
On September 11, Kamala Harris Likens Trump Supporters to the 9/11 Terrorists
Let’s swamp her with massive Republican wins across the country, as a valuable life lesson.

Old Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S., father of Hunter, close friend of an imaginary negro named Corn Pop. He blames Trump for losing Afghanistan....
said it during his ominous black-and-red speech on September 1: "Donald Trump
...Oh, noze! Not him!...
and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic." On Sunday, the twenty-first anniversary of the September 11, 2001, jihad terror attacks that killed nearly three thousand people, Chuck Todd on Meet the Press did his best to emphasize the alleged threat that Trump supporters pose to "our democracy," by which Leftists always mean their own hegemony over the political process. Todd asked Vice President Kámala Harris
Former Oakland mayor Willie Brown's former mistress, then a senatrix from California, and then a former 2020 Dem presidential hopeful. She dropped out because she was polling in negative numbers because of racism or misogyny or something like that. Her father is a Marxist professor emeritus at Stanford and her mother is an Indian of the Hindoo tribe. She is reputedly the proud descendant of a long line of women. Joe Biden picked her for her skin tone, feeling she could also bring in the Native American, women's, and bimbo votes. She's an outstanding exemplar of the Peter Principle, proudly displaying her level of competence in her handling of the Biden Border Surge
: "Look, we’re at the twenty-first, um, marking, if you will, of the September 11th attacks. This was a foreign terrorist attacking our democracy, attacking this country. We’re now as a nation battling a threat from within. Is the threat equal or greater than what we faced after 9/11?"

Harris could have seized the opportunity to remind Todd and the nation that political dissent was not terrorism; instead, she took Todd’s comparison seriously, although she declined to take Todd’s bait and rank the alleged domestic terror threat higher than the jihad threat. "That’s an interesting question," Harris parried. "Um, I have held many elected offices, as district attorney, attorney general, senator, now vice president, and there’s an oath that we always take, which is to defend and uphold our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We don’t compare the two in the oath, but we know they both can exist, and we must defend against it." She was on board with Todd’s premise that the nation faced domestic enemies as formidable as the 9/11 terrorists, if not more so. Biden’s speech ten days before made it clear who those domestic enemies were.

One Twitter user responded with a succinct summation of what’s wrong with what Harris said: "Apparently I am now worse than an Islamic terrorist for just wanting my government to adhere to the Constitution and leave me alone." Another quipped, "’Threat from within?’ as he literally stares part of the problem in the face."

Harris’ assumptions were not singular. Far-Left comedian Kathy Griffin, whose idea of comedy in 2017 was to distribute a photo of herself holding an effigy of Trump’s bloody severed head, tweeted on September 6, "If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican." When she was called out for this, Griffin resorted to the familiar tactic of projection: "You guys. The maga blue checks are at it again. Because they are constantly threatening Civil War, they are now trying to suggest that I am the one who is threatening a Civil War. Because you know, that’s my thing." She had just threatened civil war two hours before this, but never mind.

Posted by: Fred 2022-09-13