
Could the TWA 800 Cover-Up Finally Come Undone?
[American Thinker] A month ago American Thinker published my article on whistleblower William Teele, the ten-year U.S. Navy vet who shared his own perspective on the TWA Flight 800, the 747 that blew up off the coast of Long Island in July 1996. In that Teele was not on the ship that fired the missile, I asked for those with more information to share what they knew by contacting me through my website.

The quantity and quality of the response stunned me. As a spoiler alert, no respondent admitted to being a witness, and some did not believe the Navy fired the missile. That said, all were respectful and informative. Several added corrective or confirming details. Some sample intros:

While working as a commercial airline (NWA) Captain...

I spent 3-and-a-half years aboard the USS Nimitz...

I'm a retired USN Commander...

I was a GMM or gunners mate missiles while in the US Navy...

I'm retired mil. I have studied weapons for decades...

I am a retired Navy Surface Warfare Officer Captain...

I was a first officer flying the Airbus A320 for Northwest Airlines...

I was in the Navy for 20 years, four ships (3 of them "shooters")...

I was qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer

As much as I would love to hear from a firsthand witness, I believe the courts hold more immediate potential. On June 28, 2022, attorney John Roddy with the Boston firm of Bailey and Glasser filed a lawsuit on behalf of numerous family members of those killed in the 1996 crash. Based on the research of physicist Tom Stalcup, the suit is stunning in its sophistication and detail.

I first met Stalcup when I interviewed him for a documentary on TWA 800 called "Silenced" that James Sanders and I produced in 2001. I was a latecomer to this extraordinary story, but Stalcup had been deeply involved in the case from very nearly the beginning and remains committed to this day.

As a quick refresher, TWA Flight 800 left JFK airport in New York en route to Paris on July 17, 1996. Twelve minutes after its 8:19 departure the ill-fated 747 blew up off the south coast of Long Island, killing all 230 souls aboard.

The suit wastes no time in establishing its central argument: "After the incident, the federal government released a false report contending that the explosion was the result of an electrical fire in the airplane’s center." The real cause, the suit argues, was "an errant United States missile fired at aerial target drones flying nearby."

Based on the "overwhelming evidence" uncovered by Stalcup through his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation in Massachusetts federal court, the suit names as the government defendants in this tragic mishap the Missile Defense Agency, the United States Department of Defense, and the United States Navy.

The contractor defendants cited are Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Working "side-by-side," these defendants were reportedly testing the Aegis Weapons System and firing SM-2 missiles with live warheads at aerial missile targets off the coast of New York "in close proximity to commercial airline flight paths." The suit leaves open the possibility that more than one "warship" was involved in the launch.

The suit walks through the well-established facts surrounding the investigation. The FBI froze out the National Transportation Board despite the NTSB’s legal responsibility to manage domestic air crashes. According to the suit, "The FBI also enlisted the assistance of the Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA")." Yes, the CIA was involved from day one, but I suspect that "enlisting" the agency was not the FBI’s idea.

The suit adds new information, namely that "the FBI removed all copies (original and duplicates) of Navy radar tapes from the Navy, placing them out of the NTSB’s reach."

The suit addresses the CIA animation used to discredit the scores of excellent eyewitness, but adds this detail, "Despite outwardly proclaiming that the cause of the TWA 800 explosion was, in the CIA’s words, ’NOT A MISSILE,’ several internal government communications (that have only come to light in the recent FOIA litigation) indicated that a missile was involved."

The suit reviews the history of Navy’s Aegis Missile system responsible for the misfire. The Department of Defense (DOD) pushed the system quickly through production and deployment thinking the missile threat from hostile countries "here and now." Although the suit does not mention this detail, there was a real fear at the time of terrorists using planes as missiles, a fear that proved tragically well-grounded five years later.
Posted by: Besoeker 2022-09-30