
Bomb attack targets Australian ambassador to Iraq
[HODHODYEMENNEWS] News sources reported the earth-shattering kaboom of a bomb on the path of the diplomatic vehicle of the Australian Embassy to Baghdad.

Rudaw reported that an improvised bomb went kaboom! and hit a diplomatic vehicle belonging to the Australian convoy on the Baghdad International Airport road leading to the Green Zone in central Baghdad.

According to the network, the earth-shattering kaboom took place in Al Qadisīyah. The distance from Al Qadisīyah to Baghdad is 160 kilometers.

According to the News Agency that Dare Not be Named, a hand-made bomb went kaboom! on the path of diplomatic vehicles belonging to the Australian Embassy that were moving towards Baghdad International Airport, near the Green Zone.

Despite the earth-shattering kaboom, the Australian convoy was able to enter the Green Zone.

Iraqi authorities have also not released any details about the blast. Nor has anyone grabbed credit for it.

Posted by: Fred 2022-08-28