
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: August 11th, 2022
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[Korrespondent] 23:19 Zelensky said in an evening video message that no one except Russia has ever used a nuclear power plant so obviously to threaten the whole world and to put forward any conditions: "What is happening now around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is one of the greatest crimes of a terrorist state. ..And absolutely everyone in the world must immediately respond to drive the invaders out of the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.This is a global interest, and not just a Ukrainian need.Only the complete withdrawal of the Russians from the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the resumption of full control of Ukraine over the situation around the plant guarantee the resumption of the nuclear security for all of Europe."

23:07 The United States at a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant proposed to withdraw Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, and also supported the idea of ​​sending an IAEA mission to the conflict zone, but "subject to the observance of Ukraine's sovereignty." Washington also called on Russia to transfer control over the ZNPP to Ukraine and create a demilitarized zone around the station. According to the US representative, the problems around the nuclear power plant will not stop until Russia withdraws its troops from there.

23:02 Amnesty International denied the data of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security under the Ministry of Culture and Information of Ukraine that the organization received evidence of the placement of weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in residential areas from people held in Russian prisons or filtration camps. The organization claims that the researchers interviewed witnesses in the territories controlled by Ukraine, all the testimony was given "voluntarily and in safe conditions."

22:55 Reznikov, during a meeting with Ukraine's partners in Copenhagen, received a medal for outstanding leadership in wartime from his Danish colleague Morten Bodskov. The Ukrainian Minister of Defense became the first foreigner to receive this award.

22:14 The meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation around the Zaporozhye NPP has begun. The Permanent Representative of China, which chairs the organization, called on the "parties to the conflict" to sit down at the negotiating table.

22:11 Sumy region is the most mined in Ukraine: more than 47% of its territory is mined, Interior Minister Denis Monastyrsky said.

21:02 Yermak said that the international group on security guarantees will present recommendations to the world community in the near future: "We know enough to be sure that there is no such peace agreement under which Russia would put its signature and keep its word. Considering Russia's actions in Syria and its behavior after the capture of Crimea should be obvious: Russia is using the peace talks as a distraction and a trap, not seeking a compromise solution... Assurances do not work, guarantees are needed, because this is an opportunity for the collective West to resist barbaric ambitions Russia".

20:47 Medvedev said that he visited the "LPR", met with the "heads of the republics of Donbass", held a "security meeting". The Medvedev delegation also included Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Krasnov, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Construction Irek Fayzullin, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

20:41 The United States supports calls for a demilitarized zone around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, a State Department spokesman said, Reuters writes: "Fighting near the nuclear plant is dangerous and irresponsible, and we continue to call on Russia to stop all military operations at or near Ukrainian nuclear facilities and return to Ukraine full control, and also support Ukraine's calls for the creation of a demilitarized zone around the nuclear power plant."

20:04 The Russians have suffered losses in Avdiivka, Novopavlovsk, Zaporozhye and other directions. In particular, the Russian military unsuccessfully stormed the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Maryinka and Peskov, the General Staff said in an evening report .

19:45 Russia does not provide access to accurate information about the Ukrainian prisoners of war who died in Yelenovka, Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Anna Malyar said: “To date, there is no exact information about exactly who and how many died in Yelenovka. this information, despite Ukraine's appeals to international organizations that could help in this situation. That is, the process of establishing is ongoing."

19:37 Norway will join the training program for Ukrainian military personnel in the UK, said Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gramm.

19:32 The invaders again fired at the territory of the ZNPP, hitting it near the first power unit, Energoatom reports. The pumping station for domestic wastewater was damaged, extensive smoke was recorded nearby.

19:18 The SBU has established that one of the high-ranking Ukrainian military in an interview with journalists voiced information that, according to certain signs, reveals statements about the strategic plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, issues of preparation and organization of hostilities, said Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar. According to her, the leak of this kind of information "frustrates the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as the enemy corrects his actions and uses this information against us." An investigation is currently underway.

19:01 Shoigu and Gerasimov remain in their positions formally, Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said: "According to reports, Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov remain in their positions solely to prevent discrediting the top military-political leadership of the Russian Federation. About 30-40 % of the generals and officers who participated in the planning of the war against Ukraine have been removed from their duties and are under investigation."

Gromov added that, taking into account the explosions at the airfields in Saki and Zyabrovka, new personnel decisions are expected for the leadership of the Russian army.

18:46 Podolyak showed how the Russians are placing Grads near residential buildings: "Everyday life of the war. The Russian military are placing Grads in the courtyards of residential buildings and shelling neighboring cities, using residents as hostages. Tell me, has Amnesty International already released another clickbait alarmist report? Or continue pretend like nothing's happening?"

18:24 At today's conference of the North European allies in Copenhagen, 1.5 billion dollars were collected for military assistance to Ukraine, Euronews reports. Danish Defense Minister Morten Bodskov announced the allocation of $110 million for the purchase of weapons and training for Ukraine. In addition, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that more rocket launchers and high-precision medium-range missiles would be transferred to Kyiv.

17:33 Ukrainian air defense destroyed today two Caliber missiles fired in the Kharkiv region from the Black Sea, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

17:18 After the explosions in Novofedorivka in Crimea, the intensity of enemy aviation in the southern direction decreased slightly, Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said: "We observed that the enemy was trying to relocate his military aviation units from the central part of Russia to the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea ... At present, the enemy continues to carry out his tasks from the territory of the Crimea. But yes, in connection with these events, the intensity of the use of aviation directly in the southern direction has somewhat decreased."

17:10 Russia has lost two squadrons of the latest Su-35 fighter jets in Ukraine and allows the return of old Su-24M bombers to service, said Oleksiy Gromov, deputy chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: "Over the past week, the Ukrainian air defense forces have destroyed 27 air targets. In connection with significant losses of aviation equipment, the occupiers are considering the option of attracting obsolete bombers - the Su-24M, which were withdrawn from the combat strength of the aggressor during 2005-2018.

Gromov also said that Russia supplied Su-35 aircraft to China. Of the 24 units, only nine were operational, which indicates the low efficiency and unreliability of this technique. The largest number of failures during the operation of these aircraft accounted for on-board systems. "Su-35 aircraft also showed a low level of survivability. During the full-scale aggression, the invaders lost two squadrons of such aircraft, which is about 24 units," Gromov added.

16:59 Several thermal power plants in the Kharkiv region suffered from Russian shelling, so residents of the private sector should think about alternative sources of heating, OVA head Oleg Sinegubov said on the air of the telethon: “In a multi-storey building, pallets or potbelly stoves are unlikely to save the situation. But if this is a private house , then if it is possible to install an alternative source of heating and people have the means to do this, then, of course, they should do it."

Sinegubov specified that CHPP-5 and CHPP-3 came under fire. In addition, one of the thermal power plants in Chuguev was destroyed, which provided up to 40% of the heat supply in the city.

16:48 About 13,000 Belarusian military agreed to take part in the war against Ukraine, said Aleksey Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Six battalions of the armed forces of Belarus are deployed along the state border of Ukraine and perform tasks in the areas bordering Ukraine. According to preliminary data, up to 13,000 people from active and former military units of the Belarusian special operations forces, as well as OMON, signed an agreement to participate in the war against Ukraine.

Gromov added that Russia invites foreign representatives from Syria, Mali, Laos and Uzbekistan to the training grounds of Belarus, who can also be thrown into battle against Ukraine: “There are suspicions that on the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine, Russia may arrange a provocation death of foreigners, in order to demonize the Armed Forces of Ukraine and finally involve Belarus in hostilities."

16:27 The Russians again fired at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the territories near the station. According to Energoatom, five "arrivals" were recorded in the area of ​​​​the commandant's office of the nuclear power plant, next to the welding site and storage of radiation sources. Five more “arrivals” were recorded in the area of ​​the fire station, located not far from the ZNPP. As a result of the shelling at the station, it was not possible to carry out a shift change in time, and until the situation finally normalizes, the workers of the previous shift will continue to work. The situation at the station is now under control, Energoatom assured.

15:53 ​​The Putin administration has agreed on the creation of a new structure affiliated with the Russian special services, the main task of which will be to discredit Zelensky in the countries of Western Europe. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a fake website of the so-called "Zelensky Fund" has already been created, on which an offer will be placed for foreign citizens and institutions to join its "activities". It is planned to create and subsequently publish the Fund's product line and register it on the European trading floors.

The work of the organizational structure of the "fund" in European countries is planned to be developed according to the principle of network marketing - this, according to the organizers, will allow to actively disseminate information in the European media space.

15:47 McDonald's announced that it will gradually resume work in Kiev and some western regions. In the near future, the delivery of products and the preparation of restaurants for the opening will begin.

15:43 Kuleba sent a letter to IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi and UN Secretary General António Guterres with a call to send an international mission led by the IAEA and with the participation of UN military experts to assess the threats to nuclear safety and security of the Zaporozhye NPP, which were caused by the occupation and militarization of the Russian plant army.

15:21 Among the main versions of the causes of the explosions at the Saki airfield are sabotage and a strike using long-range missiles. More details - in the material What happened in the Crimea .

15:05 Mandatory evacuation will be announced in several more regions of Ukraine. In particular, Irina Vereshchuk predicts a difficult winter and Russian shelling of thermal power plants and other infrastructure, in connection with which "some of the cities and villages of Zaporozhye, Kherson, Kharkiv regions may find themselves without means of livelihood - heating, light. Even those networks that are, even if only electric, will not withstand the load, and we are already predicting this."

14:39 UN Secretary General António Guterres called on the armed forces of Russia and Ukraine "to immediately stop all military operations in the immediate vicinity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and not to strike at its facilities or its environs." He also called on the "sides" to withdraw military personnel and equipment from the territory of the station and to refrain from further deployment of forces or equipment at the facility. At the same time, the Secretary General refrained from laying the blame for the attacks on nuclear power plants on someone in particular.

14:18 Scholz said that he does not support the idea of ​​a general ban on the entry of Russians into the EU, for example, for tourism purposes: "This is Putin's war. And therefore it is hard for me with this idea."

14:04 The Russian army uses outdated and ineffective weapons in Ukraine, its missiles hit targets only in 30% of cases. This is stated in the report of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which was reviewed by The Times newspaper. The report is based on the studied captured equipment captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular near Kyiv.

13:47 Zelensky, during a speech at the Donor Conference of Ukraine's allies from the Nordic countries, said that Russia could provoke the largest radiation accident in history at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, "and in terms of actual consequences, this could be even more catastrophic than Chernobyl, but in fact - the same as the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, but without a nuclear strike."

"It is a duty to our countries and all future generations of free people to do everything to stop Russia, ensure that she loses this war and ensure that no state can repeat this terror," the president stressed.

13:39 Estonia has decided to close the borders for Russian citizens with Schengen visas issued by the republic, with some exceptions, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

13:11 As a result of explosions at an air base in Crimea, Russia suffered the largest loss of aviation during the day since the Second World War, writes CNN.

13:09 The Russian troops for 168 days of invasion did not fire at Nikolaev only 22 days, August 10 became one of such days, the mayor of the city Alexander Senkevich reported.

12:52 The invaders intend to arrange a "trial" over the Ukrainian defenders from Azov in Mariupol on Independence Day on August 24, said the mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boychenko. At the same time, he clarified that this is not yet a final decision, other dates are also being considered. Earlier it was reported that a chamber philharmonic society was being prepared for the "court", in particular, cages for Ukrainian prisoners of war were being built there. According to Boychenko, more than 10,000 people are kept in the "DPR" prisons, many of them military.

12:28 The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Switzerland cannot represent the interests of Ukraine in Russia, because it has "lost its neutral status."

12:25 A ship with Ukrainian grain could not leave the port of Chornomorsk due to weather conditions, the Turkish Defense Ministry said. In the meantime, two ships inspected yesterday are heading to Ukraine, loading operations in the ports continue.

12:16 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia announced that changes would be made to the legislation, according to which the inhabitants of the country would have to leave it in case of obtaining Russian citizenship.

11:47 The Latvian parliament has declared Russia a state that supports terrorism. He also called on EU countries to stop issuing visas to citizens of Russia and Belarus.

11:38 The Russian Foreign Ministry said that "Ukrainian shelling" of the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant "could lead to a catastrophe worse than Chernobyl." Also, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that ships with Ukrainian grain go not to countries in need, but to the West, which "casts doubt on the sincerity of the theses about the problem with food." In addition, the Russian Foreign Ministry denied the information that the DPRK offered to provide Russia with 100,000 volunteers for the war in Ukraine, calling such reports fake.

11:13 CNN published an investigation in which experts categorically rule out the use of HIMARS in Yelenovka . Photographs of the aftermath of the fire show that the walls are still standing and most of the roof is intact. Experts say that the impact of HIMARS would cause much more damage.

10:54 A conference of northern European allies in support of Ukraine starts today in Copenhagen, in which more than 20 countries will take part. "We are looking forward to a very good conference today. I am pleased to welcome two of my colleagues and good friends - Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace and Secretary of Defense Alexei Reznikov. Together with our 23 colleagues, we will look at how we can find ways to increase our assistance to Ukraine" - said before the start of the conference its host, Danish Defense Minister Morten Bodskov.

10:36 Reznikov, in an interview with UP, explained what the forecasts for the end of the "hot phase" of the war mean: "The hot phase does not mean that we are leaving the trenches. The hot phase is, relatively speaking, we suffered the greatest losses in May. Now this is a multiple less, because, thanks to the new weapons, we managed to gradually inflict those pinpoint attacks on warehouses, command posts, and command posts, and their invasion stopped, the advance is rather slow. about the hot phase, this does not mean that the field, let's say, trench history will end.

10:27 The " authorities" of the occupied Zaporozhye region will name the date of the "referendum" when they will "ensure his safety," Vladimir Rogov, a member of the "main council of the administration," said.

09:40 IAEA chief Rafael Grossi will speak at a UN Security Council meeting requested by Russia. Grossi will talk about the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP and about the preparation of the mission to the ZNPP, which he will personally lead. The meeting is scheduled for August 11, 22:00 Kyiv time.

09:38 SBU detained a Russian agent who collected intelligence about the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine. The traitor turned out to be a resident of Kyiv, who positioned himself as a military expert. He was recruited by a career officer of the Russian special services to carry out reconnaissance and subversive activities in the capital region.

09:17 British intelligence doubts that Russia will be able to fulfill some export orders for armored combat vehicles, since the Russian Federation itself needs them in Ukraine. Analysts note that the Russian Federation has long considered the defense industry one of its most important export successes. Now, however, the credibility of many of Russia's weapons systems has been undermined by the failures of Russian forces in Ukraine.

09:06 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that Russian officials "remain concerned" about the August 9 attack on the Saki air base, which destroyed at least eight Russian aircraft and several buildings. Analysts also believe that the occupying forces are likely to postpone the date of referendums on annexation in occupied Ukraine, since the annexation will interfere with negotiations to end the war on any terms.

Over the past day, Russian troops have carried out ground attacks west of Izyum, carried out numerous unsuccessful offensive operations north and northeast of Kharkov, and conducted unsuccessful combat reconnaissance in the northwest of the Kherson region.

At the same time, the occupiers continued limited ground offensives to the northeast and west of Bakhmut, and probably made little progress in these areas. Russian forces have also made minor gains northwest of Donetsk and continue to push northwest of the current footholds around Donetsk. Meanwhile, a "volunteer" battalion is being formed in the Oryol region of Russia.

08:56 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of August 11. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Donetsk direction.

  • personnel - about 43,000 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1846 (+14),

  • armored combat vehicles - 4100 (+14),

  • artillery systems - 974 (+3),

  • MLRS - 261 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 134 (+1),

  • aircraft - 232 (+0),

  • helicopters - 193 (+0),

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 772 (+6),

  • cruise missiles - 185 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 3018 (+13),

  • special equipment - 90 (+1).

08:49 The Russians fired four rockets at Kharkov in the morning, Mayor Igor Terekhov said. One of the rockets hit the courtyard of a residential building in the city center in the Kievsky district, no one was injured.

08:43 In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the Russians attacked four districts at night, the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, said. In Nikopol, three people died, seven were injured, among the wounded was a 13-year-old girl. Rescuers are clearing the rubble and looking for people.

Also, the Krasnogrigoryevsk community, the Zelenodolsk community of the Krivoy Rog district, the Velikomikhaylovskaya community of the Sinelnikovsky district fell under shelling. The last one injured two people. In addition, a missile strike was inflicted on the Dnieper region, the extent of the destruction is being clarified.

08:35Reznikov said in an interview with UP that the Russians launched the invasion on February 24 without properly preparing and without forming strike groups: “As of February 24, strike groups in the full sense of military art were not created by the Russians. I didn’t come up with this myself as a civilian, it was the military who explained to me at the level of the General Staff that a strike force for an offensive involves certain signs: command and control agencies, and support agencies, and hospitals, and supply chains, and strike groups, etc. So, in all risky zones ... the Russians do not had signs of the completed formation of a large-scale strike group, that is, the Russians actually went on the attack without forming these strike groups.Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

07:59 In the Avdeevka direction, the Russian army is advancing in the directions of Maryinka and Peskov, the fighting continues. Also, hostilities continue in the Kramatorsk direction in the Ivano-Daryevka region, in the Bakhmut direction - in the areas of the villages of Vershina and Dacha, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report .

07:49 The Ministry of Defense of Belarus commented on the information about the explosions near the Zyabrovka airfield in the Gomel region. According to the agency, on August 10, at about 23:00, "during the control run of one of the vehicles after the engine was replaced, it caught fire, fire extinguishing measures were taken by the personnel in a timely manner, there were no casualties."

06:03 Pushilin said that the date of the "referendum" on joining the "DPR" to Russia will be announced after the "complete liberation of the republic."

01:55 Belarusian journalist Franak Vechorka reported at least eight explosions in the Gomel region near the border with Ukraine. According to eyewitnesses, the explosions occurred near the Zyabrovka airfield, where Russian military aviation is often deployed.

00:32 The "DPR" declares that there were 32 people at the brewery in Donetsk at the time of the impact, one was killed, two were injured. On the territory of the brewery, plastic containers and pallets are burning, the fire area is 600 square meters. m, according to the "Ministry of Emergency Situations".
Posted by: badanov 2022-08-12