
Daily Evacuation Brief: August 19, 2022
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • Sources in Kabul have provided additional reports about the explosion reported yesterday in Kandahar. It was clarified that the governor’s house was the blast's target, and the reputed bombing was carried out at the commencement of a mini Loya Jirga that had been quietly called in Kandahar. A source in the Ministry of Defense claims the conference was intended to quiet fears among senior Taliban leadership over potential American combat operations after the strike on al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. We still have not received proof that the blast reported yesterday happened; security in Kandahar has been tight, but that could be due to the visiting leaders.

  • Following rebel Taliban Hazara Commander Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid’s reported death yesterday, a power struggle may have erupted among his remaining loyal forces in Sar-e-Pol province. Sources in Balkhab claimed that several leaders are arguing over who will take command of the approximately 4,000 Hazara fighters who were under the late leader’s command. While an interim leader was announced, other leaders appear to have misgivings about the direction the group would take. Some argued for a rapprochement with the Taliban, while others urged an alliance with the NRF.

  • Several reports are circulating on social media of large-scale defections of Taliban fighters in Balkh, Ghazni, Badakhshan, and Panjshir provinces. No information was provided about what may have caused the defections, but several hundred are said to have left their units.

  • The death toll for yesterday’s bombing at the Sadiq Akbar mosque in Kabul rose to 21 with 33 reported wounded.

  • Taliban helicopter units were ordered to Kandahar, and a large column of Taliban fighters is marshaling in Kabul with orders to report to Kandahar immediately. These maneuvers may be related to the potential bombing that was reported there yesterday.

  • A series of powerful storms are expected to bring more flooding to 24 provinces in central and eastern Afghanistan over the next 24 hours. Heavy rains, strong winds, and flash flood warnings have been announced.

Posted by: trailing wife 2022-08-20