
Bill Gates Says He's Taken the Brunt of COVID Conspiracy Abuse Because People Don't Know Anthony Fauci Outside the U.S.
[ChildrensHealthDefender] Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Bill Gates through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent over $2 billion to strengthen the global response to the pandemic by making vaccines available to lower-income countries and funding the development of antivirals or immunotherapies.

But in the minds of a small sector of the population, the Microsoft founder, along with Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the U.S. President, did a lot more: They orchestrated the whole pandemic as a way of controlling the population.

While the theories were founded in the U.S. — mainly by QAnon conspiracy theorists — and have engulfed both Gates’ and Fauci’s domestic work in the COVID-19 response, when the rumors spread to Europe, it was Gates who bore the brunt of the abuse due to his global status as Microsoft founder.
Posted by: DooDahMan 2022-09-13