
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: September 15th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:38 In an evening video message, Zelensky confirmed that a mass grave of people had been found in Izyum: "The necessary procedural actions have already begun there. Tomorrow there will be Ukrainian and international journalists in Izyum. We want the world to know what is really happening and what has led "Russian occupation. Bucha, Mariupol, now, unfortunately, Izyum... Russia leaves death behind it everywhere. And it must answer for it. The world must bring Russia to real responsibility for this war."

23:15 A mass grave of more than 440 bodies was found in Izyum , head of the investigative department of the police of the Kharkiv region Sergey Bolvinov said in a comment to Sky News. According to him, the bodies were buried separately: “We know that some were killed, some died from artillery fire, the so-called mine-explosive injuries. Some died from air strikes. Many of the bodies have not yet been identified, so the causes of death will be established during the investigation. actions".

23:09 The EU no longer considers Hungary a democratic country - this decision was made by the European Parliament. Thus, the majority of the EP members supported the adoption of a document proposing to regard Hungary as a state with a "hybrid regime of electoral autocracy."

23:05 The weapons that the United States supplies to Ukraine are intended solely to protect Ukrainian territory, said State Department spokesman Ned Price.

21:16 Throughout the day, the enemy is shelling the liberated areas of the Kharkiv region - in particular, the settlements of the Kharkov, Kupyansky and Izyum regions. There are destroyed houses and victims, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. According to preliminary data, ten people were injured in the Kupyansky district, including two children aged 12 and 13. One more person was wounded in Izyumsky district, one - in Kharkovsky. The information is being specified.

20:38 Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov announced the shelling of the border village of Nekhoteevka. One of the shells hit the gas station, resulting in a fire at the customs terminal, the gas station itself was not damaged.

20:31 The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully repelled enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Veselaya Dolina, Mayorsk and Zaitsevo, the General Staff said in an evening report .

20:17 Since the end of August, Ukraine has seized the initiative with an offensive, first in the Kherson, then in the Kharkov direction, and Russian actions are mainly a response. Before that, it was Ukraine that defended and reacted. About what could be next - in the material A turning point in the war or not?

19:59 The EU will allocate 150 million euros to support internally displaced persons in Ukraine, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at a briefing in Kiev.

19:44 In the de-occupied territories of the Kharkiv region, four police sappers have already been seriously injured during demining, said the head of the National Police Igor Klimenko. In total, according to him, about a thousand police officers are now working in the liberated districts of the Kharkiv region every day. Only more than 20 specialized investigative and operational groups with mobile forensic laboratories are involved in documenting war crimes.

19:26 Two battalions of "volunteers" are being assembled in Crimea to send them to war in Ukraine, Aksyonov said: "Crimea has already fielded more than 1,200 volunteers and is forming two more battalions. We fully provide them with equipment, means of protection, communications and intelligence. Process goes, we try to ensure that everyone leaves fully equipped.

18:59 The European Union is not considering scenarios for easing sanctions against Russia and will strongly support Ukraine in the war unleashed by the Kremlin, said the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. According to her, Russia launched an attack on the European system of values, but the European Union will jointly repel this attack. More about this speech and the reaction to it - in the material, the media discuss the speech of the head of the EC .

18:47 The IAEA Council adopted a resolution demanding that Russia "immediately cease actions against and at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant," Sky writes. Russia and China in the IAEA voted against. The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN called the resolution "anti-Russian", saying that it was "dragged" by Western countries.

18:42 The head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaliy Kim refuted yesterday's statement by the head of the Kherson Regional Council Alexander Samoylenko about the liberation of the village of Kiselevka, Kherson region. According to Kim, the village is in the "gray" zone, there are fights for it.

18:37 The United States imposed sanctions against 22 people and two organizations that support the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine. Among them, in particular, Ramzan Kadyrov and members of his family.

18:02 The Pentagon signed a contract with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin to supply Ukraine with 1,800 Javelin anti-tank systems.

17:46 The Russians attacked the territory of the Petrovsky community of the Kirovograd region, said the head of the OVA Andrey Raikovich. According to him, the enemy "is trying to barbarously destroy infrastructure facilities." One missile was shot down by air defense.

17:19 Oleksandr Vilkul announced another missile attack on Krivoy Rog - and again two missiles hit the area of ​​hydraulic structures.

16:53 For the first time since the start of the Russian invasion, Germany will hand over armored vehicles to Ukraine - 50 Dingo armored vehicles, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive two more MARS II multiple launch rocket systems and about 200 missiles. Crew training will take place in Germany and will begin in September.

16:32 In Kiev, a delegation led by the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is treated to watermelons and melons from the recently liberated villages of the Kherson region, Estonian diplomat Matti Maasikas said.

15:54 After the de-occupation of the Kharkiv region, the SBU detained 16 collaborators and identified all the "officials" of the occupation administrations. In total, in the liberated settlements of the region, SBU officers conducted an in-depth check of about 7,000 people. In addition, registers of the "tax service" of the occupiers were found, in which all commercial structures that financed armed aggression by paying "taxes" to the budget of the Russian Federation were entered.

15:29 A teacher at the Belogorsk technical school in Crimea was fired after he played a "Ukrainian nationalist song about the Bayraktar drone" in the audience, the police are checking, Russian media write with reference to the Crimean "authorities".

15:12 The leader of the "LPR" Leonid Pasechnik said that the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is going on along the entire front, the Ukrainian army has approached the borders of the Luhansk region: "The enemy has achieved certain successes, in fact, he has reached the borders of the" LPR ", but there is no reason to panic."

14:55 The Russian Foreign Ministry once again stated that the supply of long-range missiles to Ukraine will make the United States a party to the conflict: "If the United States decides to supply Kiev with longer-range missiles, they will cross the red line and become a direct party to the conflict."

14:38 The mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, reported two loud explosions in the southern part of the city, ambulances are already on their way there.

14:17 The Russians fired a cruise missile at an industrial enterprise in Krivoy Rog, the head of the military administration Alexander Vilkul said. According to him, the destruction is serious, but preliminary there were no losses.

13:42 Zelensky awarded Ursula von der Leyen with the Order of Yaroslav the Wise.

13:40 Kadyrov called on the leaders of the Russian regions to declare "self-mobilization" and gather "volunteer" battalions, thereby replenishing the reserve of the RF Armed Forces by 85,000 people.

13:36 The European Parliament approved a new package of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 5 billion euros, Radio Liberty editor Rikard Jozwiak said.

13:04 The Russians again launched a missile attack on Krivoy Rog, said the head of the VA Alexander Vilkul.

12:23 A batch of armored personnel carriers from Lithuania should arrive in Ukraine in the near future, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said: "The country's government decided to send two batches of armored personnel carriers. The first of them will arrive in the near future. It will not go directly to the Ukrainian Navy , but I think that the Armed Forces of Ukraine themselves know better how best to use this military assistance."

11:58 At night, the Russians fired on a high-rise building in Bakhmut, according to preliminary information, four people can be under the rubble, the State Emergency Service is working on the spot, said the head of the Donetsk OVA Pavel Kirilenko. In Toretsk, a hospital was hit by shelling, one person was wounded. Shelling was also in the Svetlodar community, Seversk, Pokrovsky district, Avdeevskaya and Ocheretinskaya communities. In Mirnograd, as a result of the shelling of a mine, one person was injured.

11:50 Russia does not recognize its own passports issued on the territory of the LDNR, their owners are not allowed to cross the border. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, after the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the mood of the pro-Russian-minded residents of ORDLO changed dramatically. Dissatisfaction with the course of the "special operation" and the actions of the Russian government is growing. The opinion that the Russian Federation is surrendering the interests of the "republics" is becoming popular. These sentiments further intensified after it became clear that Russian passports issued on the territory of ORDLO have no legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation. At least those who want to leave the "LDNR" with such a passport are not allowed to pass at the Russian border.

Also among the personnel of the 14th separate special-purpose brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, information is being disseminated that one of the stages of the "SVO" should be completed by December 1. After that, it is planned to withdraw regular units of the RF Armed Forces from part of the occupied territories of Ukraine. Allegedly, these territories will be transferred under the control of the so-called "volunteer battalions" - probably, like the 1st (Donetsk) and 2nd (Lugansk) army corps.

11:19 Scholz, after a conversation with Putin, said that he did not see a change in his position on Ukraine: "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that there has increased awareness that starting this war was a mistake. There was also no sign that that there are new perspectives." At the same time, the chancellor believes that it is necessary to continue talking with Putin, since "Russia must withdraw, it must withdraw its troops so that peace has a chance in the region."

11:15 Anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed five air targets in a day: one drone and four aircraft of the invaders. The Su-25 attack aircraft was destroyed in the eastern direction, three Su-24 bombers were shot down in the south of the country.

10:37 In the Lugansk region, the invaders are preparing to defend themselves - they "burrow" in Svatovo and Troitsky, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, heavy fighting is going on in the Luhansk region, and the Kharkiv "instant" scenario will not be repeated in the region, it will have to be fought hard for. True, the Russians have a problem - they are running out of "cannon fodder", so now they are collecting men in prisons, Gaidai added.

10:02 Head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Kiev: "Ukraine is now a European candidate. I will discuss with Volodymyr Zelensky and Denis Shmygal how to continue to bring our economies and people closer together while Ukraine moves towards accession." This is her third visit since the start of Russia's large-scale invasion in February.

09:58 SBU calls on residents of de-occupied settlements to keep evidence of war crimes of the Russian Federation and transfer them to law enforcement officers.

09:51 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of September 15. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Krivoy Rog and Nikolaev directions.

  • personnel - about 53,850 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 2193 (+13),

  • armored fighting vehicles - 4682 (+17),

  • artillery systems - 1295 (+5),

  • MLRS - 311 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 167 (+0),

  • aircraft - 250 (+4),

  • helicopters - 215 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 908 (+0),

  • cruise missiles - 233 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 3522 (+21),

  • special equipment - 120 (+0).

09:45 British intelligence reports that Ukrainian forces continue to strengthen control over the recently liberated territories of the Kharkiv region. Russian troops have largely withdrawn from the area west of the Oskol River. The ways in which Russian troops have withdrawn over the past week have varied. Some units retreated while others "fled in sheer panic," analysts say.

As they retreated, the Russians abandoned high-value equipment, including at least one Zoopark counter-battery radar and at least one IV14 artillery control vehicle. This indicates a disorganized retreat of some Russian units and probable local violations of command and control, according to intelligence.

09:38 Ukrzaliznytsia launched the first flight to the liberated Balakliya:

09:20 US Senators from the Democratic and Republican parties Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham presented a bill recognizing the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism.

09:17 In the Donetsk region over the past day as a result of enemy shelling, two civilians were killed - in the Valley. Another 13 people were injured, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

09:14 The Russians struck in the area of ​​one of the infrastructure enterprises of Zaporozhye. Windows in the building were blown out, power supply was interrupted. According to preliminary information, there were no victims, said Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the Zaporozhye city council.

09:05 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) suggests that Russian troops attacked the Karachunskaya dam to damage Ukrainian pontoon bridges downstream and prevent Ukraine from crossing the Ingulets River against the backdrop of a UAF counteroffensive in the Kherson region.

Analysts also note that oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is close to Putin, is asserting himself as a person directly involved in the "special operation" in Ukraine, becoming the face of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine. The day before, a video appeared on the network where Prigozhin personally recruits prisoners in one of the colonies. In addition, ISW cites Ukrainian intelligence data, according to which the Russian military leadership is relying on Chechen battalions for possible reinforcements, which are understaffed and consist mainly of mercenaries from economically depressed regions of Russia.

08:46 In Krivoy Rog, the consequences of a Russian missile attack on the dam of the Karachunovsky reservoir were eliminated all night. According to the head of the Dnepropetrovsk OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, the Russians launched strikes with Kinzhal and Iskander missiles. Due to the attack, the water level in different parts of the Ingulets River rose from one to almost two meters. As of this morning, it has been reduced by 13 cm and continues to fall.

Alexander Vilkul, head of the CAA of Krivoy Rog, added that a large list of events was carried out at night, "starting from two dam explosions in the Chernogorka region to increase throughput, and ending with large engineering work." Because of the missile attack, 112 private houses and farmsteads were flooded. People were evacuated, including from Gdantsevka and Motronovka. According to Vilkul, another place where a cruise missile hit was found, causing damage to the water supply. About 5,000 people were left without water in the Sofiyiv community.

07:59 Russian troops are trying to strengthen the first line of defense in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions from the units of the 3rd Army Corps, as well as the remnants of units withdrawn from the Kharkiv direction, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning summary .

05:37 "Head" of the occupied Vasilyevsky district of the Zaporozhye region Natalya Romanichenko stated that the SBU allegedly prepared an assassination attempt on her, several people were detained.

05:20 Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov announced a nighttime rocket attack on the Kievsky district of the city, previously without casualties, injuries and destruction.

02:19 Zelensky, in an evening video message, said that during the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region, only in the first day of active operations, the Armed Forces of Ukraine moved forward by 19 km. In five days of fighting, 110 km were covered, in total almost 400 settlements were de-occupied, 150 thousand Ukrainians were liberated.

The President emphasized that for more than five months that the Russian army was in the Kharkiv region, the occupiers did not even try to do something for the people: “They only destroyed, only took away, only took them out. The invaders left schools turned into dumps, and churches - broken, literally turned into toilets ... What the world saw in Bucha, what we saw in the de-occupied territory of Chernihiv and Sumy regions, what we see now with you in the Kharkiv region - this is evidence of genocide against Ukrainians. Proof that Russia cannot bring anything other than genocide."

01:46 Zelensky, in an evening video message in Russian, addressed the Russians: "History is written by people, non-humans - never. Events show that the only way out for Russian soldiers is to surrender to Ukrainian forces. Only this guarantees them the preservation of life and attitude in accordance with all conventions.Today's missile attacks, Russian missiles on Krivoy Rog, on the dam of the Karachunovsky reservoir, on objects that have no military value at all, in fact on hundreds of thousands of ordinary civilians - this is another reason why Russia will lose. this war, but history itself."

00:13 The head of the VA of Krivoy Rog, Alexander Vilkul, said that the Russians fired eight cruise missiles "on a very large hydraulic structure" in Krivoy Rog. “An attempt is to simply wash away part of our city with water. We control the situation, the accident is being eliminated, all services are involved, everything is in place. But the water level in the Ingulets River has risen,” Vilkul wrote.

In order to "move away from unnecessary risks," he asked residents of a number of streets in the Ingulets and Central City districts to be evacuated. Municipal buses will be served, people will be taken to schools and kindergartens, where they can stay while the accident is being eliminated.

Posted by: badanov 2022-09-16