
The New Right's Stasi Fantasy
[Ordinary-Times] Politics today is a new brand of performative art. With the rise of social media and the ability of politicians to create viral videos, snarky tweets, and other red meat content for the politically addicted, it’s no wonder we have a barely functioning federal government. Why attend boring committee hearings, mark up legislation, do constituent outreach, debate policies, and propose legislation when tweeting and making Instagram videos are so much more fun? Congress has become merely another platform for niche celebrities.

For the life of me, I still cannot comprehend the unwavering loyalty so many on the right show towards Donald Trump. Yes, he won a fluke election in 2016 against the best possible candidate for him, Hillary Clinton. No one likes her. Outside of what he could do in four years (which most Republicans would have done anyway), he became a three-time loser. The GOP lost the House in 2018. Trump lost the 2020 election, and his stupefyingly ridiculous crusade to claim no one could trust the electoral process in Georgia cost Republicans the Senate. Do you want someone to blame for the American Rescue Plan and the lousy spending bill Democrats rammed through via reconciliation? Blame the former president.

Nearly every problem the man has is the result of a self-inflicted wound. I’ve lived across the Hudson River my entire life. I am old enough to have watched that charlatan rise through the ranks of the New York City elite in the early 1980s to the point where he became a pop culture sensation, meriting mentions on television shows and in the movies. He never cared about anyone or anything beyond himself. We’re talking about a guy who created fictitious publicists (John Miller and John Barron) to promote himself. In the late 80s and early 90s, Trump wanted nothing more than to appear on Page 6 of the New York Post.
Posted by: 746 2022-08-17