
Willie Dixon: ‘Blues is the Facts of Life’
Willie Dixon was an American blues songwriter of the 1960s and 1970s.
[AMERICANBLUESSCENE] Interview with Willie Dixon conducted at Yambo Records and Soul
Productions Chicago by Cary Baker

Willie Dixon was the unsung father of Chicago blues. Artists like Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Little Walter, Koko Taylor, Bo DIddley and Otis Rush were making waves during the 1950s. But the man behind the scenes with the bass and the song repertoire was Willie Dixon, a staff writer and producer at Chess for many influential years. But Dixon had a past worth mentioning: A Golden Gloves boxing champion, segueing into being one third of the jump-blues Big Three Trio. From there to Chicago, he wrote the songs that made the Chess stars into global hitmakers. Dixon was on salary, and his publishing was owned by Arc Music. But later, Dixon took control with his own label, management company and of course publishing company.
Posted by: badanov 2022-09-25