russians fired at Slovyansk of Donetsk region this morning. Damaged multi-storey buildings in the city center, as well as houses in the private sector of the Severny microdistrict. One person was injured, the city is partially de-energized, Mayor Vadim Lyakh said.

08:54 An evacuation train was canceled today from Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, due to track damage after shelling, Mayor Ruslan Trebushkin said. According to him, the missile strike was carried out the day before at about 22:00, as a result, five people were injured, the canvas and the station building were damaged. The power line above the tracks was also interrupted.

08:47 In the Donetsk region, eight civilians per day were killed by Russian shelling: three in Bakhmut, two in Toretsk, one each in Orlovka, Gornyak and Soledar. Another 19 people were injured, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

08:09 The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the assault and offensive actions of the invaders in the direction of Vershina and Semigorye. Also, the Russians tried to advance in the directions of Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka and Velikaya Novoselka, but suffered losses and retreated. The enemy is trying to conduct offensive operations in the areas of Novolugansk and Soledar, the fighting continues. Enemy reconnaissance in combat in the directions of Vodyany and Peskov ended in losses and retreat, the General Staff reported in the morning report .

07:35 At night, the enemy hit the Nikopol and Krivoy Rog districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The Russian army attacked Nikopol from Gradov, deliberately shooting at a residential area. Private houses were damaged, a power line was hit, several thousand residents of the private sector were left without electricity. In the Krivoy Rog region, the enemy fired on the Zelenodolsk community from barrel artillery. Previously, people were not injured, said the head of the OVA Valentin Reznichenko.

05:27 Russians at about 4:00 fired twice at the central part of Kharkov, Mayor Igor Terekhov said. In one case, there was a hit in a two-story house where rescuers are now working, in another case, the blow fell on the building of one of the higher educational institutions. So far, there are no reports of casualties or deaths.

05:12 Kuleba said on the air of the telethon that he was preparing visits to African countries as part of the intensification of Ukraine's relations with this continent: "There will be four to five countries. I am preparing very carefully. These will be exclusively the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, that is, not the countries of North Africa , Arab, and we will go to Central Africa". According to the Foreign Minister, Ukraine's foreign policy pays most of its attention to European and Euro-Atlantic issues, but in fact Ukraine's interests "are located all over the world - in Asia, Africa, and Latin America."

At the same time, Kuleba noted that as soon as information about the preparation of his tour began to leak out, "how Mr. Lavrov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, immediately went to this region, trying to seize the moment to strengthen Russia's position in this region." "They understand that we will be effective in this area. They have already begun to oppose our efforts. But this does not hold us back. We will definitely achieve our goals," Kuleba said.

04:44 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that the Russians can reduce their attempts to take Seversk and focus on Bakhmut, but it is unlikely that they will be able to take Bakhmut.

During the day, Russian forces conducted limited ground attacks northwest of Slovyansk and northeast and southwest of Bakhmut. At the same time, experts note that the Russians can intensify offensive operations around Avdiivka and create conditions for the resumption of offensive operations in the direction of Kharkov.

Russian forces also attempted a limited ground offensive on the southern axis, but likely suffered territorial losses in the Kherson region. They are trying to maintain their land routes through the Dnieper, connecting Kherson with the rear areas in the eastern part of the Kherson region.

02:31 A ship flying the Syrian flag arrived at the port of the Lebanese city of Tripoli, loaded with Ukrainian barley, probably taken out of the occupied territory, the Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon said. The head of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Lebanon, Igor Ostash, met with Lebanese President Michel Aoun and asked him to clarify the circumstances of the ship's stay in Lebanese territorial waters.

02:04 A well-known Ukrainian poet, military blogger, co-founder of the Brothers in Arms NGO Gleb Babich died in the war with the Russian occupiers. Petro Poroshenko announced his death, then Sergey Bratchuk, the head of the Odessa OVA, confirmed it. In 2014-2019, Gleb "Lazy" Babich participated in the ATO and JFO. He went to the front line during the third wave of mobilization. Babich is the author of the texts of many well-known songs, in particular, the song Give the zbroyu of the Kozak System group.

01:56 In Kherson, the Russians hijacked a passenger ship and with its help they are crossing the Dnieper in the area of ​​the damaged Antonovsky bridge, the regional police reports. The ship was moored on Quarantine Island.
Posted by: badanov 2022-07-30