
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: August 25th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 22:27 Zelensky said in an evening video message that Russia had put Ukraine and all Europeans a step away from a radiation catastrophe: "The world must understand what a threat it is: if the diesel generators [after the shutdown of the ZNPP] did not turn on, if after the blackout they did not work automation and our plant personnel, we would already be forced to overcome the consequences of a radiation accident."

At the same time, the president assured the Ukrainians that everything is being done to prevent an emergency scenario: “But this depends not only on our state. organizations need to act much faster than they do now."

21:34 At the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, connection with the Ukrainian energy system was resumed, but six power units remain disconnected, the IAEA reported.

21:20 Russia's actions at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant increase the risk of a possible release of radiation, said US Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins: "Russia has created a serious risk of a nuclear incident, a dangerous release of radiation that can not only threaten people and the environment, but also to influence neighboring countries and the entire international community."

Jenkins again called on Russia to stop military activities around the nuclear power plant and noted the importance of the IAEA mission being able to visit and inspect the site.

20:55 Six months after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion, the US military mission to support Ukraine will receive its name and commanding general, reports The Wall Street Journal. According to the publication, this will be done in the coming weeks. The general will be responsible for the training of Ukrainian military personnel and the assistance procedure.

20:26 Since the beginning of this day, the Ukrainian military has repelled attempts by Russian aggressors in the Slavic and Bakhmut directions, as well as in the Tavriysky region in the South Buzh direction, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in an evening summary .

19:52 Zelensky had a telephone conversation with Biden, Yermak said: "We discussed Ukraine's next steps towards defeating the aggressor and the importance of holding Russia accountable for war crimes."

19:39 Russia continues nuclear blackmail. As a result of the actions of the invaders, for the first time in history, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant was completely disconnected from the power grid. As a result, two operating power units of the station were disconnected from the network. Energoatom notes that this is the first complete shutdown of ZNPP from the power grid in the history of the plant. For more details, see Aggravation at the ZNPP .

19:33 The "DPR" accused Ukraine of shelling Gorlovka - allegedly due to the impact of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a transformer substation is on fire on the territory of the Stirol chemical plant, and the roof of the building is on fire on the territory of Transammiak State Enterprise.

19:17 Pope Francis, who since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, has been marked by many odious statements, has again angered Ukrainians. The head of the Catholic Church expressed his condolences on the death of Russian propagandist Daria Dugina. He called the man who repeatedly called for the destruction of Ukraine and Ukrainians "an innocent victim of the war." Read more in the material The funeral of Rome .

18:58 Taiwan donated 800 Revolver 860 short-range bomber drones to Ukraine, writes Bild. The drone is capable of carrying up to eight mortar charges and, on command, drop them one by one. The range of the UAV is about 20 km, it overcomes this distance when fully loaded in 40 minutes.

18:53 Reznikov said that all civil servants, including elected positions, must undergo mandatory military training before starting work in this area. In addition, the minister is convinced that in Ukraine it is necessary to analyze all spheres of life and determine the list of professions whose representatives must be ready for defense.

18:29 The city council has renamed 95 streets, lanes and squares, whose names are associated with Russia and the Soviet past, Klitschko said.

18:06 Estonia will increase efforts to isolate Russia, in particular, to expel it from international organizations, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

17:24 British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that the total losses of Russia in the war with Ukraine amount to more than 80 thousand people - if you count the dead, wounded and deserters together. "That's 80,000 in six months, as opposed to 15,000 in ten years in Afghanistan," he said.

Wallace added that Russia's progress in Ukraine today can be measured "not in kilometers, but in meters per week." "I think we are at the point where Russia is in a very uncertain position," the minister added.

17:18 The Russian-appointed "head" of the occupied Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, said that two power units of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant were disconnected from the network after the alleged Ukrainian troops hit because of the automatics that worked, now one unit is working.

17:14 There are from 500 to 800 thousand illegally arrived Russians in Crimea, their status will be considered separately, Tamila Tasheva, permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, said. According to her, the legal mechanisms of the state system on the peninsula are now being developed: “Whether it will be a region of Ukraine or the Republic of Crimea will be determined. Our opinion is that Sevastopol had a separate status due to Russian narratives.”

17:11 State Duma Deputy Leonid Slutsky, who was a member of the delegation at the talks with the Ukrainian side, said that if Kiev declares its readiness for negotiations "at any level" - "we will discuss and react."

16:53 Russia has pulled to the borders with Ukraine about 400 combat aircraft and 360 helicopters, 150 of which are attack helicopters, Yuri Ignat, a representative of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said.

16:38 Funds of the All-Ukrainian Development Bank PJSC in the amount of UAH 304 million seized in the framework of the case against the eldest son of Yanukovych were transferred to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The head of the GUR, Kirill Budanov, said that the funds would be used to purchase technical equipment that would increase the efficiency of intelligence.

16:31 Zelensky met with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio in Kiev.

16:22 The IAEA mission plans to reach an agreement and visit the Zaporizhia NPP until September 5. Among the members of the mission will be security specialists who are not usually involved in such visits, Bloomberg writes, citing sources. According to the publication, members of the mission will have broader powers than usual. Both nuclear specialists and safety and security specialists are planning to come to the station.

16:07 Today, due to fires at the ash dumps of the Zaporizhzhya TPP, located next to the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the last (fourth) ZNPP communication line with the energy system of Ukraine was disconnected twice. The other three communication lines were previously damaged during Russian shelling. As a result, two operating power units of the station were disconnected from the network. Thus, the actions of the invaders led to the complete disconnection of the Zaporizhzhya NPP from the power grid - for the first time in the history of the station , Energoatom reported.

The NPP's own needs for power supply are provided from the energy system of Ukraine through the ZNPP - Zaporizhzhya TPP communication line. There are no comments on the operation of automation and security systems; launch operations are underway to connect one of the power units to the network.

15:29 Scholz visited Ukrainian soldiers trained on Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and promised further military support. In particular, the Chancellor confirmed that Germany would continue to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons systems - he named self-propelled howitzers, multiple launch rocket systems and IRIS-T air defense systems.

15:24 In Melitopol, a collaborator responsible for holding a "referendum" was eliminated, Mayor Ivan Fedorov said. According to him, the victim was close to the Gauleiter of the Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, who appointed him personally. At the same time, Fedorov noted that so far "it is impossible to say clearly whether this is a purge of Russians or the work of our partisans."

15:21 Putin signed a decree according to which the number of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces will be increased from next year by 137,000, to 1.15 million.

15:17 The Russians again fired artillery at the city of Orekhov, Zaporozhye region, and the settlements around it. A 17-year-old teenager died, another person was seriously injured, said the head of the OVA Alexander Starukh.

15:13 OK Day confirmed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine delivered another blow to the Antonovsky bridge. Given the damage and continuous fire control, the occupying forces are hesitant to use or repair the bridge, the command said.

15:05 Ukraine celebrated its 31st Independence Day under the incessant sounds of a siren warning of missile strikes. Some of the missiles, unfortunately, reached their targets. More details - in the material How the Russian Federation "congratulated" the terrorist attacks .

14:46 The "authorities" of the occupied Energodar said that the power outage in the Kherson region and part of the Zaporozhye region occurred as a result of a short circuit due to fires after the shelling of the ZNPP. Security systems worked at the Zaporizhzhya NPP after a power failure in the region, a reconnection was made.

14:35 IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi announced that he had met with Macron and announced a visit to the Zaporozhye NPP: "A timely and purposeful meeting with Emmanuel Macron. A visit to the Zaporozhye NPP in Ukraine is expected soon - thank you for your continued support and efforts aimed at to make this important mission a reality."

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the situation at the ZNPP was discussed by the Russian and French defense ministers, who "noted the importance of visiting the ZNPP by the IAEA staff and their readiness to assist the inspectors."

14:29 Residents of the Buchansky and Vyshgorodsky districts of the Kiev region heard explosions today - this is the neutralization of the remnants of explosive objects after night shelling. Explosions are controlled and do not pose a threat to people, said OVA head Aleksey Kuleba.

14:22 Podolyak said that Russia has already used all its trump cards: "Moscow's entire policy is based on the game of" raising the stakes. defeat is shown. All the trump cards have been used. Everything else is propaganda. There is no need to be afraid of Russia. We need to increase assistance to Ukraine."

14:18 In the occupied Energodar, after Russian shelling, there is no water supply and electricity supply, Mayor Dmitry Orlov said. The head of the Nikopol regional military administration, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, added that the occupiers "are burning down the forest near the yacht club and dispersing panic among people on both banks of the Kakhovka reservoir."

14:01 Occupation "authorities" stated that Kherson and some settlements of the region are de-energized, Melitopol is also de-energized. The reasons are not reported. Also in Kherson, the water supply was turned off after the city and the region were de-energized.

13:47 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on yesterday's missile strikes: five combat aircraft were allegedly hit at the airfield in Mirgorod, three aircraft were allegedly hit at the military airfield in Dnipro, and "over 200 Ukrainian reserve servicemen and ten units" were allegedly destroyed at the Chaplino station by Iskander's strike on the military echelon military technology."

13:33 The Russians fired today with. Lebyazhye in the Chuguevsky district of the Kharkov region. As a result of getting into a residential building, one person died, another was injured, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

13:11 In Mariupol, local collaborators are conducting a population census, according to the GUR MOU. They visit all apartments and private houses and demand to provide personal documents with a residence permit, and also find out the whereabouts of the next of kin. It is officially reported that this is done to provide residents with electricity and gas. In informal conversations, it is recognized that the majority of the population surveyed refuses to participate in a possible "referendum" or does not directly answer questions.

According to collaborators, only about 5-7% of the respondents expressed their readiness to "vote". Most of the locals are embittered both towards the Russian Federation and representatives of the occupation administrations. The "census takers" also reported that the decision on the "referendum" itself was not finally made in the Kremlin, and it is unlikely that it will really take place on September 11th. On the contrary, the occupying authorities of Mariupol are trying not to raise the topic of the "referendum" and are concentrating on PR campaigns to promote the results of their "work".

12:56 Near Melitopol, in Priazovsky, resistance forces blew up the headquarters for preparations for the pseudo-referendum. According to RIA Melitopol, this headquarters also housed a point for issuing Russian passports.

12:40 Spain sent Ukraine an air defense system, ammunition and armored vehicles, the country's Ministry of Defense reported. The military aid shipment includes about 20 armored vehicles, 75 pallets of field artillery ammunition and a full air defense battery, as well as 1,000 tons of diesel fuel, worth an estimated €2.5 million. Both armored vehicles and ammunition are already at the disposal of the Ukrainian authorities.

In addition to weapons "upon urgent request" a consignment of military uniforms for the winter and additional clothing has been prepared. Shipping is scheduled for September.

12:17 White House Speaker for Security and Defense John Kirby said that new weapons for Ukraine will come from manufacturers, and not from existing US military stocks. The new aid package announced by Biden the day before would use Congressional funding from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) to allow the administration to buy weapons from manufacturers, he said.

11:52 Ukrainian Ambassador to Spain Serhiy Pogoreltsev said that Kiev is not satisfied with the military assistance from Spain. According to him, the last batch was sent back in May: "The dynamics do not suit us, and this is the reality. We need to receive weapons as soon as possible. This cannot be delayed."

11:41 On August 24, Russian troops made about 200 sorties, but the frequency of missile strikes was much lower, eight X-22 cruise missiles hit different regions of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said. He explained the large number of air alerts by the fact that Russia also made many "imitation sorties", mainly from the Shaikovka airfield, as well as from the north of the Caspian Sea. The planes took off, made maneuvers in the air, simulating an impact, and at that time an air alert was announced in Ukraine.

11:37 The negotiation process with Russia is now unprofitable for both Ukraine and Europe, since any temporary truce will mean the continuation of aggression from the Russian Federation in the future, Podolyak said in an interview with Bild.

11:29 The invaders took to Russia 200 thousand tons of grain collected in the fields of the Luhansk region, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to the farmers who remained in the occupied territory, the situation in the region is approaching catastrophic.

11:06 The "authorities" of the occupied Kherson region said that the Ukrainian troops fired at the Antonovsky bridge again, "the air defense system worked."

11:04 US State Department spokesman Ned Price said that the "tribunals" against the defenders of Ukraine, the Kremlin is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the war of aggression: "The United States strongly condemns the lynching of Ukrainian heroes and calls on Moscow to fulfill its obligations under international law."

10:56 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that the organization is "ready to support any mission from Kiev to the Zaporozhye NPP."

10:38 Reznikov announced "good news from the front" before the end of the year: "I am an informed optimist, or well-informed, so I have certain positive hopes that this year there will be good news for the entire Ukrainian society and the world. It is important for people to see victory. You and I are in a war of survival, and we will survive this war, we will break the back of this Goliath."

10:17 Biden will call Zelensky today, White House spokesman John Kirby said. According to him, the parties will discuss new information about "referenda" in the occupied Ukrainian territories. The White House has indications that Russia may hold "referendums" in the next few days.

10:15 As a result of yesterday's meeting of the UN Security Council, 58 countries signed a statement on six months of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The signatories express regret that the Russian Federation did not stop the "special operation", recognize Ukrainian sovereignty within the recognized borders and express their commitment to the independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The statement was not supported by Belarus and Russia, as well as China and India.

10:04 FSB announced the prevention of a terrorist attack in the Kaliningrad region: a Russian citizen, allegedly a "supporter of Azov", was detained. He planned attacks on the objects of the Baltic Fleet and at Khrabrovo airport, and at home they allegedly found a bomb with a capacity of about 5 kg of TNT, "propaganda literature and symbols of Azov."

10:00 British intelligence reports, citing satellite images from August 21, that Russia maintains a heavy military presence at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, and its armored personnel carriers are deployed within 60 meters of the 5th reactor. Analysts believe Russian troops may have been trying to hide the cars by parking them under overhead pipes and catwalks.

Also, British intelligence notes that Russia is ready to use any Ukrainian military activity near the ZNPP for propaganda purposes. As long as the Russian Federation maintains its military occupation of Zaporizhia NPP, the main risks to reactor operation are likely to remain disruption of cooling systems, damage to the backup power source, or errors by pressure workers, analysts predict.

09:52 The turning point of the war in Ukraine has already begun, as evidenced by the explosions in the Crimea, said the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov, on the air of the telethon. According to him, the Russians began to realize that their army was not as strong as they thought: “This is not the second army in the world, and not even the fourth. And retribution will come. The understanding that there will be retribution comes to people when they personally begin to see and feel that the war is not somewhere out there in some part of the world, but with them. Therefore, the turning point has already begun.

09:46 On Independence Day, the Russian army shelled 58 settlements in Ukraine, said Deputy Interior Minister Yevgeny Yenin.

09:40 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense showed footage with Ukrainian flags that were raised on August 24 in the occupied cities - in particular, in Mariupol, the village of Mirnoye in the Kherson region and Balakliya in the Kharkiv region.

09:32 Rescue and search operations have been completed in the village of Chaplino. As a result of the shelling of the residential sector and the railway station, 25 people were killed, including two children. 31 people were injured , the OP reported.

09:29 According to the Mapa alarm service , on August 24, 189 air alerts were announced in Ukraine - this is an absolute record for the entire time of a full-scale invasion. The previous record - 109 alarms - was announced on April 23, Easter Eve.

09:23 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of August 25. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Donetsk direction.

  • personnel - about 45,850 (+150) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1929 (+5),

  • armored combat vehicles - 4245 (+2),

  • artillery systems - 1037 (+1),

  • MLRS - 272 (+6),

  • air defense systems - 148 (+1),

  • aircraft - 234 (+0),

  • helicopters - 202 (+3),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 828 (+9),

  • cruise missiles - 196 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 3160 (+0),

  • special equipment - 99 (+0).

09:06 At night Russians fired at Nikolaev with S-300 rockets. It is known about getting into the private residential sector, previously without casualties and victims, said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim.

09:03 As a result of yesterday's two rocket strikes on the Shepetovsky district of the Khmelnytsky region, windows, doors in residential buildings and a school were knocked out. Three people, including two children, asked for medical help, the head of the OVA, Sergei Gamaly, said.

08:59 At night, the Russians attacked the Metallurgical District of Krivoy Rog from the Tornado-S MLRS - rockets with cluster munitions prohibited by the Geneva Convention, said Alexander Vilkul, head of the military administration of Krivoy Rog. Vehicles, a residential building and administrative buildings were damaged, people were not injured. Local residents are asked to be as careful as possible, as unexploded ordnance could remain.

08:44 At night, the occupiers fired two rockets in the direction of Kharkov - one exploded in the air, the second fell on the territory of the Chuguevsky district, previously without casualties. In total, two civilians were wounded in the region over the past day, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

08:38 In the Donetsk region on August 24, three civilians died from Russian shelling - in Soledar. Another person was injured, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

08:36 The Russian army fired at night on four districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region - Sinelnikovsky, Nikopol, Krivoy Rog and Dneprovsky. In Velikomikhailovka, Sinelnikovsky district, eight victims, including three children. Search and rescue operations continue in the village of Chaplino, where 22 people died, including two children. An enemy missile was shot down by the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the Dnipro region.

08:28 The German armed forces are faced with an "absolute shortage of their own stocks" of weapons, said Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock in an interview with ZDF. According to her, the German military industry should specifically work for Ukraine in the longer term, since the conflict is becoming protracted, and Kyiv needs additional arms supplies in the fall and winter. "So we need to provide short-term support and also plan for the medium term," Burbock explained.

07:59 The Russians unsuccessfully tried to attack in three directions in the East - Slavic, Avdeevsky and Bakhmutsky. In particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the enemy’s attack on Peski, the General Staff said in the morning report .

07:57 At night, the Russians fired two rockets at one of the communities of the Vyshgorodsky district of the Kiev region. According to the head of the OVA, Aleksey Kuleba, there are no casualties and wounded among civilians, there are no fires and destruction of residential buildings or infrastructure. Other explosions heard by residents of the region are the work of Ukrainian air defense.

02:56 Ukrainian aviation hit the Kakhovka bridge and Russian air defense systems in Novaya Kakhovka. The Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted four blows on the accumulation of manpower, weapons and equipment of Russians in the Beryslavsky district of the Kherson region. An ammunition depot was destroyed, a command and observation post was hit, OK Pivden reported.

02:33 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that since mid-March, the Russians have lost control over Ukrainian territories larger than Denmark (about 45 thousand square kilometers), but they have managed to occupy territories the size of Andorra over the past 39 days - about 450 .84 sq. km.

Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces have carried out limited ground attacks southwest and southeast of Izyum, northeast and south of Bakhmut, and west and southwest of Donetsk. The Russians also made a limited ground attack in the northwest of the Kherson region.

Posted by: badanov 2022-08-26